What Recovery Summer?

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Old 08-11-2010, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a

The ruling class do not care what the serfs want. They will ruin the country with one objective-- to get re-elected.

They simply do not care.
Old 08-11-2010, 07:40 PM
Posts: n/a

since we seem to have moved away from recovery in this thread, i sorta wanna back up a thought in btk's post about the mosque being a 'slap in the face'.

newt gingrich a week or so ago raised the point that there is a reason why the proposed mosque is to be called the cordoba initiative; and it goes way back to the Islamic invasion of the spanish city of cordoba in which they conquered the Spanish, sold them into slavery, and used cordoba as a base for slaver raids into other parts of Europe, and ruled by the sword of the caliph [who succeeded mohammed].

The mosque of cordoba was built on the site of a christian cathedral but was lost to a European invasion and then reconstructed as a cathedral. The conquest and reconquest has not been forgotten by islamists who have been waiting to restore the glory of their original invasion. choosing the name of cordoba initiative is in reality another act of hostility and is descriptive of the islamists intention to expand, invade and subjugate.

An article that can be found here: http://www.urbanelephants.com/index....e/64/2700.html that explains newt’s presentation much better that I did.

now this info freaked me out...to know that regardless of whatever reasons for building on this site get thrown around, the bottom line is that it is really an islamic effort to invade and show supremacy if not their intention to practice it.
Old 08-12-2010, 05:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Pats: I've heard both sides of that argument. Yeah, there's some violent stuff in the Koran. Have you ever read the Bible? You'll find a vengeful, petty, jealous God in there too.

And as a side note - apparently people (myself included) are jumping to conclusions. I've read a few reports that what's planned at the site is a *cultural center*, not a "full-fleged" mosque (though I haven't totally confirmed that yet).

Bill: So it means what YOU say it means? Never mind what the stated intent of the people involved is? You've just made the same arguments that my ex-wife made against me in my *very* bitter divorce case. Reality didn't matter with her. If something happened, it happened for reasons that SHE stated, never mind the real reason.

Muslims today seem to be the "Commies Under The Bed"-du-jour and knee-jerk reactions never sit well with me.

Like I said, I see too many parallels with other religions that "get a pass" and don't suffer the same kind of backlash.

Why, might you ask, so I seem so defensive? Because if we REALLY DO go to war with ALL of Islam, we've just made a billion and a half people into our enemies. I don't like those odds.
Old 08-12-2010, 07:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
Pats: I've heard both sides of that argument. Yeah, there's some violent stuff in the Koran. Have you ever read the Bible? You'll find a vengeful, petty, jealous God in there too.

And as a side note - apparently people (myself included) are jumping to conclusions. I've read a few reports that what's planned at the site is a *cultural center*, not a "full-fleged" mosque (though I haven't totally confirmed that yet).

Bill: So it means what YOU say it means? Never mind what the stated intent of the people involved is? You've just made the same arguments that my ex-wife made against me in my *very* bitter divorce case. Reality didn't matter with her. If something happened, it happened for reasons that SHE stated, never mind the real reason.

Muslims today seem to be the "Commies Under The Bed"-du-jour and knee-jerk reactions never sit well with me.

Like I said, I see too many parallels with other religions that "get a pass" and don't suffer the same kind of backlash.

Why, might you ask, so I seem so defensive? Because if we REALLY DO go to war with ALL of Islam, we've just made a billion and a half people into our enemies. I don't like those odds.
Did you view the video? Sounds like you didn't. Did you not understand the difference between the Bible and their Qur'an.
And for your information, they are already at war with us. We have no choice in the matter!!!!

I might have to agree with your ex. I don't think you really LISTEN!!
Old 08-12-2010, 07:28 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by njbchbum View Post
since we seem to have moved away from recovery in this thread, i sorta wanna back up a thought in btk's post about the mosque being a 'slap in the face'.

newt gingrich a week or so ago raised the point that there is a reason why the proposed mosque is to be called the cordoba initiative; and it goes way back to the Islamic invasion of the spanish city of cordoba in which they conquered the Spanish, sold them into slavery, and used cordoba as a base for slaver raids into other parts of Europe, and ruled by the sword of the caliph [who succeeded mohammed].

The mosque of cordoba was built on the site of a christian cathedral but was lost to a European invasion and then reconstructed as a cathedral. The conquest and reconquest has not been forgotten by islamists who have been waiting to restore the glory of their original invasion. choosing the name of cordoba initiative is in reality another act of hostility and is descriptive of the islamists intention to expand, invade and subjugate.

An article that can be found here: http://www.urbanelephants.com/index....e/64/2700.html that explains newt’s presentation much better that I did.

now this info freaked me out...to know that regardless of whatever reasons for building on this site get thrown around, the bottom line is that it is really an islamic effort to invade and show supremacy if not their intention to practice it.
omg. It is called the Cordoba Initiative? Thank you for writing this, njbchbum.
Old 08-12-2010, 08:51 AM
Posts: n/a

While Bush was President, the liberals complained about what the world thought of USA.

Well, you don't need to speak Chinese to understand what the world thinks of Obama.

Old 08-12-2010, 08:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Better a billion and a half that two or three billion.
Old 08-12-2010, 03:56 PM
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Old 08-12-2010, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
As I was watching your video, I turned on the TV and G. Beck has the same thing on.
Old 08-12-2010, 04:06 PM
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Hey what can I say? Great minds think alike.
Old 08-12-2010, 04:16 PM
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Amazing to me people scrambling to get a a chance at a government handout. Here's a newspaper article from a town near where I'm from. Poor, proud mountain folks. Jobs are scarce. Most of the coal mines have long shut down. People scramble to get by on low paying jobs. They depend on their families, neighbors and churches to give a hand up sometimes.

My 91-year old father was telling me about this event. It is people we know, I was born and raised with the McGlothlins who put this together. Here's how life is suppose to work. Some $15 million raised privately for a private school in the coalfields of Virginia for needy children from all over the world. World class education. The school used to be a private orphanage.

Old 08-13-2010, 04:25 PM
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Pats: So all those peaceful muslims (i.e. every one that I ever met) must all be sleeper terrorist just waiting to launch an attack in this war.

Pats, I truly feel sorry for you that you live in such a paranoid world. Yeah, there are people out to kill us. I'd like to do unto them first without killing everyone around indiscriminately.

In other words, the guy at the 7-11 doesn't scare me.

And are you aware that this country was settled by people escaping religious persecution? I'm sure you are. But are you aware of one of the reasons they (the Puritans) were being persecuted? Because the church in England didn't think too kindly of the way the Puritans used the Bible to justify beating their children. Remember, these are the people that brought us the Salem Witch Trials in the 1600s.
Old 08-13-2010, 05:30 PM
Posts: n/a

In other words, the guy at the 7-11 doesn't scare me.
The 9-11 terrorists blended in pretty well I'd say... flying lessons and all. I bet no one was really scared of them either... until.
Old 08-13-2010, 06:17 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
Pats: So all those peaceful muslims (i.e. every one that I ever met) must all be sleeper terrorist just waiting to launch an attack in this war.

Pats, I truly feel sorry for you that you live in such a paranoid world. Yeah, there are people out to kill us. I'd like to do unto them first without killing everyone around indiscriminately.

In other words, the guy at the 7-11 doesn't scare me.

And are you aware that this country was settled by people escaping religious persecution? I'm sure you are. But are you aware of one of the reasons they (the Puritans) were being persecuted? Because the church in England didn't think too kindly of the way the Puritans used the Bible to justify beating their children. Remember, these are the people that brought us the Salem Witch Trials in the 1600s.
Did you at least view the video. Do you know the qur' an was written by one person? Did you know they want all the infidels eliminated?
Old 08-13-2010, 06:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
Did you at least view the video. Do you know the qur' an was written by one person? Did you know they want all the infidels eliminated?
Don't think he cares. He just want you to shut up about it.

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