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Old 08-28-2009, 06:37 AM
tony tony is offline
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Why worry about views being down, even if it may not be true? Those who
want to see the posts see them. That's the freedom to choose. Making the
forum a subscription forum allows people the freedom to choose what they
want to see. It's the best choice we could present to our members because, to
my knowledge, we cannot make a forum opt-out.

I don't understand why rshoffer strives to make our forum look bad by saying
"the new format certainly had killed the viewing numbers." Why would he do
that? We offer a free forum yet he finds it necessary to criticize us when we
make a change that we feel is necessary.

If the views have been lower it is probably because those members who don't
really want to see political posts are not having the political posts placed
before them to either unintentionally click to read or intentionally read even
though they would rather not have clicked.
Old 08-28-2009, 07:13 AM
Bucco Bucco is offline
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"....or intentionally read even
though they would rather not have clicked."
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I dont know if it is the structure of this sentence that intrigues me or the thought of the person being described
Old 08-28-2009, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by rshoffer View Post
Why? Answer: censored
Not enough action over in Political? Not as much fun when the friendly drop-ins don't pop in to get ganged up on and torn apart? Play nice - the gang of ... (6, 8, 10) can certainly get in a circle and tell each other how right-on (sic) they are or play patty-cake or whatever it is they like to play when they are in a circle.

Doctor(?) heal thyself - get over it.
Old 08-28-2009, 08:03 AM
BobKat1 BobKat1 is offline
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Originally Posted by tony View Post
Why worry about views being down, even if it may not be true? Those who
want to see the posts see them. Thats the freedom to choose. Making the
forum a subscription forum allows people the freedom to choose what they
want to see. It's the best choice we could present to our members because, to
my knowledge, we cannot make a forum opt-out.

I don't understand why rshoffer strives to make our forum look bad by saying
"the new format certainly had killed the viewing numbers." Why would he do
that? We offer a free forum yet he finds it necessary to criticize us when we
make a change that we feel is necessary.

If the views have been lower it is probably because those members who don't
really want to see political posts are not having the political posts placed
before them to either unintentionally click to read or intentionally read even
though they would rather not have clicked.
Well said. Thank you! Personally, I like the change and life as we know it is going along just fine.
Old 08-28-2009, 09:32 AM
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I am very glad it has moved. I would see it, read something, get brought in to the insane arguments, and it just made this otherwise great forum ugly. I hope it dies a slow and painful death there. Great move, moving it.
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Old 08-28-2009, 08:27 PM
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I have absolutely no problem with the registering to participate in a political discussion; but if anybody was bothered by the content, why would they click in? Were politically sensitive individuals made to participate? Is it just that by not seeing "Political" at the bottom of their page they can pretend that nobody is engaging in political give and take?
Old 08-28-2009, 08:42 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Originally Posted by tony View Post
Why worry about views being down, even if it may not be true? Those who
want to see the posts see them. Thats the freedom to choose. Making the
forum a subscription forum allows people the freedom to choose what they
want to see. It's the best choice we could present to our members because, to
my knowledge, we cannot make a forum opt-out.

I don't understand why rshoffer strives to make our forum look bad by saying
"the new format certainly had killed the viewing numbers." Why would he do
that? We offer a free forum yet he finds it necessary to criticize us when we
make a change that we feel is necessary.

If the views have been lower it is probably because those members who don't
really want to see political posts are not having the political posts placed
before them to either unintentionally click to read or intentionally read even
though they would rather not have clicked.
Since there are many forums, how is it decided which ones would be a "subscription" forum? Are there any other forums which are "subscription" forums?
Old 08-28-2009, 08:52 PM
tony tony is offline
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Why this continual challenging, rshoffer. This transition has gone well.

Political group members are posting as that have in the past and those who don't want to see it don't see it.

To Political group members, the forum looks as it always had.

To Political group non-members, it looks the way they like it.

Newly registered members are told of the existence of the Political forum with a colorful ad on every page that contains posts.
Old 08-28-2009, 09:09 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Originally Posted by tony View Post
Why this continual challenging, rshoffer. This transition has gone well.

Political group members are posting as that have in the past and those who don't want to see it don't see it.

To Political group members, the forum looks as it always had.

To Political group non-members, it looks the way they like it.

Newly registered members are told of the existence of the Political forum with a colorful ad on every page that contains posts.
You dodged the question.
"Subscription forums" are like this.... " you can still ride on the bus but you must sit in the back". Thus, there is no big deal.... we can still ride on the bus like we always did, and those that were offended by our presence do not have to see us... unless they want to come to the back of the bus with us.
Old 08-28-2009, 09:24 PM
tony tony is offline
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hoffer, I have had quite enough of this.

If I were as unhappy with the change that was made to the forum as you are, I would find somewhere else to spend my time.

Our forum is moving on quite well after this change. I suggest you do that also or find somewhere more amenable to you.
Old 08-28-2009, 09:38 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Originally Posted by tony View Post
hoffer, I have had quite enough of this.

If I were as unhappy with the change that was made to the forum as you are, I would find somewhere else to spend my time.

Our forum is moving on quite well after this change, I suggest you do that also or find somewhere more amenable to you.
Quite enough of what? Discussion? I thought that is what people did on internet forums. I was expressing my feelings/opinions about what I perceived as censorship/segregation of a particular forum within TOTV. I certainly don't think my opinions are powerful enough to keep TOTV from moving on quite well. Now, if you want to silence any further discussion of my opinion I believe you have the power to do that with a simple keystroke.
Old 08-29-2009, 05:12 AM
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I have to agree with Tony on this. I am gald it was changed. I for one dont care either way, but am glad it happened. If you want to view it and join in then subscribe to it, no need to use Tony's thread to remind people about that forum to start a different agenda here.
Move on, get a life, subcribe to that thread and rumble in there. That is why I am for one am glad it moved. Things just like this..
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Old 08-29-2009, 07:30 AM
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As a regular contributer to the political forum, while you feel it has gone well, with me the nagging feeling that I have been banished to the basement for bad behaviour continues and I am like that kid who has idea what he did wrong.

I have no idea what prompted this decision, but I respect you as the administrator and owner of this forum thus I go quietly into the night !

I am posting this publicly because with all the hate filled comments on here about those of us who post in that area, there needed some balance. We, those who post, on either side of the aisle have been characterized as racist and a few other unpleasant things and that is not even close to the truth as you well know.

I have learned quite a bit by posting, asking and reading on that forum and have never been confused or sidetracked by other posts being made in other areas of the TOTV as folks say they are.

It is VERY unfortunate, but it is what it is and we move forward, but the vitrol being aimed at us who post there is terribly unfair and actually is ironic in the sense that those who are posting such things are maintainng they dont want to hear such things while they type it here with not a person crticizing them.
Old 08-29-2009, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
It is VERY unfortunate, but it is what it is and we move forward, but the vitrol being aimed at us who post there is terribly unfair and actually is ironic in the sense that those who are posting such things are maintainng they dont want to hear such things while they type it here with not a person crticizing them.
I dont understand this, what does it mean?

I agree that this change is a very good idea. But for a different reason that I said before. 75000 people live in the Villages and there are many more like me who plan to some day and dont yet. The number of people who write I dont mean the number of members seems small. But the number of people who write in the political section seems specially tiny even compared to the other areas. Its good that this very tiny membership has there own area to write to each other not part of the general gorup.
Old 08-29-2009, 07:56 AM
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Default People are funny....they really are. Those who dislike

political for what ever their reason, remind me of the folks who go into a saloon and complain about how noisy and smoky and how offensive the patrons look and act.

And they keep coming back every day, and keep complaining about how another group chooses to live. The unfortunate side effect is they tend to be hypocritical in nature as their razor edged tongue lashes out in accusation of those things they interpret.

I would like to see how brazen some of the critics are when eye ball to eye ball...anonymity begets bravery for some.

When you want to broaden your horizon's come on over to political and join in one of the blessings of the first amendment.

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