Why Hillary Clinton is Clearly Qualfied to be President

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Old 06-19-2015, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Liberal or Conservative? I haven't seen this much anger since the McCarthy era.
I personally think that a moderate Republican will be the next President. In a democracy the candidate has to appeal to the electorate not just the true believers who are often blinded by passion and ideology.
This is what I had hoped for in Romney, but it didn't happen. In my opinion, he had everything going for him - proven leadership skills, integrity,political experience, and not so far right that he couldn't appeal to the masses. In other words, not a lot of baggage and very capable. What happened? I don't know, but I know it has caused me to lose hope that the Republicans will ever be able to come up with an "acceptable" candidate....note the quotes, meaning not necessarily acceptable to me, but to the masses.
Old 06-19-2015, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Liberal or Conservative? I haven't seen this much anger since the McCarthy era.
I personally think that a moderate Republican will be the next President. In a democracy the candidate has to appeal to the electorate not just the true believers who are often blinded by passion and ideology.
Who would that moderate Republican be? It would not be Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Trump, Santorum, or Perry. None of them are moderate.

Bush has too much baggage from the family name he is trying to escape.

Carson has no political experience and starting at the very top will not work.

Fiorina is the same as Carson with no political experience. Neither Carson nor Firoina could work effectively in Washington.

Rubio? I do not think the old line Republicans are ready for a young Hispanic as President. He has qualifications but ...
Old 06-19-2015, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who would that moderate Republican be? It would not be Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Trump, Santorum, or Perry. None of them are moderate.

Bush has too much baggage from the family name he is trying to escape.

Carson has no political experience and starting at the very top will not work.

Fiorina is the same as Carson with no political experience. Neither Carson nor Firoina could work effectively in Washington.

Rubio? I do not think the old line Republicans are ready for a young Hispanic as President. He has qualifications but ...

Gov John Kasich is trying to position himself as the Jeb Bush alternative.
Old 06-19-2015, 11:09 AM
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In my personal opinion, those who would discount a candidate for lack of political experience are making a significant mistake.

A well educated, common sense, proven executive, with an ability to establish goals, plans and execution thereof is substantially ahead of anybody who knows and continues to work a broken, ineffective, useless, self serving system.

I'll take a proven track record of accomplishment over hot air politicians who are be holding to special interest groups, races or religions.

Clinton to me is the poster politician representing everything we all detest about politicians and how they operate. She has absolutely no capability or ability to bring anything new to any position......especially POTUS.
Old 06-19-2015, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Gov John Kasich is trying to position himself as the Jeb Bush alternative.
John Kasich 2016: Operation replace Jeb Bush - POLITICO
Old 06-19-2015, 11:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
In my personal opinion, those who would discount a candidate for lack of political experience are making a significant mistake.

A well educated, common sense, proven executive, with an ability to establish goals, plans and execution thereof is substantially ahead of anybody who knows and continues to work a broken, ineffective, useless, self serving system.

I'll take a proven track record of accomplishment over hot air politicians who are be holding to special interest groups, races or religions.

Clinton to me is the poster politician representing everything we all detest about politicians and how they operate. She has absolutely no capability or ability to bring anything new to any position......especially POTUS.
You make some excellent and reasonable points ...
Old 06-19-2015, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Stop with the name calling and hatred.
Given that you are clearly 'the chief' when it comes to name calling when someone disagrees with you, I can only pray for some level of light to penetrate your apparently fully closed mind.

And, please keep one key item in mind since you cannot refute the content of the earlier post, disagreement with what you 'want' to believe does not equal hate, racists, simpleton etc. It means you are wrong and people are telling you that by disagreeing with your comments or otherwise misguided opinions.
Old 06-19-2015, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
In my personal opinion, those who would discount a candidate for lack of political experience are making a significant mistake.

A well educated, common sense, proven executive, with an ability to establish goals, plans and execution thereof is substantially ahead of anybody who knows and continues to work a broken, ineffective, useless, self serving system.

I'll take a proven track record of accomplishment over hot air politicians who are be holding to special interest groups, races or religions.

Clinton to me is the poster politician representing everything we all detest about politicians and how they operate. She has absolutely no capability or ability to bring anything new to any position......especially POTUS.
Totally agree with you. When I listed some general traits about the experience and character of Romney, that was the one that I would put the least emphasis on. Political experience to me has become more of a stumbling block than an attribute. Just get someone in there with the fortitude to get this country back on track and the people working together for the common good of the country as a whole, not just for special interest groups. In other words, get politics out of the equation! It has done nothing so far but to keep us at a standstill, or worse yet, pushing us down a hole we may eventually not be able to climb out of. Either way, we are setting ourselves up to become an easy target for our enemies if something doesn't change.
Old 06-19-2015, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who would that moderate Republican be? It would not be Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Trump, Santorum, or Perry. None of them are moderate.

Bush has too much baggage from the family name he is trying to escape.

Carson has no political experience and starting at the very top will not work.

Fiorina is the same as Carson with no political experience. Neither Carson nor Firoina could work effectively in Washington.

Rubio? I do not think the old line Republicans are ready for a young Hispanic as President. He has qualifications but ...
And likewise, any comments on who that moderate Democrat might be?

I'm not so sure it necessarily has to be a moderate in either case, but definitely someone who is willing to consider both sides of an argument, knows how to bring people together to a compromise if necessary, and has the guts to follow through. Haven't seen that in quite some time.......
Old 06-22-2015, 10:53 AM
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Political experience is a handicap not an asset.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who would that moderate Republican be? It would not be Cruz, Walker, Jindahl, Trump, Santorum, or Perry. None of them are moderate.

Bush has too much baggage from the family name he is trying to escape.

Carson has no political experience and starting at the very top will not work.

Fiorina is the same as Carson with no political experience. Neither Carson nor Firoina could work effectively in Washington.

Rubio? I do not think the old line Republicans are ready for a young Hispanic as President. He has qualifications but ...
Old 07-06-2015, 02:41 PM
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GUEST believes the SNIPER FIRE fable? Incredible. How many gallons of Kool Aid do you have to drink to get that demented?
Old 07-06-2015, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

I'm not so sure it necessarily has to be a moderate in either case, but definitely someone who is willing to consider both sides of an argument, knows how to bring people together to a compromise if necessary, and has the guts to follow through. Haven't seen that in quite some time.......
...and which candidate(s) offer the qualifications you speak of?

We know Trump will not compromise with anyone ever or would listen to both sides of an argument.

Rubio looks good but a young Cuban? Who knows?

Jeb Bush is the most likely candidate and would make for a tight race.
Old 07-06-2015, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
GUEST believes the SNIPER FIRE fable? Incredible. How many gallons of Kool Aid do you have to drink to get that demented?
Demented? Stop with the childish name calling.
Old 07-06-2015, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Demented? Stop with the childish name calling.
I agree.....poster should be aware that the kool aid is served on both sides of the aisle.
Old 07-06-2015, 07:07 PM
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Default No more Clintons, No more Bushes

Hillary has three things going for her. She's female (I'd vote for that, there's too much testosterone in Govt), She's a Clinton (Not a bad brand, but I'd say the first one was simply in the right place at the right time, ie. the economic Tech Bubble period), and finally she has a lot of energy and worked very hard as Secretary, millions of miles of travel and she often looked haggard. I don't know about accomplishments and the world is too complex for me now. But I know Hillary gave her life to the job of Secretary of State and I give her credit in any case.

That said, I'm anti-dynasty. No Bush, No Clinton. I'm excited about Bernie Sanders. I feel the folks in our community tend to be conservation and opposed to change, so I don't fit in well. But I see Bernie as very similar to Obama 2008. I backed Obama and he disappointing (in fairness, it wasn't him as much as the opposition that wanted nothing but divisiveness). No matter, Bernie represents another opportunity for tomorrow and he's drawing the young people of tomorrow. My peers won't do it for him. Tomorrow belongs to the young and I hope they come through.

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