You Have Got To Be Kidding

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Old 11-10-2016, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Every day I am more like my grandfather - beaching about "kids" these days and becoming more and more disillusioned with society.
You're right to be disillusioned...each day the corruption grows worse. Each day the country slides a little closer to becoming 3rd world. Each day the kids get dumber.

Your grandfather would have been sued today...why? He knew everyone's value and that's racist/ won't be tolerated. It's hard to grow a successful business when the government forces you to carry 20% dead wood through hiring quotas.

Idiots who believe in equality don't realize that IF minorities were any good at anything but sports...they'd be recruited as heavily as they're recruited in sports. We'd need quotas for everyone else. The NFL and NBA are 90% minority...because they're GOOD at it. Top business/research positions are 90% white men...because they're GOOD at it. Get it? When you suck, nobody wants you and you need quotas. When you're good, people auction over you...sound familiar? You'd think the LAST thing a black man would be is a sports free agent, being auctioned on the block...just like a slave.

Nothing really changes...only the facade.
Old 11-10-2016, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's pretty funny...for an IDIOT!
I'm surprised that you were smart enough to appreciate it.
Old 11-10-2016, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
Just read where economic students attending Yale University were so triggered warning out by Donald Trump's election that they pleaded with their economic professor to postpone an examination needing a safe space until they could contain themselves from the shock of it all. My God what is this nation coming to? what are these people going to do with a real life event?

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I agree with you, Rubicon, that this is foolish. Do any of you ever stop and think these children were raised by your children? Your generation raised adults who give in to their children's every whim. Why? Certainly not every one of you, but as you criticize today's youth take a moment to reflect on how they got there. Today's youth is your grandchildren... (or children for some of you). Peace out...

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Old 11-11-2016, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
All federal funding, tax breaks, if any should be taken away from these obviously political universities.

If churches can't be political then education should not be either.
You think churches don't get political? Really? How about we simply eliminate ALL tax breaks from organizations? If they can't make it on their own, they probably don't need to exist.

Originally Posted by Guest
Sounds reasonable to me.

Evidence that today's education does not equal wisdom is proven by the way this country has been run.
we're lied to and fooled...that's how this country is run.

Originally Posted by Guest
Normally, in an all volunteer military that would be true. In a conscript military, it is much more than that. They do not coddle the recruits and if they get out of line, they don't get kicked out, they get thrown in the brig and then make up their service time when they finish their punishment. But, it's all just conversation, and not to be taken seriously. America's momma's would never allow their little children to be barked at harshly by big bad DI's.
It's STILL being kicked out? Correct?

Let me get this straight from you...if you're "not good enough" or you "create trouble" in military boot camp, you go to jail. But when you display these actions at school or at get a quota? If you're a minority.

Originally Posted by Guest
I agree with you, Rubicon, that this is foolish. Do any of you ever stop and think these children were raised by your children? Your generation raised adults who give in to their children's every whim. Why? Certainly not every one of you, but as you criticize today's youth take a moment to reflect on how they got there. Today's youth is your grandchildren... (or children for some of you). Peace out...

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The parents both worked, so they could buy lots of stuff, threw their kids in "day care" to be "raised" by Lawanda the 3rd worlder who barely speaks English...and you wonder why they're messed up?

WE didn't "raise them to be like this"...3rd worlders, blacks, hispanics RAISED them to be like this. You mothers should have DONE YOUR JOB and raised your own kids.
Old 11-11-2016, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I agree with you, Rubicon, that this is foolish. Do any of you ever stop and think these children were raised by your children? Your generation raised adults who give in to their children's every whim. Why? Certainly not every one of you, but as you criticize today's youth take a moment to reflect on how they got there. Today's youth is your grandchildren... (or children for some of you). Peace out...

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It seems that liberals always have an excuse, a way of blaming others.

"YOUR CHILDREN?" I don't know about your children or grandchildren, but mine have turned out to be very good and contributing citizens. Not one would lower themselves to protesting in the streets and vandalizing. Of course, mine when to conservative schools, have great and well paying jobs and are active with their very active children. My granddaughter is in high school and will have her two year college degree by the time she graduates from HS. She will have a great foundation to start with when she moves on to college. Not all children are irresponsible, just the ones that are coddled. Much of it is the blame of their parents and much of it is the blame of liberal college instructors, with their own personal ideological indoctrination.

You are correct to blame the parents and grandparents of the spoiled youth of today, but lets not paint with too broad a paint stroke. Some of us stuck to our values and hopefully, that is indicated in the results of this election. Americans (at least half of them) have shown that we recognize how far America has fallen and wish it to return to moral and ethical values.

Just my two cents worth.
Old 11-11-2016, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It seems that liberals always have an excuse, a way of blaming others.

"YOUR CHILDREN?" I don't know about your children or grandchildren, but mine have turned out to be very good and contributing citizens. Not one would lower themselves to protesting in the streets and vandalizing. Of course, mine when to conservative schools, have great and well paying jobs and are active with their very active children. My granddaughter is in high school and will have her two year college degree by the time she graduates from HS. She will have a great foundation to start with when she moves on to college. Not all children are irresponsible, just the ones that are coddled. Much of it is the blame of their parents and much of it is the blame of liberal college instructors, with their own personal ideological indoctrination.

You are correct to blame the parents and grandparents of the spoiled youth of today, but lets not paint with too broad a paint stroke. Some of us stuck to our values and hopefully, that is indicated in the results of this election. Americans (at least half of them) have shown that we recognize how far America has fallen and wish it to return to moral and ethical values.

Just my two cents worth.
Let me guess...I bet your children and their children weren't "raised" by Lawanda in some "day care mill". THAT is where the damage starts. They're "raised" by intellectual and moral inferiors.
Old 11-11-2016, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let me guess...I bet your children and their children weren't "raised" by Lawanda in some "day care mill". THAT is where the damage starts. They're "raised" by intellectual and moral inferiors.
I don't know why I bother responding to you. No, my children were raised by their mother. She quit working so that she could be with them until they started school. We put them in private school and she went back to work AT THEIR SCHOOL to assist in paying for their education. So, basically she was with them all the way. No, we were not wealthy but we felt that their education (proper education) was more important than having a new car and other luxuries that we willingly gave up.

Regardless of your attempt at a racist innuendo, the answer is no, we did not put our children in daycare. But, some folks such as single parents have no choice but to have someone else watch their children while they work to support the family. This is unfortunate, but sometimes necessary.
Old 11-11-2016, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't know why I bother responding to you. No, my children were raised by their mother. She quit working so that she could be with them until they started school. We put them in private school and she went back to work AT THEIR SCHOOL to assist in paying for their education. So, basically she was with them all the way. No, we were not wealthy but we felt that their education (proper education) was more important than having a new car and other luxuries that we willingly gave up.

Regardless of your attempt at a racist innuendo, the answer is no, we did not put our children in daycare. But, some folks such as single parents have no choice but to have someone else watch their children while they work to support the family. This is unfortunate, but sometimes necessary.
Well...shouldn't we COMPARE stories and outcomes before the name calling?

Let's compare YOUR story about the stay at home mom who felt responsible for her kids the typical idiots who both work crap jobs and sent their kids to the nearest "diversified" day care center. Lets see how THEY came out.

You proved my point...grudgingly. It's hardly innuendo, it's the facts beating you over the head. Kids turn out BETTER when a caring mother teaches and nurtures them...compared to kids sent to "day care mills" raised by 3rd worlders.
Old 11-11-2016, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well...shouldn't we COMPARE stories and outcomes before the name calling?

Let's compare YOUR story about the stay at home mom who felt responsible for her kids the typical idiots who both work crap jobs and sent their kids to the nearest "diversified" day care center. Lets see how THEY came out.

You proved my point...grudgingly. It's hardly innuendo, it's the facts beating you over the head. Kids turn out BETTER when a caring mother teaches and nurtures them...compared to kids sent to "day care mills" raised by 3rd worlders.
Not all day care providers are run by minorities. And not everyone on here are city folk. Some of us lived in rural areas. It's harder to raise children in cities than outside the city. Rural folks generally have higher moral and ethical standards. I know I am going to get punched for making such a generalized statement.
Old 11-11-2016, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Not all day care providers are run by minorities. And not everyone on here are city folk. Some of us lived in rural areas. It's harder to raise children in cities than outside the city. Rural folks generally have higher moral and ethical standards. I know I am going to get punched for making such a generalized statement.
If they punch you, they're wrong. It's a FACT that city kids are worse than country kids.

MOST day care centers HIRE minorities. The owner isn't "watching" your infant. Lawanda is. She'll teach him his first words. Things like b!tch, n!gg@r, f@ck...that's what he'll be hearing.

There are MORE "city folk" than "country folk" that's why it's a problem. Most of our youth are growing up this way. People in the villages probably had the means to avoid the lower class day cares. The average citizen shops for price. And that price gets you Lawanda.
Old 11-11-2016, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
If they punch you, they're wrong. It's a FACT that city kids are worse than country kids.

MOST day care centers HIRE minorities. The owner isn't "watching" your infant. Lawanda is. She'll teach him his first words. Things like b!tch, n!gg@r, f@ck...that's what he'll be hearing.

There are MORE "city folk" than "country folk" that's why it's a problem. Most of our youth are growing up this way. People in the villages probably had the means to avoid the lower class day cares. The average citizen shops for price. And that price gets you Lawanda.

What drives this hate dude ?

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Old 11-11-2016, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What drives this hate dude ?

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It's not's the facts. They wanted to know why the kids these days were so messed up. I explained it's because most of them are "raised" in daycare's by 3rd world, English as a second language, minorities with names like Lawanda. Kids that are raised by white mothers turn out much better.

These are facts, it's not hate. If you have a problem with my facts, I'll listen to you.
Old 11-12-2016, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by RickeyD View Post
What drives this hate dude ?

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I think it has something to do with his shoe size...

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Old 11-12-2016, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Half the voters. The RIGHT half to get him elected. Eat your heart out, crying over crooked Hillary the felon.
Actually it was somewhat less than half.
Old 11-12-2016, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
It's not's the facts...
Yep, it's the perceived by someone filled with pure hate.

life, space, kidding

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