Golf Course Conditions

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Old 03-09-2011, 05:19 PM
Taj44 Taj44 is offline
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Originally Posted by schotzyb View Post
Played Tierra Del Sol today and found it to be in fairly good condition. Not as good as Lopez , Glenview or Orange Blossom but very playable . Greens were extremely slow though.
Boo, I hate slow greens. I think it throws my putting stroke off when you have to "ram" the ball to the hole.
Old 03-09-2011, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by cabo35 View Post
... Greens were good even though the pinsetter was on occasion...laughably sadistic.
Personally, I think they (the pinsetters) all are genetically programmed to inflict a certain amount of pain and suffering on unsuspecting golfers like ourselves!
Old 03-09-2011, 10:36 PM
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Well, this good steady rain should improve our golf course conditions even more, especially Hacienda that suffered the most due to not overseeding the fairways.
Mississippi; Pennsylvania; North Carolina; The Villages (Polo Ridge) Keep it in the short grass!!!

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Old 03-10-2011, 08:27 AM
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played Havanna yesterday,still in really good shape. This rain should help all the golf courses.
Old 03-12-2011, 05:47 PM
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Played Glenview yesterday with our weekly group and all were still very pleased with the courses conditions. Nice and green and the greens had a good speed to them. I do believe that sadistic pinsetter has changed courses or is making his round to all courses. Some placements were extremely tough to get at.
Mississippi; Pennsylvania; North Carolina; The Villages (Polo Ridge) Keep it in the short grass!!!

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Old 03-13-2011, 04:55 AM
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Glenview was in great shape last week. Great pace of play as we never waited. Just over 4 hours... Greens were medium speed
Old 03-13-2011, 05:58 AM
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I cannot say this enough. I played Palmer Friday and the greens were the best I have seen in TV in the years I have been here. Fast and smooth.

Off to Glenview this AM, if the sun ever comes up that is
Old 03-13-2011, 06:27 AM
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Played Orange Blossom Hills on Friday. Front nine was very good; greens were smooth and medium speed. Back nine is still a little rough...fairways are not too bad, but greens are not as good as the front nine. Overall, a good playing experience...
Old 03-15-2011, 05:53 PM
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Played Tierra Del Sol today and found it to be very playable. Fairways and T boxes good . A couple greens had diseased spots but not really bad. Very playable.
Mississippi; Pennsylvania; North Carolina; The Villages (Polo Ridge) Keep it in the short grass!!!

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Old 03-15-2011, 08:08 PM
Taj44 Taj44 is offline
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Played Havana the other day. Very slow pace of play - front nine okay, then almost 3 hour back nine. Fairways didn't have much of a cushion of grass, very hard and dry. Greens were nice. I thought Glenview was in much better condition last week, although their greens were painfully slow.
Old 03-15-2011, 08:28 PM
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Why is Havana so slow?
Old 03-15-2011, 08:55 PM
gage405 gage405 is offline
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Havana is/was slow because between 1:32 p.m. and 2:11, potentially 4 groups of players playing only nine-holes are allowed out.
On Sunday, I was in the first group at 11:56 on Hemingway. We played a very nice round for the first nine. No hold-ups and we finished right on time.
We came to Kilimanjaro and by the time we got to the second hole, there
was a back-up.
From the second tee we could see 4 foursomes between the second fairway and the third green...or almost getting to the third green, lol.
We waited on every shot the entire remaining 8 holes on the second nine.

It was annoying. It feels like the people who go out in the afternoon wave for 18 holes are not being treated fairly. Why should we have to come up
against a wall of usually slow players who are also usually inexperienced?

I know it is driven by the desire for more revenue but it is like a slap in the
face to those of us who have paid the 18-hole fee and believe we should
be able to play an 18-hole round with a decent pace of play.

I also do not understand why novice players want to pay to play on the 18-hole courses when they could have just as much fun and just as much of a challenge for free on the executive courses.

It seems like there could be a different solution. Someone suggested one nine-hole course be allocated to those who want to play 9 holes and let the
other two courses be dedicated to the 18 hole group.

I think we should mention this problem in the annual survey.
Old 03-15-2011, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by gage405 View Post
Havana is/was slow because between 1:32 p.m. and 2:11, potentially 4 groups of players playing only nine-holes are allowed out.
On Sunday, I was in the first group at 11:56 on Hemingway. We played a very nice round for the first nine. No hold-ups and we finished right on time.
We came to Kilimanjaro and by the time we got to the second hole, there
was a back-up.
From the second tee we could see 4 foursomes between the second fairway and the third green...or almost getting to the third green, lol.
We waited on every shot the entire remaining 8 holes on the second nine.

It was annoying. It feels like the people who go out in the afternoon wave for 18 holes are not being treated fairly. Why should we have to come up
against a wall of usually slow players who are also usually inexperienced?

I know it is driven by the desire for more revenue but it is like a slap in the
face to those of us who have paid the 18-hole fee and believe we should
be able to play an 18-hole round with a decent pace of play.

I also do not understand why novice players want to pay to play on the 18-hole courses when they could have just as much fun and just as much of a challenge for free on the executive courses.

It seems like there could be a different solution. Someone suggested one nine-hole course be allocated to those who want to play 9 holes and let the
other two courses be dedicated to the 18 hole group.

I think we should mention this problem in the annual survey.
We played Tierra today. The front nine we played in 1:30 1:40. We made the turn, hit a wall. Back nine 230-245. But the weather was great, were retired and the wife was shopping (without me)
Villager from 2000 until they take me out in a small box!!!
Old 03-15-2011, 09:06 PM
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The same thing happened to our foursome today at Tierra.We teed off at 11:56
and never had to wait for a single shot on the front nine Played it in 1.5 hours. Took 3 hours to play the back nine. Waited on every single shot. Wanna know which nine I scored better on?
Mississippi; Pennsylvania; North Carolina; The Villages (Polo Ridge) Keep it in the short grass!!!

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Old 03-18-2011, 04:07 PM
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Went to Tavistock on Tuesday. Beautiful course. Walked the fairways and some greens. I have to say that Palmer/Lopez fairways are very close in quality to Isleworth where Tiger, Els and the top pros played Monday. Difference one: their caddies replaced their divots like master groundskeepers. I took a hard look in comparing course conditions by playing the next day at Palmer. Palmer greens were excellent, Isleworth....flawless. I took special note of the rough short grass areas at Isleworth and frankly didn't see a big difference from any Villages courses. Same type of hard, spotty, burned out surface.

I guess the 20 million dollar homes set back from the fairways might impress some golfers, the course itself and playability...very nice...but not a quantum improvement over premium Villages courses. The park like ambiance and landscaping are also impressive.

Remember, I'm the same guy that says I haven't found any Florida course that compares with the thick, lush green courses of the northeast in the late spring through autumn. Your irons slide so nicely under the ball off those dense, plush fairways....assuming of course that you hit the fairways with some frequency. Finding your ball in the long rough can be a nuisance not encountered on the Serengeti plains of Havana CC. Of course down here we don't deal with frozen water hazards, orange golf balls in the snow and 8 foot snow drifts in the bunkers.

Just my opinion.
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