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Old 07-23-2012, 04:45 PM
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Next....O.J Simpson didn't run 2000 yards in 1973.

This is such a stupid move by the NCAA. How about all the kids that played on those teams that did nothing wrong? Why are they being punished by having their records expunged?

In fact why is the school being punished at all. Some one committed a crime and some people helped to cover up that crime. The person who committed the crime has been prosecuted and will be punished. The people who cover up the crime should be prosecuted and punished. Why are tens of thousands of students and school employees who had nothing to do with any of this being punished. The university didn't commit any crime. Institutions can't commit crimes. People committed the crime and individual people should be punished.
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Old 07-23-2012, 04:47 PM
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love greg gutfeld comment on the five [fox news] - wonders if he should contact his bookie to see about resettling his account! lol
Not sure if I have free time...or if I just forgot everything I was supposed to do!

Old 07-23-2012, 08:47 PM
theapeman1 theapeman1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
Next....O.J Simpson didn't run 2000 yards in 1973.

This is such a stupid move by the NCAA. How about all the kids that played on those teams that did nothing wrong? Why are they being punished by having their records expunged?

In fact why is the school being punished at all. Some one committed a crime and some people helped to cover up that crime. The person who committed the crime has been prosecuted and will be punished. The people who cover up the crime should be prosecuted and punished. Why are tens of thousands of students and school employees who had nothing to do with any of this being punished. The university didn't commit any crime. Institutions can't commit crimes. People committed the crime and individual people should be punished.
Guess you just don't get it. The kids had nothing to do with it. Paterno had to be punished for his complicity and the only viable way is to tarnish his image forever. That's what the NCAA has done.
Old 07-24-2012, 04:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Bogie Shooter View Post
By vacating 112 Penn State victories from 1998-2011, the sanctions cost Paterno 111 wins. Former Florida State coach Bobby Bowden will now hold the top spot in the NCAA record book with 377 major-college wins. Paterno, who was fired days after Sandusky was charged, will be credited with 298 wins. Vacated wins are not the same as forfeits - they don't count as losses or wins
WOW how does Coach Bowden feel about that honor? Kinda backed into it..not the same as actually earning it so the honor is hollow.
Old 07-24-2012, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by justjim View Post
ESPN is all over this today. It will take Penn State a long time to recover but it will recover. Only the football program gets the NCAA sanctions and not any of the other sports. At some point in time we have made "sports" more important than education in our Universities. Basically, Football was the most important thing at Penn State. But before we start throwing stones we had better take a closer look at our own schools and Universities. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge sports fan but truthfully sports at the H.S., College and Professional level has gotten completely "out of hand" the last several years. Just how much does a 100 million dollar (plus) player contribute to our society. Is there anything wrong when all 5 of your starting freshman leave for the NBA after using just one year of their college scholarship? I was under the impression they were at the University to get an education. We pay a coach 5.3 million which is much more than a top science professor or even the President of the University. Anything wrong with that? What does this say about our culture----about our society? We have no problem building a new multi-million dollar stadium but there are no funds available to staff the new cancer institute. Maybe just maybe we got our priorities all wrong. I feel badly for the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Penn State University but they will recover in a relative short time. For the children abused by a coach at Penn State, it will take years, if ever.
PSU ALWAYS had the highest student scholar/graduation rate of any school out there. Their priorities were always education before sports and many players sat out who violated the strict rules of going to class and maintaining grades. Check the stats.......
Old 07-24-2012, 05:08 AM
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In fact why is the school being punished at all. Some one committed a crime and some people helped to cover up that crime. The person who committed the crime has been prosecuted and will be punished. The people who cover up the crime should be prosecuted and punished. Why are tens of thousands of students and school employees who had nothing to do with any of this being punished. The university didn't commit any crime. Institutions can't commit crimes. People committed the crime and individual people should be punished.

I agree. Why should the students have to suffer. The football players had nothing to do with this incident and they work real hard at grades and play great football and should be allowed to play in the bowl games. All the students at Penn State work hard and the school itself is a wonderful school. T
Old 07-24-2012, 05:21 AM
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It makes us realize that no matter how we live our lives, and what success we encounter, and what rewards we get and fame we enjoy, we are still ordinary people who are responsible for ordinary things.

I hate to see the people in happy valley who had nothing to do with these shameful events suffer but it was so bad or so wrong that unfortunatly now, even MORE innocent people have to suffer.
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Last edited by graciegirl; 07-24-2012 at 06:31 AM.
Old 07-24-2012, 06:34 AM
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Default Its all About Media Capital

We all view things differntly and when I view the Penn State situation would comes to my mind is what i perceive tobe the BIGGER STORY.

What comes to my mind is why is it that whether it is a church, a university, boy Scouts of america, a high school, a Day Care Center, an office do they all have the same reaction COVER IT UP. answer that question and all of the above goes away. but like mass shootings, disbehaving celebrities over sex school teaches it gets 24/7 coverage until the capital is run out and the media is onto the next big payoff for ratings.

We have become a reactive society emoting platiudes feigning indignation and then we all just sit back blink and deflate and wait for the next scandal
Old 07-24-2012, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by theapeman1 View Post
Guess you just don't get it. The kids had nothing to do with it. Paterno had to be punished for his complicity and the only viable way is to tarnish his image forever. That's what the NCAA has done.
The players on the teams from 1998-2011 had nothing to do with the victories? I would beg to differ. The fact is that they had everything to do with those victories and nothing to do with this crime, yet their records are being expunged.

Kids who are currently playing on the Penn State football team are not being allowed to play in bowl games. How does that punish the people who committed the crimes?

Penn State took down Paterno's statue. That should be enough. To falsify history does nothing.

In fact why is the NCAA Involved in this at all. This was a criminal situation that should be dealt with by the courts. It had nothing to do with sports.
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Old 07-24-2012, 08:18 AM
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I can only hope that all college/universities take a good hard look at their programs from recruitment, academics, game day...! As a parent of a former college football player I have seen and heard what goes on behind the scenes. Football programs in college have gotten too big...I know it's about money, big money, and winning but at what cost? shouldn't college be about academics first and foremost?
Old 07-24-2012, 08:47 AM
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I assume the Catholic church will lose its' tax exempt status and pay a $60,000,000 fine. It's only fair.
Old 07-24-2012, 09:34 AM
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Originally Posted by tainsley View Post
I can only hope that all college/universities take a good hard look at their programs from recruitment, academics, game day...! As a parent of a former college football player I have seen and heard what goes on behind the scenes. Football programs in college have gotten too big...I know it's about money, big money, and winning but at what cost? shouldn't college be about academics first and foremost?

Tainsley: I couldn't agree with you more. NCAA "If you find yourself in a place where the athletic culture is taking precedence over academic culture, then a variety of bad things can occur." No doubt the NCAA is making an example out of Penn State. Unfortunately, the football culture took precedence over exposing a scandal of sexual abuse by one of the football coaches----it was "covered up" in order to protect the football program. Was the punishment "harsh"? Were innocent students and players affected? Yes and Yes. Hopefully, other schools will take a second look at the culture of their athletic programs and reconsider their priorities. 5.3 million for a college football coach! That kinda sort of tells you the rest of the story. I could give you a long list of other major universities where the athletic culture has taken precedence over the real mission of the school. TOO BIG TO FAIL----seems like I've heard that phrase one too many times the past couple of years.
Old 07-27-2012, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by theapeman1 View Post
Guess you just don't get it. The kids had nothing to do with it. Paterno had to be punished for his complicity and the only viable way is to tarnish his image forever. That's what the NCAA has done.
How do you punish a dead man?

I guess the only way is to punish the school, the students, the faculty, the employees and thousands upon thousands of alumnae. That otta do it! Yeah. That'll show him!

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Old 07-27-2012, 11:32 AM
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Default I found this revealing about the Penn State scandal.

Changing The Way We Think About Prevention: The Joe Paterno Statue, Sanctions, and Looking Forward

I do believe that the problem lies more in a culture denying that victims are all that important when compared with various institution's interests. It is a lot broader than just Penn State. I do hope that this does something positive to put an end to the sexual abuse of kids. The Catholic Church priest abuse scandal has not had as much of an impact--in the U.S. anyway-- in curbing sexual abuse of kids in other areas of society.
Old 08-15-2012, 10:57 AM
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Default Joe Paterno's Biography

Article from his biography claims he broke down crying on the day of his firing.

Paterno biography: Penn State coach “sobbed uncontrollably” after firing | SI Tracking Blog
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