Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
I am a tea party supporter. I do not trust the Republicans. Both Dems and Repubs put us in this debt nightmare. Here is why I think the Repubs are liars.
They now have a substantial majority in the House. All spending must pass both the House and the Senate and be approved by the President absent a veto override. All spending must originate in the House. If the Republicans were serious about spending reduction, they would announce NOW that the budget will be balanced before the debt ceiling vote is taken in March, no ifs, ands, or BUTTS (you know the kind I mean). They have control. They can refuse to fund any program they want. They can send a bill to the Senate saying here are the cuts, and no vote on the debt ceiling without these cuts. They have all the control right now. They do not need the Democrats or the President. On the next budget all they have to do is only send to the Senate a balanced budget.. simple as that. They are not stupid. They know they can. So why are they NOT SHOUTING THEIR POWER all over the media?? .. because they do not intend to cut spending substantially, and they want the blame for even minor cuts to be shared by the Democrats and the President. This is proof they really do not believe in spending cuts. They are hiding the truth and that is why I dislike them more that Dems. Prove me wrong Repubs. Tell me why they cant stop the spending RIGHT NOW by demanding the cuts NOW as part of any vote on raising the debt celing. If the Dems or the president refuse to go along, THEY shut down the government, not the Repubs. They have the power. I just proved it. JJ |
Wow...........Easy big guy.......
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It's interesting that there are several exceptions to the Republican's "Cut Go" system - meaning you can't have any new spending without cutting somewhere else.
The biggest exception I noted was any bill involving repealing any part of "Obamacare". Think about that for a second - the Republicans scream that Obamacare will bankrupt us but then say that budget increases DUE TO REPEALING OBAMACARE are ok! The CBO says that Obamacare will save money (actually I believe it they say that budget increases with Obamacare are less than without it). The GOP says they don't believe the CBO's numbers. But the Republicans show NO SPINE by crafting themselves an "out" if repealing Obamacare DOES end up costing more than keeping it. Meanwhile - nobody screams about the fact that we still pay more than any other nation for health care. Over $5700 per capita according to some 2 year old number I found. The next highest country is Switzerland paying just over $3000 and they recently switched from "American Style" health care to a public-private system more like what you'll find in France and Germany. Oh, and the Canadians? They pay around $2700. To be honest, I'm shocked that Republicans and Democrats aren't both screaming the same tune that we're being ripped off - paying more than anyone and not getting our money's worth. Explain to me why walking into a hospital in Montreal and getting expert emergency care cost me less than $600 while the same procedures at home in New Hampshire cost several thousand. It's inexcusable. |
![]() Quote: The CBO also admits that Obamacare will SHRINK THE ECONOMY and REDUCE THE INCENTIVE TO WORK. Your info seems to be seriously flawed. This is a bad deal and someday you're going to have to admit it. |
Interesting to see that no one challenges my main point that Republican politicians are liars and will not take the deficit issue seriously. Maybe it is just so obvious, I am dillusional for even asking... I was hoping someone could convince me I am wrong.
The reason Repubs Politicians will not seriously fix the deficit and national debt is one of two: 1. They really do not want to because just like the Dems they enjoy the power of spending. 2. It has gone too far and cannot be fixed, so they talk the talk, and nibble around the edges as long as they can. I fear it is 2. I pray it is 1. Isn't that pitiful... JJ |
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All the while, there were folks, elected and not who were trying very hard to have that media you speak of to tell the shout that this will not reduce health costs and does not even address it. During the little charade the President held where he basically yawned his way through, we heard over and over about costs not being addressed to no avail. We heard folks who wanted to just discuss reducing health costs to no avail. You then say that "nobody screams about the fact that we still pay more than any other nation for health care." have you been out of touch in some way...this is the very reasoning being used as this bill got closer to passage. EVERYBODY screams but you gotta have somebody to listen. I hear it all the time..I read it all the time..not in big print I will give you. Tell the man who you seem to adore in the WH to begin to listen. Finally, RICH has a post on the arrogant line being forwarded by a few Democrats..not all but a few on the CBO numbers. I suggest you read the premise for any budget numbers and the fragile, AT BEST, financial justification for this bill. Sorry...I am ranting...I swore off posting on here because of folks like you who will find a way to defend this WH, the single most corrupt and political WH I can recall. I have railed on this bill before it was passed...I have mentioned many times the environment this was passed in...bacrooms, deals, etc. Yes we need to address health costs...absolutely...tell your President that ! |
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Being quiet for the last two years is pitiful !!! |
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I am not calling the NEW members of congress liars. I am calling the reelected ones who are in leadership positions who are wringing their hands claiming we must be adults on the debt ceiling vote, and they claim the senate or president will stop us so we have to be reasonable. That is pure BS. I voted republican, even for our senator who is NOT conservative but claims to be. I voted for them and we all gave them the power they need to stop this deficit insanity using the simple suggestion I made. They know they can do it. They are already making excuses why they wont. That is why I am upset. If you are a conservative, you know they are backpeddling already. Is it 1. or 2.?? JJ |
Yes, glad to have you in Iowa. Thank you for staying there.
TV.. Florida's friendliest hometown.
JJ |
Thanks for that personal attack. Now I know you had nothing intelligent to contribute to the discussion.
JJ |
Bucco: Please show where I exhibited satisfaction at the bill being passed. I am more than dissatisfied. To me, "Obamacare" started out as health care reform with a public option but ended up being welfare for the private insurance companies that helped get us into this mess.
I have no trouble with people disagreeing with me - I love a good debate. But please don't put words in my mouth. And let me clarify my bit about how nobody is screaming about costs. It would have been more accurate of me to say that the screaming is almost entirely about politics and demagoguery. Nobody - not one single legislator to my knowledge - and please correct me if I'm wrong - has proposed so much as a study to put down in writing WHY our costs are so high. My *theory* is that nobody wants to tick off the ABA (the lawyers that profit) or the AMA (the doctors that profit from the control of our teaching hospitals) or Big Pharma that can charge US ridiculous prices for medicines that other countries get for a fraction of what we pay (as we apparently foot the bill for the world's research and development). Obamacare turned out to be much more treating the symptom instead of the disease. |
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I suppose I shouldnt post on here much as I get too emotional especially on this subject and perhaps lose my objectivity. I just know I have been trying to have somebody agree with me that a bill like this, born of backroom deals and actual blackmail and payoffs that was done even though EVERY poll showed the american public did not want it...then to hail the man who wasted almost an entire year of his bully pulpit and power that might have created jobs as some kind of hero just irks me. It seems to me that any President who could do such a thing must be looked at as a person who will sell his soul for his heritage. Listen,I am not naive....I know that deals and such are done almost every day, but not such a large unwanted wide reaching piece of legislation like this and at such a absolutely bad time for such a thing. It simply boggles my mind how this man has any support whatsoever. He will now, as a result of Nov change his image to the voters...he has no principles at all in my mind...he has been a politician all his life, folks have and continue to swoon at his feet. Sorry...I do feel very strongly about this. Everything I posted on this board BEFORE HE WAS THE CANDIDATE is coming true and it is very scary to me ! This does not mean I am granting sainthood to the other party either. I simply consider this President to be a most dangerous influence on this country ! And to those who feel they must blame a political figure for the tragedy in Arizona, I say if you watched the strong arm tactics used in Nov of 2008, NOT JUST IN PHILLY BY THE WAY, you can just envision if this man does not get his way and get elected in 2012 Sorry again DJPLONG...I know how I sound on this subject and as I said that is why I have and will keep my distance on here. To me, there is no debate...this President is dangerous and must be controlled ! |
Bucco: Just for future reference, and I appreciate what you said, I'm not happy with the Democrats. They took the "mandate for change" as 'read' with Obama's election and conveniently forgot that Congress was the only part of the government that had a lower approval rating than President Bush. Many people predicted that the incompetence of the House would rear it's head to bite Obama's approval ratings like a rabid wolverine and it's done exactly that.
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