Why has America become so partisan?

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Old 04-13-2017, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
what I am about to share focuses on Washington but it has application to both state and local level of government to varying degrees.

Let's reach back a bit and first recognize that the people elected and those hired to leadership roles as federal government employees all live in and around the four or five richest counties in the country. They as the comic says "talk among themselves". they have lost touch with real people and only as a matter of self preservation to they venture out to press flesh, sprouting populism etc. in order to gain a vote or support for their program. a greater percentage of this bureaucracy has no idea or really cares what the average joe thinks.

Coupled with this the bell curve as respects liberal conservative, moderate, etc has drastically changed. In my view, perhaps some will disagree the majority on the left have drifted so far left that it is impossible to get consensus. And continuing this same thought process we are divided because of this fact. What we are in a fierce fight over the direction this nation will go.

As it is termed by the hard left, "the new normal vis a vis the right's traditional America."

it is evident that the so called "resistance movement"is being conducted by this radical left fringe and encouraged by democratic leaders who use this resistance to further their self interests.

Personal Best Regards:
How does your theory explain the rise of The Tea Party, and Senator McConnell's charge to make Obama a one term President, and the Merrick Garland stall, and Breitbart News, and FOX News, and the Freedom Caucus? Those were not partisan movements from the left, but rather from the far right.
Old 04-13-2017, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How does your theory explain the rise of The Tea Party, and Senator McConnell's charge to make Obama a one term President, and the Merrick Garland stall, and Breitbart News, and FOX News, and the Freedom Caucus? Those were not partisan movements from the left, but rather from the far right.
Steve Bannon and his frightening hold on Donald Trump. Hopefully, Ivanka Trump and her husband will push this man out of the Game of Thrones.
Old 04-13-2017, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Gerrymandering, no term limits, money in elections, and no need to balance federal budget. IMO
Great response. Thanks. I think you may be on to something there. How do we fix those things?
Old 04-13-2017, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by wackadoodle View Post
Steve Bannon and his frightening hold on Donald Trump. Hopefully, Ivanka Trump and her husband will push this man out of the Game of Thrones.
You hate Trump, period!
But, have you realized if Trump did not exist there would be no Ivanka pictures for you to rub one out to...

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Old 04-13-2017, 08:14 AM
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You probably have a "real doll" named Ivanka...


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Old 04-13-2017, 08:31 AM
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Ignore List still working on Political Forum.

Nice! I can see who posted too but not what they wrote. It silences the jealous insecure trolls on here.

If someone thinks I need to see something. Quote the jerk. Otherwise just ignore the dingleberry. It usually is dirtbag or dingleberry now. Offal seems to be taking a break.
Old 04-13-2017, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am sincerely curious.
And please try not to be partisan when you add your opinion. And remember, name calling simply displays your ignorance and lack of a real fact based argument. It is, however, ok to say things like "because the Republicans did this" or "because the Democrats did that."

OK, how about some rational opinions about this issue that seems to be ripping our country apart at the seams.

Because it is, in most cases, no longer about America. It is about individuals elected to represent us deciding that we are not important....they are. They want what is best for themselves.

Politics, like welfare, should never be a life career. Both are at the expense of others and should be only temporary.
Old 04-13-2017, 03:05 PM
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Default Not sure how this always gets to a ****ing match

Originally Posted by Guest
Hey Copuff - I have a corporation does that make me greedy?

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RE: being a corporation and greed.
You formed a corporation to either raise capital and or to protect your personal assets.

RE: the lefts criticism of corporations.
Sadly, when you think about what they say, they want to tell others how to spend their money. My view is you have the right to spend your money. DO NOT DARE THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEND MINE.

There is a line on your tax form where you can pay additional tax if you choose to. Ask your accountant. You do not need to take every deduction. OH, SHOULD YOU ASK YOUR ACCOUNTANT HE WILL WONDER ABOUT YOUR SANITY.

Unfair deductions are always the ones that others qualify for and you do not. Fair ones are the ones you get.


Oh and for those who do not know-likely most of you. The income tax is the one we always argue about-it is the most hated tax it is about 20% of the tax our government extracts. Fill up your car or golf cart, or lawnmower; roughly 1/3 of what we pay for gasoline is TAX. Look at your cell phone bill about 1/3 is tax. Our government has so many ways to pluck the chicken he/she does not know he is bald-there are other ways to spell that.
Old 04-13-2017, 03:38 PM
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Default Do you not see what you are?

Originally Posted by Guest
How does your theory explain the rise of The Tea Party, and Senator McConnell's charge to make Obama a one term President, and the Merrick Garland stall, and Breitbart News, and FOX News, and the Freedom Caucus? Those were not partisan movements from the left, but rather from the far right.
System of government is designed to produce opposition that is perhaps, what prevents one group from becoming too powerful. The Tea party. Wow the tea party has been branded by the lefts as being a bunch of racists-the battle charge of the left. As I've posted many times, replying to the charge of being a racist is the same as replying to the charge of do you still beat your wife. The tea party is a group of people that believe in our constitution. Obama, walked all over the constitution and our liberal controlled press said nothing about it. If, you recall, they did SCREAM that Bush and Chaney vastly expanded presidential powers.

Do you believe that the Democrats are working with Trump? Do you believe the Democrats will do anything they can to make Trump a one term president?

The freedom caucus is not closed to African Americans.
The black caucus-you find acceptable.

There are some racist Republicans BUT again as I've posted many times. Obama took 56% of the vote in his first election. Blacks are 13% of the population and 98% of the voted for Obama-YOU DO NOT SEE THAT AS RACIST?
Had the non-black vote been as racist as the black vote Obama would have gotten roughly 28% of the vote-THE WORST DEFEAT IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Having received 56% of the vote Obama received roughly 42% of the non-black vote.

Oh and for your pro-democratic view. It was not the Republicans who deliberately tried to cause violence at political rallies. It is not the Republicans to shout down Republican speakers-SADLY TOO OFTEN THE LEFT DOES THIS AND TOO OFTEN THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL.
In psychology the term is PROJECTION the need to believe others are doing what you are.

I did not have sex with that woman-oops that stain on her dress. I did not accept bribes-oops whitewater-we did get away with it like so much other crap. Travel gate. The Clinton foundation-pay to play. Now that they are not in power. Speech prices are way down. I did not mishandle government e-mails-oops they turned up on a computer belonging to disgrace Weiner and his wife Huma Aberdeen-who has family in saudi arabia AND HAS NO SECURITY CLEARANCE.

The people of America have spoken.
Old 04-13-2017, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hey Copuff - I have a corporation does that make me greedy?

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Maybe! Do you take huge tax write offs by hiding profits in off shore bank accounts, or pay yourself 500 times what your employees make, or ship jobs to foreign countries to take advantage of cheap labor, or manipulate stock prices with buy backs from company money so that your stock is more valuable? Is your product necessary to sustain the life of those who use it and knowing this you raise the price by 1700 percent?
If you do any of these things than you may be guilty of corporate greed. If not, then no. And BTW, I'm not Copuff.
Old 04-13-2017, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
System of government is designed to produce opposition that is perhaps, what prevents one group from becoming too powerful. The Tea party. Wow the tea party has been branded by the lefts as being a bunch of racists-the battle charge of the left. As I've posted many times, replying to the charge of being a racist is the same as replying to the charge of do you still beat your wife. The tea party is a group of people that believe in our constitution. Obama, walked all over the constitution and our liberal controlled press said nothing about it. If, you recall, they did SCREAM that Bush and Chaney vastly expanded presidential powers.

Do you believe that the Democrats are working with Trump? Do you believe the Democrats will do anything they can to make Trump a one term president?

The freedom caucus is not closed to African Americans.
The black caucus-you find acceptable.

There are some racist Republicans BUT again as I've posted many times. Obama took 56% of the vote in his first election. Blacks are 13% of the population and 98% of the voted for Obama-YOU DO NOT SEE THAT AS RACIST?
Had the non-black vote been as racist as the black vote Obama would have gotten roughly 28% of the vote-THE WORST DEFEAT IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Having received 56% of the vote Obama received roughly 42% of the non-black vote.

Oh and for your pro-democratic view. It was not the Republicans who deliberately tried to cause violence at political rallies. It is not the Republicans to shout down Republican speakers-SADLY TOO OFTEN THE LEFT DOES THIS AND TOO OFTEN THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL.
In psychology the term is PROJECTION the need to believe others are doing what you are.

I did not have sex with that woman-oops that stain on her dress. I did not accept bribes-oops whitewater-we did get away with it like so much other crap. Travel gate. The Clinton foundation-pay to play. Now that they are not in power. Speech prices are way down. I did not mishandle government e-mails-oops they turned up on a computer belonging to disgrace Weiner and his wife Huma Aberdeen-who has family in saudi arabia AND HAS NO SECURITY CLEARANCE.

The people of America have spoken.
OK, just so we keep this in the realm of rational thought, the post to which my post responded was intelligently, if incorrectly, theorizing that all political partisanship in America was caused by those on the left. I simply pointed out, by listing those right wing groups, that some of it also comes from the right. I'm not sure how your rant addresses that issue at all, but maybe you can calmly explain without including Monica's dress and racism, which have nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
Old 04-13-2017, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Because it is, in most cases, no longer about America. It is about individuals elected to represent us deciding that we are not important....they are. They want what is best for themselves.

Politics, like welfare, should never be a life career. Both are at the expense of others and should be only temporary.
Great post! You answered the question directly and succinctly, and I say DITTO to that!
Old 04-13-2017, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Cedwards38 View Post
Maybe! Do you take huge tax write offs by hiding profits in off shore bank accounts, or pay yourself 500 times what your employees make, or ship jobs to foreign countries to take advantage of cheap labor, or manipulate stock prices with buy backs from company money so that your stock is more valuable? Is your product necessary to sustain the life of those who use it and knowing this you raise the price by 1700 percent?
If you do any of these things than you may be guilty of corporate greed. If not, then no. And BTW, I'm not Copuff.
Not exactly. I would assume my accountant took every deduction, or write off, that was available to my corp. I doubt anyone on here would do different. No offshore accounts ever...my understanding is those days are over and have been for about 12 years as the US has economicaly forced countries to report accounts held by US companies.

I pay myself quite a bit more than my employees, but I do not believe it is 500 times more. I do work nights and weekends while they are off and I do have more exposure (risk) than they do.

I do take advantage of cheap labor, on a lot of our out of town projects we hire temporary labor. I thought I was helping both the local unemployed and my guys who want to be away from their families less. Maybe you think it's wrong?

My corporation is not publicly owned, all shares are held by me.

Nobody would want to live without our product, but I can't say it sustained life. Our market would not support 1700 percentage mark up, we can get 600% on some items, a minimum of 300% on most, and we get 80% of all jobs we bid on, so I will assume our market is good with that...

I knew it was not Copuff, she never responds to posts with a ?

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Old 04-13-2017, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
RE: being a corporation and greed.
You formed a corporation to either raise capital and or to protect your personal assets.

RE: the lefts criticism of corporations.
Sadly, when you think about what they say, they want to tell others how to spend their money. My view is you have the right to spend your money. DO NOT DARE THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEND MINE.

There is a line on your tax form where you can pay additional tax if you choose to. Ask your accountant. You do not need to take every deduction. OH, SHOULD YOU ASK YOUR ACCOUNTANT HE WILL WONDER ABOUT YOUR SANITY.

Unfair deductions are always the ones that others qualify for and you do not. Fair ones are the ones you get.


Oh and for those who do not know-likely most of you. The income tax is the one we always argue about-it is the most hated tax it is about 20% of the tax our government extracts. Fill up your car or golf cart, or lawnmower; roughly 1/3 of what we pay for gasoline is TAX. Look at your cell phone bill about 1/3 is tax. Our government has so many ways to pluck the chicken he/she does not know he is bald-there are other ways to spell that.
About HALF the the price of just about everything you buy is tax. Each step in the manufacturing process is taxed and that tax is added to the price as it moves up the chain.
Old 04-13-2017, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
System of government is designed to produce opposition that is perhaps, what prevents one group from becoming too powerful. The Tea party. Wow the tea party has been branded by the lefts as being a bunch of racists-the battle charge of the left. As I've posted many times, replying to the charge of being a racist is the same as replying to the charge of do you still beat your wife. The tea party is a group of people that believe in our constitution. Obama, walked all over the constitution and our liberal controlled press said nothing about it. If, you recall, they did SCREAM that Bush and Chaney vastly expanded presidential powers.

Do you believe that the Democrats are working with Trump? Do you believe the Democrats will do anything they can to make Trump a one term president?

The freedom caucus is not closed to African Americans.
The black caucus-you find acceptable.

There are some racist Republicans BUT again as I've posted many times. Obama took 56% of the vote in his first election. Blacks are 13% of the population and 98% of the voted for Obama-YOU DO NOT SEE THAT AS RACIST?

Had the non-black vote been as racist as the black vote Obama would have gotten roughly 28% of the vote-THE WORST DEFEAT IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Having received 56% of the vote Obama received roughly 42% of the non-black vote.

Oh and for your pro-democratic view. It was not the Republicans who deliberately tried to cause violence at political rallies. It is not the Republicans to shout down Republican speakers-SADLY TOO OFTEN THE LEFT DOES THIS AND TOO OFTEN THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL.
In psychology the term is PROJECTION the need to believe others are doing what you are.

I did not have sex with that woman-oops that stain on her dress. I did not accept bribes-oops whitewater-we did get away with it like so much other crap. Travel gate. The Clinton foundation-pay to play. Now that they are not in power. Speech prices are way down. I did not mishandle government e-mails-oops they turned up on a computer belonging to disgrace Weiner and his wife Huma Aberdeen-who has family in saudi arabia AND HAS NO SECURITY CLEARANCE.

The people of America have spoken.
And as is constantly pointed out to you, blacks historically vote near 90% for Democrats...but you don't seem to be smart enough to remember that.

And just like everyone else (including yourself), they vote for those who they believe...will treat them the most fairly.

So next time you try one of your CAPITAL YELLING RANTS...try not to embarrass yourself so much.

And yes...you've just exposed your own racism.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

real, partisan, america

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