US Taxpayer already suffering effects of Trumps tax disaster

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Old 12-22-2017, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The top 1% pay half of all federal income (I might be in top 4%). We worked hard to get our degrees. Worked in manufacturing (including long stints on 2nd and 3rd shift) for 40 years. We always were conservative with our money and invested well. We were lucky but we worked hard. I only mention my income level because while this tax change made me a lot of money on my investments I think Trump economic policies will hurt this country in the long term (I have a science and business degree). If you put a means test on SS the top incomes who pay most (the top 50% pay 97% of all federal income tax) will drop its support for it and it will slowly die. Look at the math and I think you'll see the republicans are not friends of seniors.
And democrats aren't friends of white men or America itself...they keep fighting to tear it have us replaced by minorities.
Old 12-22-2017, 10:09 AM
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The republicans won't stop immigration because they want cheap labor. You don't have to build a wall, just fine any business that hires illegal immigrants. Migrants come here to work without it they would head home. The dems want votes so they won't push for serious immigration reform. I'm not a democrat there's nothing in their platform that excites me but republicans are doing things which will hurt the economy. My dream would be to go back to a middle of the road democrat and republican party where it was hard to tell them apart. I blame the republicans for starting the take no prisoners fight. Remember they were the party back when the economy was good who wanted to do away with SS. Yes I would be richer if I invested my own money but not everybody has investment knowledge and we all know people who if they got a pile of money at retirement would be broke in 2 years. THE DUMBEST POLITICAL IDEA OF ALL TIME. Sorry but the republicans do not have the welfare of seniors as a priority. They are only trying to give money back to the wealthy donors who have kept them afloat.
Old 12-22-2017, 10:49 AM
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Do you know how many illegals are in the US, 11 million. Do you know how many Canada has, 100,000. Obviously anyone who can walk across our southern border would not have trouble walking across our northern border. A wall has nothing to do with the low numbers. You need a government card to work or access healthcare. They do have laborers who work on farms with work permits. Why don't we copy this system which costs the government nothing? Farm owners can pay less when their employees are in the shadows. We do have the best form of government but you can't take what either side says without critical analysis.
Old 12-22-2017, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The republicans won't stop immigration because they want cheap labor. You don't have to build a wall, just fine any business that hires illegal immigrants. Migrants come here to work without it they would head home. The dems want votes so they won't push for serious immigration reform. I'm not a democrat there's nothing in their platform that excites me but republicans are doing things which will hurt the economy. My dream would be to go back to a middle of the road democrat and republican party where it was hard to tell them apart. I blame the republicans for starting the take no prisoners fight. Remember they were the party back when the economy was good who wanted to do away with SS. Yes I would be richer if I invested my own money but not everybody has investment knowledge and we all know people who if they got a pile of money at retirement would be broke in 2 years. THE DUMBEST POLITICAL IDEA OF ALL TIME. Sorry but the republicans do not have the welfare of seniors as a priority. They are only trying to give money back to the wealthy donors who have kept them afloat.
You are correct..the business owners want the lowest costs possible...they also don't want to put up with all the EEO laws either so they hire "under the table".

They come here to drop their anchor baby so they can stay. The child is a US and cannot be deported. Their parents are rarely deported when caught. The child IS eligible for ALL family/welfare services.

BOTH parties killed the economy and now they're killing the whole country.

WHO? Nobody living here...we're here because we WERE careful with our money. Women and minorities would be broke in 2 years...lets be honest.

Actually...BOTH sides do that.

Originally Posted by Guest
Do you know how many illegals are in the US, 11 million. Do you know how many Canada has, 100,000. Obviously anyone who can walk across our southern border would not have trouble walking across our northern border. A wall has nothing to do with the low numbers. You need a government card to work or access healthcare. They do have laborers who work on farms with work permits. Why don't we copy this system which costs the government nothing? Farm owners can pay less when their employees are in the shadows. We do have the best form of government but you can't take what either side says without critical analysis.
That's 11 million at ANY ONE TIME. They rotate, they cycle through...dropping their anchor babies. There are over 100 million...1/3 of the countries population was born outside America or is the child of someone born outside the country. It's WAY too many! It IS diluting us...unlike Canada.

We have corruption...we have theft...not government.
Old 12-22-2017, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Do you know how many illegals are in the US, 11 million. Do you know how many Canada has, 100,000. Obviously anyone who can walk across our southern border would not have trouble walking across our northern border. A wall has nothing to do with the low numbers. You need a government card to work or access healthcare. They do have laborers who work on farms with work permits. Why don't we copy this system which costs the government nothing? Farm owners can pay less when their employees are in the shadows. We do have the best form of government but you can't take what either side says without critical analysis.
Most illegals are FLYING in. There is no tracking as to where they are or if they go back. Trump is doing nothing but talk.

His in-laws are here , living off the taxpayer.
Old 12-22-2017, 12:21 PM
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Despite the screaming from the WH and the extreme white nationalist websites......

"As of today, President Trump has signed the fewest bills into law by this point in any president’s first year at least as far back as President Eisenhower.

Throughout 2017, the President and Republican leaders in Congress have touted their passing of the most legislation in modern history. On his 100th day in office, the President announced he had signed the most bills of any president since Truman — and repeated it later (long after it was no longer true). House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy recently tweeted that the House of Representatives passed more bills in the President’s first 11 months than in the same time period of the five most recent presidents.
By his own standard, the President has sunk to last place with 94 bills signed into law by his 336th day in office (today). That’s 8 fewer than President George W. Bush and not even half as many as presidents Bill Clinton (209) and George H.W. Bush (242):

Falling From First to Last: President Trump has signed the fewest bills into law by this point in…

Trump has signed the fewest new laws at this point of any recent president - The Washington Post
Old 12-22-2017, 01:17 PM
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Interesting post from Rockface...

1st you claimed you, supposedly, use to be a Republican and used the name Butthole" on here (or something like that)...

You then, supposedly, received death threats from the few Democrats on here and left this forum...

You then got fed up with the current GOPs deviation from the core values like smaller government and, supposedly, left the GOP party for the Smurf party...

Now your bitching you want more laws signed in 12 months...

Does anyone else see the sillyness in this dumb a$$??

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Old 12-22-2017, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Interesting post from Rockface...

1st you claimed you, supposedly, use to be a Republican and used the name Butthole" on here (or something like that)...

You then, supposedly, received death threats from the few Democrats on here and left this forum...

You then got fed up with the current GOPs deviation from the core values like smaller government and, supposedly, left the GOP party for the Smurf party...

Now your bitching you want more laws signed in 12 months...

Does anyone else see the sillyness in this dumb a$$??

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While I, and everyone else, is aware of your penchant for twisting in order to attack people, I was taken back by your ability to even misunderstand the simplest of points.

I can't use small enough words for you to understand, so best I can do is this.....Trump say he passed much legislation. He say more than anybody.

Trump lie. Trump always lie. Trump in last place.
Old 12-22-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
While I, and everyone else, is aware of your penchant for twisting in order to attack people, I was taken back by your ability to even misunderstand the simplest of points.

I can't use small enough words for you to understand, so best I can do is this.....Trump say he passed much legislation. He say more than anybody.

Trump lie. Trump always lie. Trump in last place.
That's what you got? Lol

Biggest tax law in 40 years. Ends Obama care tax and he will not fund it either.

All with no Democratic support and many never trumpers too.

All by a job politician in his 1st year.

And despite entrenched criminals throughout Govt,

Trump is Truly a miracle worker. You fool

Wait till after the midterms and his 2nd term!!!
Old 12-22-2017, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockface View Post
While I, and everyone else, is aware of your penchant for twisting in order to attack people, I was taken back by your ability to even misunderstand the simplest of points.

I can't use small enough words for you to understand, so best I can do is this.....Trump say he passed much legislation. He say more than anybody.

Trump lie. Trump always lie. Trump in last place.
I did not twist any of your words, if you feel something is incorrect let us know.

Please define "much"...
And post the link to where Trump said he passed the "most".

As for lies: don't throw stones when YOU live in a glass house.

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Old 12-22-2017, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Despite the screaming from the WH and the extreme white nationalist websites......

"As of today, President Trump has signed the fewest bills into law by this point in any president’s first year at least as far back as President Eisenhower.

Throughout 2017, the President and Republican leaders in Congress have touted their passing of the most legislation in modern history. On his 100th day in office, the President announced he had signed the most bills of any president since Truman — and repeated it later (long after it was no longer true). House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy recently tweeted that the House of Representatives passed more bills in the President’s first 11 months than in the same time period of the five most recent presidents.
By his own standard, the President has sunk to last place with 94 bills signed into law by his 336th day in office (today). That’s 8 fewer than President George W. Bush and not even half as many as presidents Bill Clinton (209) and George H.W. Bush (242):

Falling From First to Last: President Trump has signed the fewest bills into law by this point in…

Trump has signed the fewest new laws at this point of any recent president - The Washington Post
You neglected to include that the Obama left overs and appointees along with the Democratic Congress , top leaders in the intelligence community and MSM have all worked toward throwing up legal and politica barriersl, and have inundated the news with fake stories about Trump; but here he is and he never let' them see him sweat.

Yet the economy is booming Wall Street is setting new records employment is going great guns and black unemployment is the lowest its been in 17 years and the new tax bill will benefit the typical middle class American by an average $1600.

Need I remind you that as long as the Democratic Congress sits out its participation in the policy process, they and voters like you have not earned the right to criticize.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-22-2017, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I did not twist any of your words, if you feel something is incorrect let us know.

Please define "much"...
And post the link to where Trump said he passed the "most".

As for lies: don't throw stones when YOU live in a glass house.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

As of October....

"TRUMP: "I've had just about the most legislation passed of any president, in a nine-month period, that's ever served. We had over 50 bills passed. I'm not talking about executive orders only, which are very important. I'm talking about bills." — Forbes interview.

THE FACTS: He's signed little of consequence into law, a thin record all the more striking because of the Republican majority in the House and Senate. His record pales not just next to Franklin Roosevelt's but with Obama's and others.

All presidents sign routine legislation. Trump is no exception. Among the more than 50 bills he's enacted with his signature: legislation naming a Veterans Affairs health clinic in Butler County, Pennsylvania, after Bataan Death March survivor Abie Abraham, appointing a regent at the Smithsonian Institution, and naming a federal building and courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee, after late Sen. Fred Thompson.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's empty boasts on legislation, economy | Fox Business

Frankly, it is a very stupid and immature conversation. He also said he did the most in the first 100 days, which was a lie, boast or whatever...the sad thing is you people believe his stuff.

i think his con continues with the recent tax bill, although in principal I have no serious problems with it except he sells everything starting with a lie.

I am not happy with the addition to the deficit at all, and will be watching as the spending is addressed.
Old 12-22-2017, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You neglected to include that the Obama left overs and appointees along with the Democratic Congress , top leaders in the intelligence community and MSM have all worked toward throwing up legal and politica barriersl, and have inundated the news with fake stories about Trump; but here he is and he never let' them see him sweat.

Yet the economy is booming Wall Street is setting new records employment is going great guns and black unemployment is the lowest its been in 17 years and the new tax bill will benefit the typical middle class American by an average $1600.

Need I remind you that as long as the Democratic Congress sits out its participation in the policy process, they and voters like you have not earned the right to criticize.

Personal Best Regards:
Please link to one FAKE STORY by the MSM !!!!

Please link to one credible intelligence agency throwing a "roadblock" at Trump. Not including the made up conspiracy theories fostered by Fox and Friends or other spokesman for Trump....especially the crew in the evening.....Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity because they are simply shills for the WH whether truth or not.
Old 12-22-2017, 04:45 PM
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Wonder how many of the pre-existing obamacare insured will be making lots of money on this tax reform. ZERO
Old 12-22-2017, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Wonder how many of the pre-existing obamacare insured will be making lots of money on this tax reform. ZERO
You do realize that the tax reform bill was never meant to be an income stream don't you?

tax, bill, announced, employees, reform

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