WOW...Sen Biden tells a man in a wheelchair to stand up

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Old 09-14-2008, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Cassie...dont want to discuss this any longer, but to my knowledge there are no posts here about Sen Obama personally or his posts EXCEPT for those defending Gov Palin about Sen Biden personally or his family.

There ARE MANY posts here about Sen McCain and Gov Palin PERSONALLY and their families even...that is what Sallyjo made the comment about. !!!!!

Are kidding you know how many people are trying to say that because he has a Muslim biological father and has some ties to the Muslim community that there is something wrong!! You don't think this is a personal attack!!
Old 09-15-2008, 03:20 PM
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Are kidding you know how many people are trying to say that because he has a Muslim biological father and has some ties to the Muslim community that there is something wrong!! You don't think this is a personal attack!!
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Under the current circumstances in the world, you dont think a hard look at any muslim connected candidate for President of the United States is a worth endeavor ?

I dont think he is muslim at all, but lets be honest.....this man has no track record at all...a very checkered past as far as relationships with radicals and radical groups....THIS IS AN ISSUE and not personal attacks. I have never heard anyone attack him on a personal level at all....these are questions about his core idealogy.
Old 09-15-2008, 04:49 PM
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Thumbs down A waste of space!

This is a non-issue because it's ludicrous and simply not true! NO MUSLIM TIES!

Like I said to Mucci, "STOP THE MADNESS!"
Old 09-15-2008, 06:43 PM
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This is a non-issue because it's ludicrous and simply not true! NO MUSLIM TIES!

Like I said to Mucci, "STOP THE MADNESS!"
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Ok just dont seem to read very well sometimes I, personally, have NEVER EVER said that Sen Obama was a no way. I certainly question his past associations but never mentioned religion.

My point in this post was that in todays climate a look at ties to a muslim climate would happen no matter who the candidate especially one who grew up in such proximity to that religion. It is that simple !!!
Old 09-15-2008, 06:51 PM
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Default Bucco!

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
This is a non-issue because it's ludicrous and simply not true! NO MUSLIM TIES!

Like I said to Mucci, "STOP THE MADNESS!"
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Ok just dont seem to read very well sometimes I, personally, have NEVER EVER said that Sen Obama was a no way. I certainly question his past associations but never mentioned religion.

My point in this post was that in todays climate a look at ties to a muslim climate would happen no matter who the candidate especially one who grew up in such proximity to that religion. It is that simple !!!
Bucco....that is stating that anyone who grew up Muslim or in close proximity to that heritage should be questioned...don't you think that is a little extreme! That (IMHO) says that if someone running for office is German or knows a lot of Germans...that perhaps they have ties to Hitler...and I am sure there are many other examples we can give. That does not seem to be very open minded....or fair!
Old 09-15-2008, 06:54 PM
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Bucco....that is stating that anyone who grew up Muslim or in close proximity to that heritage should be questioned
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If they are running for President of the US in this environment where extremist of that religion are beheading and killing throughtout the world....YES !
Old 09-15-2008, 06:55 PM
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Remember, I am responding to your note...I have never ever not once questioned Sen Obamas faith at all....but in todays climate to think that a muslim or someone with close association with muslims would not be looked at is sort of naive, dont you think ?>
Old 09-15-2008, 07:25 PM
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Default Hhhmmm....

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Remember, I am responding to your note...I have never ever not once questioned Sen Obamas faith at all....but in todays climate to think that a muslim or someone with close association with muslims would not be looked at is sort of naive, dont you think ?>
I am sure that there are MANY Muslims that would take extreme offense to this! I think that you are being somewhat racist...against the Muslims. Again..this is my opinion. It just doesn't seem right! Perhaps if there was some sort of PROOF that Obama was involved himself in some sort of extremist group that had plans to attack the USA...then I would think twice...probably think NO WAY! But in fact he HIMSELF has never been a member of or involved with any such organizations. Perhaps someone he knew ended up in a group that might have been at one point considered a possibilty....and he then fired him....well....that is a little far fetching.

Do you have some proof that Obama, himself, was part of some sort of organized extremist group? I don't think I have seen that....

I read about ONE person....who is no longer with Obama...
Old 09-15-2008, 09:37 PM
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some sort of PROOF that Obama was involved himself in some sort of extremist group that had plans to attack the USA...then I would think twice..
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You would think TWICE if you found that the man who would be President of the United States was involved in some sort of extremist group that had plans to attack the USA ?

Thanks for that !!!!!

You have not read any of my links have you? I never nor has anyone ever said something so dramatic as you are implying. All I am talking about is radical left wing ideology !!!
Old 09-15-2008, 09:51 PM
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It was a bush league gaff............An typical of Biden....An old world politician that shoots first and then asks questions later...........
Old 09-15-2008, 10:06 PM
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He made a mistake and in my opinion handled it very well. I'm sure he was embarrassed. Sadly this is yet another example of how this campaign is going. There is a tendency to make much out of nothing and in so doing to ignore the things that should be important.

When did we last hear candidates mention border security, illegal aliens or the drug problem in this country What are they going to do about the burden imposed on our military who are stretched so thin?

How will they fix our economy? I doubt a tax increase on just the wealthiest 2% will do it all but it sure sounds great to the rest us us in the other 98%.

Have you heard any mention lately about term limits? The increasing list of important issues does not get addressed and the focus of media stays on sound bites, gaffs and misstatements.

The Saturday Night Live spoof got loads of media attention but really has nothing to do with what should be important to us as a nation. We seem to have lost our sense of what matters, or should matter.
Old 09-16-2008, 08:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
some sort of PROOF that Obama was involved himself in some sort of extremist group that had plans to attack the USA...then I would think twice..
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You would think TWICE if you found that the man who would be President of the United States was involved in some sort of extremist group that had plans to attack the USA ?

Thanks for that !!!!!

You have not read any of my links have you? I never nor has anyone ever said something so dramatic as you are implying. All I am talking about is radical left wing ideology !!!
Bucco...give me a is just an don't think that I want what is best for this country too! Just because you and I believe that what is best for the country isn't the same as each other doesn't mean that my heart is not in it!!

Bucco...."then I would think twice" is just an expression! Of course if I heard and saw proof from a reputable bipartisan person...then I would think twice...or vote. I don't imagine any person would truly WANT that for our country! I think you knew what I meant!!

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