US Taxpayer already suffering effects of Trumps tax disaster

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Old 12-21-2017, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I give you credit Doctor.

These people do not understand economics and certainly zero about the third world.

Wait till they see the 3rd quarter 2018 economic numbers. They will all be off the charts, especially the hard asset expenditure.

Just in time for the big midterm exams!
The Villages Florida
I hope that that will be enough. What really determines how people vote is their pocketbooks. If the midterms were going to be held after April 15 of 2019, I'd feel a lot more confident. the problem is that the Democrats with the help of the media are going to keep banging away with lies and distortions about what's going on. If they can't do that, they try to keep the Russia nonsense going. Most Americans really don't understand very much about economics so they'll tend to believe the talking heads and the Schumer, Pelosi lies.
Old 12-21-2017, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
I hope that that will be enough. What really determines how people vote is their pocketbooks. If the midterms were going to be held after April 15 of 2019, I'd feel a lot more confident. the problem is that the Democrats with the help of the media are going to keep banging away with lies and distortions about what's going on. If they can't do that, they try to keep the Russia nonsense going. Most Americans really don't understand very much about economics so they'll tend to believe the talking heads and the Schumer, Pelosi lies.
Time may be on the side of truth and justice. Much more will be uncovered with regard to these illegal fisa warrants and Hezbollah, FBI corruption excetera excetera

Unfortunately it's like pulling teeth, but the timing may work out
Old 12-21-2017, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Obama was busy paying off the two wars Bush put on the credit card, pulling the nation out of the worst recession in its history, rescuing the auto industry, and giving the orders to take out bin Laden.

Iran and North Korea were pretty darn quiet when Obama was President, because they feared the United States. Now that they know this country is run by a moron, they feel free to act up.

You are delusional!
Old 12-21-2017, 09:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Actually, the Reagan tax cuts produced the highest % deficit ratio of GDP in history. He then RAISED taxes 4 more times......What we learned from Reagan’s tax cuts
Again, deficits are caused by spending more money than you take in. A balanced budget amendment would end deficits.

We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Congress loves to spend money because it keeps getting them re-elected. What we need to stop this downward spiral are a balanced budget amendment and term limits.
Old 12-21-2017, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
Again, deficits are caused by spending more money than you take in. A balanced budget amendment would end deficits.

We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Congress loves to spend money because it keeps getting them re-elected. What we need to stop this downward spiral are a balanced budget amendment and term limits.
balanced budget amendment and term limits will be the focus of trumps second term.

And lobbyists too
Old 12-21-2017, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The only answer I can give you is I am 66 and won't take ss until I have to. When they say the country is in debt and we need to trim entitlements I'll say a prayer for you, I don't need it. It's going to be dejavue all over again. Just like Nixon when you realize he lying your going to be very disappointed.
If you don't need it then you shouldn't be eligible to receive it. SS was for the poor hard working class that majority wasn't expected to live pass 65. (But then the carpetbaggers found out the could panhandle for votes to stay in office, so entitlements was added to create voting base). Anybody that's got million dollars in assets should be exempt. Cause somewhere along the line they cheated, stole, or flip flamed somebody out of there hard earned money ( the three things that makes good lawyer) SS is not entitlement for those that EARNED it. It only entitlement for the ones that leach off it.

They took my money for 48 years, now time to play me for 15 if I am lucky. Save your prays for yourself. You will be just as dead as me and all that money not going to prevent it, but might make pretty head stone for the birds to crap on.
Old 12-21-2017, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
STOP TO THINK- In our PRESS that we all rely on for VALID information, the RUSSIANS have changed from being our ally to being evil incarnate. THEY HAVE NOT CHANGED-OUR PRESSE'S MANIPULATION OF YOUR THOUGHTS HAS.

As to the current CLAIMED Trump CLAIMED collaboration with the Russians. STOP TO THINK-why would the Russians prefer Trump in the White House over Hillary?
The Hillary Obama deal to sell/GIVE 20% of America's uranium to the Russians confirms SHE can be HAS BEEN BOUGHT.

Only a FOOL would believe that anyone, up to and including the President of the United States, would have the ability and the authority to sell/give one ounce of our uranium to any other country. No uranium has ever left this country. Get with the program, that conspiracy theory is old, just like all the other scares that you snowflakes fall for:
Obama's wiretapping
deep-state FBI agents
Seth Rich
the false-flag Newtown massacre
Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
Soros-funded Charlotttesville false-flag murder
Vince Foster's murder
Obama's shadow government
the Joe Scarborough murder case

What's next on your fear-fueled overheated imaginative little minds?
Old 12-21-2017, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I hope that that will be enough. What really determines how people vote is their pocketbooks. If the midterms were going to be held after April 15 of 2019, I'd feel a lot more confident. the problem is that the Democrats with the help of the media are going to keep banging away with lies and distortions about what's going on. If they can't do that, they try to keep the Russia nonsense going. Most Americans really don't understand very much about economics so they'll tend to believe the talking heads and the Schumer, Pelosi lies.
A family of four prior to the tax changes would have had a standard deduction of $12,700 and four exemptions worth $16,200 combined, so their first $28,900 would be tax-free. Under the new tax law, they would just get the $24,000 standard deduction, making an additional $4,900 subject to income taxes. But the good news is, if a couple passes on an estate valued at $25 million and they leave $3 million or more to charitable causes in their will from their estate, their heirs would pay no tax at all on this inheritance.
Old 12-21-2017, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by mellincf View Post
A family of four prior to the tax changes would have had a standard deduction of $12,700 and four exemptions worth $16,200 combined, so their first $28,900 would be tax-free. Under the new tax law, they would just get the $24,000 standard deduction, making an additional $4,900 subject to income taxes. But the good news is, if a couple passes on an estate valued at $25 million and they leave $3 million or more to charitable causes in their will from their estate, their heirs would pay no tax at all on this inheritance.
Which family of four pays more tax?
Old 12-22-2017, 12:35 AM
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The top 1% pay half of all federal income (I might be in top 4%). We worked hard to get our degrees. Worked in manufacturing (including long stints on 2nd and 3rd shift) for 40 years. We always were conservative with our money and invested well. We were lucky but we worked hard. I only mention my income level because while this tax change made me a lot of money on my investments I think Trump economic policies will hurt this country in the long term (I have a science and business degree). If you put a means test on SS the top incomes who pay most (the top 50% pay 97% of all federal income tax) will drop its support for it and it will slowly die. Look at the math and I think you'll see the republicans are not friends of seniors.
Old 12-22-2017, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by doughete View Post
The top 1% pay half of all federal income (I might be in top 4%). We worked hard to get our degrees. Worked in manufacturing (including long stints on 2nd and 3rd shift) for 40 years. We always were conservative with our money and invested well. We were lucky but we worked hard. I only mention my income level because while this tax change made me a lot of money on my investments I think Trump economic policies will hurt this country in the long term (I have a science and business degree). If you put a means test on SS the top incomes who pay most (the top 50% pay 97% of all federal income tax) will drop its support for it and it will slowly die. Look at the math and I think you'll see the republicans are not friends of seniors.
"I might be on the top 4%"
Yesterday you were bragging you were....

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Old 12-22-2017, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I give you credit Doctor.

These people do not understand economics and certainly zero about the third world.

Wait till they see the 3rd quarter 2018 economic numbers. They will all be off the charts, especially the hard asset expenditure.

Just in time for the big midterm exams!
The Villages Florida
Economist don't understand economics

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-22-2017, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
balanced budget amendment and term limits will be the focus of trumps second term.

And lobbyists too
Hopefully, but I doubt that we'll ever see Congress voting to impose term limits on themselves.

But, here's my idea for the heck of it.

One nine year term for senators. One six year term for representatives. Replace one-third of each house every three years. That gives us a combination of experience and new blood. No person can serve more than one term as representative, one term as senator and two terms as president in their lifetime. Time to put a stop to professional politicians. Return us to a citizen government.
Old 12-22-2017, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Economist don't understand economics

Personal Best Regards:
Sure they do. It's just that they can frame pretty much any situation or any result anyway that a political party would like the to.
Old 12-22-2017, 07:12 AM
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" for every action there is a reaction"

Evey time Trump scores look to the progressives and their public relations firms (MSM Hollywood) to howl and to loudly howl and the more and louder they howl the more certainty that the Trump Administration's policies move them closer and closer to a successful 2020

P.S. to my progressive friends A REALISTIC ALERT

If Obama cut corporate taxes during his second term Hillary Clinton would be president today

Personal Best Regards:

tax, bill, announced, employees, reform

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