West Point speech today by Obama is another perfect

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Old 05-25-2010, 11:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Call A Spade A Spade

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Anyone intelligent who looks at What Obama is saying and doing
will come to the conclusion that he is moving the Country Quickly
and ideologically toward Socialism and the Democrats are blindly
assisting him by giving him the votes he needs to do so.
So vote for his opponent in 2012 like I will.

In the meantime, why get your shorts in a knot over something you can't do anything about anyway? If anyone thinks Congress is listening, that's a laugh. Not when the lobbyists ae throwing money around as they are.

Maybe the Texans are right. In their new history books that will be used by all Texas schoolchildren, as well as millions of kids in other states for the next ten years, they've removed "democracy" as the form of the U.S. government and replaced it with "constitutional republic". And that was done by the conservative-controlled Texas legislature.

Hey, might as well call a spade a spade. It sure ain't no democracy anymore...not unless the only votes that count are those of the special interest lobbyists.
Old 05-25-2010, 02:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
So vote for his opponent in 2012 like I will.

In the meantime, why get your shorts in a knot over something you can't do anything about anyway? If anyone thinks Congress is listening, that's a laugh. Not when the lobbyists ae throwing money around as they are.

Maybe the Texans are right. In their new history books that will be used by all Texas schoolchildren, as well as millions of kids in other states for the next ten years, they've removed "democracy" as the form of the U.S. government and replaced it with "constitutional republic". And that was done by the conservative-controlled Texas legislature.

Hey, might as well call a spade a spade. It sure ain't no democracy anymore...not unless the only votes that count are those of the special interest lobbyists.

While I agree with most of this post, I will tell you why I am getting my "...shorts in a knot" !

I am tired of this guy and this congress getting away with it. I am tired of folks on here and elsewhere defending this guy and this congress at every turn. I am tired of hearing President Bush's name used everytime this President is discussed. I am tired of hearing how he has done this or that, when he has simply lied himself to here. I am tired of the double standard in the media, especiallly when it comes to this President.

These are some of the reasons I am getting "my shorts in a knot"

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