Why Hillary Clinton is Clearly Qualfied to be President

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Old 02-15-2015, 07:47 PM
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Default Why Hillary Clinton is Clearly Qualfied to be President

Some on this board have asked for a summary of why Hillary Clinton is clearly the best qualified person in the Democrat Party to become President of the US. I accept the challenge.

Hillary has many qualifications… too numerous to list. I will simply give you five. No doubt others can provide many more.

1. People Skills. A President must be able to relate to people, especially the “little people”. Hillary’s skills are unsurpassed. Many examples can be found from people who know her best and as reported in Ron Kessler’s book “First Family Detail.” “She is so nasty to agents that being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment,” “She claims to be a champion of the little people, and she's going to help the middle class. And, in fact, she treats these people around her, [who] would lay down their lives for her like sub-humans; and I think voters need to consider that.” She also apparently shouts a lot, throws dishes when angry, and can not stand to see anyone in a military uniform around her.

2. Courage Under Fire. Hillary came under heavy sniper fire as First Lady, but she showed courage and was an inspiration to those who were with her. Here’s a video which captured the moment.
Hillary Clinton dodges sniper fire in Bosnia - raw footage - Video Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

3. Foreign Policy. Any President must be able to defend the Country. As Secretary of State, Hillary excelled. She managed to get an Ambassador killed during a predictable terrorist attack, and then through a series of further bungles, caused the formation of ISIS (with some credit to her boss at the time.) which increasingly dominates the Middle East. In any event, even Rube Republicans will quickly agree the world is a much safer place thanks to her service.

4. Feminist. Hillary sets the bar high for young girls to emulate. She is loathe to benefit from a “man’s” (such as a husband) power or reputation, and we all know she would still be a contender even if she had never married Bill Clinton. Hillary loves her fellow women which is why she hunted down and destroyed scores of women who slept with her husband … all of whom were put up to it by Right Wing fanatics.

5. Anti-Wall Street. It’s important to keep the big money out of the White House, and Hillary is a known foe of the bankers on Wall Street, even putting Elizabeth Warren to shame in this regard. She is also loathe to profit off the Clinton name and refuses to accept extortionate fees for speaking at universities or engage in unseemly campaign fund raising. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/op...dogs.html?_r=0
Old 02-15-2015, 08:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some on this board have asked for a summary of why Hillary Clinton is clearly the best qualified person in the Democrat Party to become President of the US. I accept the challenge.

Hillary has many qualifications… too numerous to list. I will simply give you five. No doubt others can provide many more.

1. People Skills. A President must be able to relate to people, especially the “little people”. Hillary’s skills are unsurpassed. Many examples can be found from people who know her best and as reported in Ron Kessler’s book “First Family Detail.” “She is so nasty to agents that being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment,” “She claims to be a champion of the little people, and she's going to help the middle class. And, in fact, she treats these people around her, [who] would lay down their lives for her like sub-humans; and I think voters need to consider that.” She also apparently shouts a lot, throws dishes when angry, and can not stand to see anyone in a military uniform around her.

2. Courage Under Fire. Hillary came under heavy sniper fire as First Lady, but she showed courage and was an inspiration to those who were with her. Here’s a video which captured the moment.
Hillary Clinton dodges sniper fire in Bosnia - raw footage - Video Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

3. Foreign Policy. Any President must be able to defend the Country. As Secretary of State, Hillary excelled. She managed to get an Ambassador killed during a predictable terrorist attack, and then through a series of further bungles, caused the formation of ISIS (with some credit to her boss at the time.) which increasingly dominates the Middle East. In any event, even Rube Republicans will quickly agree the world is a much safer place thanks to her service.

4. Feminist. Hillary sets the bar high for young girls to emulate. She is loathe to benefit from a “man’s” (such as a husband) power or reputation, and we all know she would still be a contender even if she had never married Bill Clinton. Hillary loves her fellow women which is why she hunted down and destroyed scores of women who slept with her husband … all of whom were put up to it by Right Wing fanatics.

5. Anti-Wall Street. It’s important to keep the big money out of the White House, and Hillary is a known foe of the bankers on Wall Street, even putting Elizabeth Warren to shame in this regard. She is also loathe to profit off the Clinton name and refuses to accept extortionate fees for speaking at universities or engage in unseemly campaign fund raising. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/op...dogs.html?_r=0
DO not know who you are GUEST, but you are going to drive some posters insane with this

Well done
Old 02-15-2015, 08:40 PM
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No we expect it from the tea partiers here. Nothing less!
Old 02-15-2015, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No we expect it from the tea partiers here. Nothing less!
And others here expect nothing to be posted to counter the credentials described by the OP Guest.
Old 02-15-2015, 09:03 PM
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Default Lol!...

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some on this board have asked for a summary of why Hillary Clinton is clearly the best qualified person in the Democrat Party to become President of the US. I accept the challenge.

Hillary has many qualifications… too numerous to list. I will simply give you five. No doubt others can provide many more.

1. People Skills. A President must be able to relate to people, especially the “little people”. Hillary’s skills are unsurpassed. Many examples can be found from people who know her best and as reported in Ron Kessler’s book “First Family Detail.” “She is so nasty to agents that being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment,” “She claims to be a champion of the little people, and she's going to help the middle class. And, in fact, she treats these people around her, [who] would lay down their lives for her like sub-humans; and I think voters need to consider that.” She also apparently shouts a lot, throws dishes when angry, and can not stand to see anyone in a military uniform around her.

2. Courage Under Fire. Hillary came under heavy sniper fire as First Lady, but she showed courage and was an inspiration to those who were with her. Here’s a video which captured the moment.
Hillary Clinton dodges sniper fire in Bosnia - raw footage - Video Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

3. Foreign Policy. Any President must be able to defend the Country. As Secretary of State, Hillary excelled. She managed to get an Ambassador killed during a predictable terrorist attack, and then through a series of further bungles, caused the formation of ISIS (with some credit to her boss at the time.) which increasingly dominates the Middle East. In any event, even Rube Republicans will quickly agree the world is a much safer place thanks to her service.

4. Feminist. Hillary sets the bar high for young girls to emulate. She is loathe to benefit from a “man’s” (such as a husband) power or reputation, and we all know she would still be a contender even if she had never married Bill Clinton. Hillary loves her fellow women which is why she hunted down and destroyed scores of women who slept with her husband … all of whom were put up to it by Right Wing fanatics.

5. Anti-Wall Street. It’s important to keep the big money out of the White House, and Hillary is a known foe of the bankers on Wall Street, even putting Elizabeth Warren to shame in this regard. She is also loathe to profit off the Clinton name and refuses to accept extortionate fees for speaking at universities or engage in unseemly campaign fund raising. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/op...dogs.html?_r=0
those aren't qualifications...those are liberal personality traits...as for anti-wall street...oh good be against the people who make money who keep people like you receiving money....smart move....
Old 02-15-2015, 09:43 PM
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Old 02-16-2015, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some on this board have asked for a summary of why Hillary Clinton is clearly the best qualified person in the Democrat Party to become President of the US. I accept the challenge.

Hillary has many qualifications… too numerous to list. I will simply give you five. No doubt others can provide many more.

1. People Skills. A President must be able to relate to people, especially the “little people”. Hillary’s skills are unsurpassed. Many examples can be found from people who know her best and as reported in Ron Kessler’s book “First Family Detail.” “She is so nasty to agents that being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment,” “She claims to be a champion of the little people, and she's going to help the middle class. And, in fact, she treats these people around her, [who] would lay down their lives for her like sub-humans; and I think voters need to consider that.” She also apparently shouts a lot, throws dishes when angry, and can not stand to see anyone in a military uniform around her.

2. Courage Under Fire. Hillary came under heavy sniper fire as First Lady, but she showed courage and was an inspiration to those who were with her. Here’s a video which captured the moment.
Hillary Clinton dodges sniper fire in Bosnia - raw footage - Video Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

3. Foreign Policy. Any President must be able to defend the Country. As Secretary of State, Hillary excelled. She managed to get an Ambassador killed during a predictable terrorist attack, and then through a series of further bungles, caused the formation of ISIS (with some credit to her boss at the time.) which increasingly dominates the Middle East. In any event, even Rube Republicans will quickly agree the world is a much safer place thanks to her service.

4. Feminist. Hillary sets the bar high for young girls to emulate. She is loathe to benefit from a “man’s” (such as a husband) power or reputation, and we all know she would still be a contender even if she had never married Bill Clinton. Hillary loves her fellow women which is why she hunted down and destroyed scores of women who slept with her husband … all of whom were put up to it by Right Wing fanatics.

5. Anti-Wall Street. It’s important to keep the big money out of the White House, and Hillary is a known foe of the bankers on Wall Street, even putting Elizabeth Warren to shame in this regard. She is also loathe to profit off the Clinton name and refuses to accept extortionate fees for speaking at universities or engage in unseemly campaign fund raising. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/op...dogs.html?_r=0

Some people are so creative with their imagination.

Other than an ever-increasing body count, Hillary's resume is quite thin:

Old 02-16-2015, 02:25 PM
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Is this a joke? or is the guest serious?
Old 02-16-2015, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Is this a joke? or is the guest serious?
Sadly serious, but the OP forgets that the next election will be about issues, not personalities.
Old 02-16-2015, 02:49 PM
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Most unintelligent thread on this forum, and that is a HUGE accomplishment.
Old 02-16-2015, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sadly serious, but the OP forgets that the next election will be about issues, not personalities.
Actually, you're off target in the sense that you refer to it as "personality"

The character of any President is crucial, as most recently exampled by the current incumbent's lack thereof.

Hillary Clinton's character is sadly lacking, and I think the examples I cited make that beyond reasonable dispute. I invite you to respond with evidence or examples to the contrary regarding her character (not her resume, most of which would not apply had her last name been anything other than Clinton)
Old 02-16-2015, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Most unintelligent thread on this forum, and that is a HUGE accomplishment.
Most unimaginative reply I've seen on TOTV in quite a while ...
Old 02-16-2015, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Most unintelligent thread on this forum, and that is a HUGE accomplishment.
Old 02-16-2015, 05:49 PM
Posts: n/a

This is from about 2/3 weeks ago

"On today’s Morning Joe on MSNBC, the panel was discussing Mitt Romney’s perceived problem regarding connecting with middle-class voters, were he to run for president next year.

But Joe Scarborough turned the discussion around to focus on the Democrats’ top contender:

“Her friends are at Davos, her friends are at Goldman Sachs. I mean, Hillary Clinton, when she said we’re not really that rich — do you know why she said that? Because everybody she hangs out with are billionaires.”
But just prior to that statement, Scarborough dropped a literary reference:

“Hillary Clinton has just as many billionaire friends, and has led over the past 25 years the most elite, the most insular, the most Gatsby-like existence of any person in the political world today.”

"Scarborough’s point is pretty clear: that Clinton’s recent lifestyle – punctuated by lucrative speaking fees - will present just as many challenges to her candidacy as it would for Romney when it comes to identifying with “the bottom 99%” of U.S. voters.

When Hillary Clinton was drawing a salary as the U.S. Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, her taxpayer-funded income would have placed her in the top 10% of Americans. Clinton also hit the speaker circuit after leaving her federal post, and earned a jaw-dropping $12 million in the next 16 months.

If that figure were prorated as an annual income of $9 million, it would put Clinton squarely in the top .1% income-bracket category – and not very far from the top .01% richest people in the nation.

It certainly didn’t help that Clinton uttered her famous “dead broke” line in an interview last year. If she officially tosses her hat in to the presidential ring, you can bet that those comments will get as much attention as Romney’s ill-fated “47%” quips did in 2012.


Ms Clinton is not a shoo in even for the nomination
Old 02-16-2015, 06:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Believe it or not, this is from the KOREA HERALD.....KOREA...

"f this NBC news anchor thing doesn’t work out for Brian Williams, I’ve got the perfect job for the guy:

Hillary Clinton’s press secretary.

Or better yet, as the New Commander McBragg.

The problem is that Commander McBragg is a cartoon character from the old Tennessee Tuxedo cartoon show that no one remembers. Tennessee was a penguin. Chumley was the big, fat, stupid walrus.

And McBragg was a British colonel, who would brag and brag about his war exploits, making this a perfect character for Williams to play, except, again, this business about McBragg being a cartoon.

Williams is only turning into a cartoon. He isn’t a full-fledged cartoon, yet.

So Hillary’s press secretary it is.

Can’t you just picture them, Hill and Bri, holding court in a hotel bar on the campaign trail, regaling reporters with their crazy (yet completely untrue) war stories?

Clinton can retell her lie about how she braved snipers in Bosnia, perhaps throwing in a fake laugh or two, the devil-may-care laugh of beret-wearing French resistance fighters in bad movies.

Her eyes crinkle just so and the high-pitched cackle is released and you just know it’s sincere.

[John Kass] Brian Williams, Hillary Clinton should swap war stories

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