What is a self-defined Liberal?

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Old 05-08-2010, 06:18 PM
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A recovering liberal and a psychotherapist in Berkeley compares liberals and conservatives.

"To become a conservative, I've had to learn a whole new language, one based on reason. If conservatives want to understand the liberal mind, they should consider becoming bilingual, too.

"Liberals live in a stratosphere centered on emotions and magical thinking. If you've tried to reason with your daughter and she looks at you blankly; if your neighbor changes the subject during your compelling arguments; if your cousin says this about Obama: "I don't know why. I just like the guy"...that's why..."

-- The most illustrious of all leftists, Noam Chomsky, still maintains that the Khmer Rouge did not slaughter millions of Cambodians.

-- Liberal luminaries Annette Bening and Naomi Wolf defend radical Islam, including the dreaded burqa.

-- After journeying to Cuba, members of the Congressional Black Caucus bragged about the stellar conditions there.

-- Michael Moore thinks that the Cuban health system is to die for.

-- Anita Dunn, a former special assistant to Obama, stated that Mao is one of the people she admired the most.

Old 05-09-2010, 08:51 AM
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Default Detroit

I lived in the Detroit area for 50 years and know exactly what happened causing its demise.

Very simply it was the Unions and the incompetence and corruption of the Detroit leaders.
Old 05-09-2010, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
A recovering liberal and a psychotherapist in Berkeley compares liberals and conservatives.

"To become a conservative, I've had to learn a whole new language, one based on reason. If conservatives want to understand the liberal mind, they should consider becoming bilingual, too.

"Liberals live in a stratosphere centered on emotions and magical thinking. If you've tried to reason with your daughter and she looks at you blankly; if your neighbor changes the subject during your compelling arguments; if your cousin says this about Obama: "I don't know why. I just like the guy"...that's why..."

-- The most illustrious of all leftists, Noam Chomsky, still maintains that the Khmer Rouge did not slaughter millions of Cambodians.

-- Liberal luminaries Annette Bening and Naomi Wolf defend radical Islam, including the dreaded burqa.

-- After journeying to Cuba, members of the Congressional Black Caucus bragged about the stellar conditions there.

-- Michael Moore thinks that the Cuban health system is to die for.

-- Anita Dunn, a former special assistant to Obama, stated that Mao is one of the people she admired the most.

Great article BK. I always feel better after reading The American Thinker.
Old 05-09-2010, 09:43 AM
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Berkeley Psychotherapist.

"Liberals live in a stratosphere centered on emotions and magical thinking."

"They generally put feelings above fact or reality. If it sounds good and makes them feel good, the actual outcome or consequence doesn't really matter."

Old 05-09-2010, 11:52 AM
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Arrow Yes!

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
.... if by a "Liberal" (they) mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

- John F. Kennedy, September 14, 1960
YES! I'm proud to say I'm a Liberal!
Old 05-09-2010, 01:47 PM
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Conservatives can mistakenly assume that liberals think like they do, in a learned and rational way. This is an exercise in futility since liberalism is not based on logic
Robin of Berkeley

My oh my, is that the truth. You Betcha.
Old 05-09-2010, 02:24 PM
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Conservatives are anti-family..they want to define what the family should be
Conservatives are anti-business ...but pro big money
Conservatives are anti-religion..they are for one dominant religion
Conservatives are anti-freedom..they want to stop homosexuals,abortion,freedom of expression and womens rights
Conservatives are anti-morality..they support only one specific morality
Conservatives are anti-military..they see the military as a way to impose their standards and values on others.
And finally as proven many times on this board conservatives are extremely narrow minded.
Old 05-09-2010, 05:30 PM
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Default Quoting form the American Thinker!

That's like asking Rev. Phelps to describe what a real Christian should be!

Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
A recovering liberal and a psychotherapist in Berkeley compares liberals and conservatives.

"To become a conservative, I've had to learn a whole new language, one based on reason. If conservatives want to understand the liberal mind, they should consider becoming bilingual, too.

"Liberals live in a stratosphere centered on emotions and magical thinking. If you've tried to reason with your daughter and she looks at you blankly; if your neighbor changes the subject during your compelling arguments; if your cousin says this about Obama: "I don't know why. I just like the guy"...that's why..."

-- The most illustrious of all leftists, Noam Chomsky, still maintains that the Khmer Rouge did not slaughter millions of Cambodians.

-- Liberal luminaries Annette Bening and Naomi Wolf defend radical Islam, including the dreaded burqa.

-- After journeying to Cuba, members of the Congressional Black Caucus bragged about the stellar conditions there.

-- Michael Moore thinks that the Cuban health system is to die for.

-- Anita Dunn, a former special assistant to Obama, stated that Mao is one of the people she admired the most.

Old 05-09-2010, 05:53 PM
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ptownrob said, "That's like asking Rev. Phelps to describe what a real Christian should be!"

Really, I don't get the comparison of a life-long liberal who is now a conservative to a pastor of a church who speaks out against homosexuality. Enlighten me.
Old 05-09-2010, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
YES! I'm proud to say I'm a Liberal!

IF what JFK said about liberalism were still true today then I would still be a proud liberal but it is not even in the same ballpark today...NOT EVEN CLOSE !

I believed and voted for JFK because of his definition of liberalism.....I worked hard for Democratic candidates because of that.....

THAT is not what the Democratic party or liberalism is today and it is not even close at all !
Old 05-09-2010, 07:22 PM
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Default Democracy Speaks

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
IF what JFK said about liberalism were still true today then I would still be a proud liberal but it is not even in the same ballpark today...NOT EVEN CLOSE !

I believed and voted for JFK because of his definition of liberalism.....I worked hard for Democratic candidates because of that.....

THAT is not what the Democratic party or liberalism is today and it is not even close at all !
In all our diatribes from both sides, we seem to forget sometimes that the voting public is the ultimate foundation of what this nation is about. Period. End of any argument. In 2008, the majority of Americans believed inwhat the Democrats were offering. That includes both houses of Congress- don't put all the blame on Obama. There's an irony that a only a conservative would say "It's bad because it's not the same old party." That's what conservatives want, by definition- the same old thing.

We will see what happens in 2010 & 2012. The extreme right is screaming loudest right now, but they represent only 18% of the actual electorate. It's the vote count that matters, and I think many people clearly see how obstructionist the Republicans in the Senate are being by threatening to filibuster everything. This will win them points with the radical right, but for most Americans it just shows partisanship. They have paralyzed the government and only the Tea movement thinks that's a good thing.
Every radical right candidate that defeats a more "moderate" Republican is handing a victory to the Democrats in districts that might ordinarily vote moderately conservative.

Of course, we could barter chickens over this-the way they did in the good old days, according to one of your rising stars (who just got trounced in the primaries!)
Old 05-09-2010, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
In all our diatribes from both sides, we seem to forget sometimes that the voting public is the ultimate foundation of what this nation is about. Period. End of any argument. In 2008, the majority of Americans believed inwhat the Democrats were offering. That includes both houses of Congress- don't put all the blame on Obama. There's an irony that a only a conservative would say "It's bad because it's not the same old party." That's what conservatives want, by definition- the same old thing.

We will see what happens in 2010 & 2012. The extreme right is screaming loudest right now, but they represent only 18% of the actual electorate. It's the vote count that matters, and I think many people clearly see how obstructionist the Republicans in the Senate are being by threatening to filibuster everything. This will win them points with the radical right, but for most Americans it just shows partisanship. They have paralyzed the government and only the Tea movement thinks that's a good thing.
Every radical right candidate that defeats a more "moderate" Republican is handing a victory to the Democrats in districts that might ordinarily vote moderately conservative.

Of course, we could barter chickens over this-the way they did in the good old days, according to one of your rising stars (who just got trounced in the primaries!)
The majority of Americans are conservative. Democrats won because Bush was not conservative. With this unpopular Healthcare Bill and threats of a Value Added Tax, It will be a bloodbath this November. Republicans will control congress and then we can reverse these anti-capitalist bills and steer America to prosperity once again.

Old 05-09-2010, 07:33 PM
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Default Jeremy Hoop

From the new "Tea Party Movie"


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