Don't forget about Political

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Old 08-29-2009, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Quixote View Post
I dont understand this, what does it mean?

I agree that this change is a very good idea. But for a different reason that I said before. 75000 people live in the Villages and there are many more like me who plan to some day and dont yet. The number of people who write I dont mean the number of members seems small. But the number of people who write in the political section seems specially tiny even compared to the other areas. Its good that this very tiny membership has there own area to write to each other not part of the general gorup.
With all due respect, my point was that posts like

"I am glad this has forum been segregated. I stopped logging on and contributing to this site because I found that forum offensive, racist and exasperatingly negative. It overpowered and tainted the otherwise positive, tolerant tone of this site."

or this sarcasm...

"Not enough action over in Political? Not as much fun when the friendly drop-ins don't pop in to get ganged up on and torn apart? Play nice - the gang of ... (6, 8, 10) can certainly get in a circle and tell each other how right-on (sic) they are or play patty-cake or whatever it is they like to play when they are in a circle.

Doctor(?) heal thyself - get over it."

and then the good wishes...

"I am very glad it has moved. I would see it, read something, get brought in to the insane arguments, and it just made this otherwise great forum ugly. I hope it dies a slow and painful death there. Great move, moving it."

This posted by folks that were disgusted with us who post regularly on there. I dont post this on behalf of just myself or those who agree with me politically but ALL of those who post there who are not not gang up, etc.

At least I thank you for listening !

These postings dont bother anyone but me I suppose
Old 08-29-2009, 08:45 AM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
political for what ever their reason, remind me of the folks who go into a saloon and complain about how noisy and smoky and how offensive the patrons look and act.

And they keep coming back every day, and keep complaining about how another group chooses to live. The unfortunate side effect is they tend to be hypocritical in nature as their razor edged tongue lashes out in accusation of those things they interpret.

I would like to see how brazen some of the critics are when eye ball to eye ball...anonymity begets bravery for some.

When you want to broaden your horizon's come on over to political and join in one of the blessings of the first amendment.

Oh my goodness, Miss Kitty, I think someone is being called out into the street for a shout out. Please be gemtle with us Mr. "Billie the Kid."
Old 08-29-2009, 08:51 AM
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What if you had a big party at your home and a fairly large number of the attendees entered into a loud political discussion in the kitchen and it became heated at times. Then some of the other guests started to complain to you that it was straining their enjoyment. What would you do?

Would you ask the political group to tone it down? Would tell them to shut up? Would you ask them to move their discussion outside? Would you ask them leave?

Or, would you tell the non-political participants to suck it up. What if some of them started to leave as a result?

Lets say for a moment that you went into your kitchen and mustered up the courage to tell the political participants to please respect your home and tone it down a little. Then one or more of them looked you in the eye and said, "this is America by God, and I have my first amendment rights to express my views anywhere and anytime I choose." Let's say you reminded them that this was your home and they were invited guests there, and they said, "it makes no difference, we'll do and say what we please, when we please." What would you do?

Now, lets say you ask the political discussion to step out to the lanai and continue their discussion there. At that point, several of them responded, "OUTSIDE, how dare you tell us to go outside, what do you think we are "second class citizens?" "Tell the others to go outside if they don't like what we are discussing, or tell them to not listen"

Okay, let's take this one step farther and say the political group is finally out on the lanai and you go to the dining room and join in the general party talk with the others. Now, several of the lanai group comes into the dining room and starts, "They sent us outside, so you pantywaists can't hear us, who the hell do you all think you are. Are you all happy now that those of us who want to discuss politics are sent away. I hope the host and hostess are happy with themselves for dissing us."

I'm curious how you would handle this situation.
Old 08-29-2009, 09:02 AM
Bucco Bucco is offline
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Originally Posted by Talk Host View Post
What if you had a big party at your home and a fairly large number of the attendees entered into a loud political discussion in the kitchen and it became heated at times. Then some of the other guests started to complain to you that it was straining their enjoyment. What would you do?

Would you ask the political group to tone it down? Would tell them to shut up? Would you ask them to move their discussion outside? Would you ask them leave?

Or, would you tell the non-political participants to suck it up. What if some of them started to leave as a result?

Lets say for a moment that you went into your kitchen and mustered up the courage to tell the political participants to please respect your home and tone it down a little. Then one or more of them looked you in the eye and said, "this is America by God, and I have my first amendment rights to express my views anywhere and anytime I choose." What would you do?

Now, lets say you ask the political discussion to step out to the lanai and continue their discussion there. At that point, several of them responded, "OUTSIDE, how dare you tell us to go outside, what do you think we are "second class citizens?" "Tell the others to go outside if they don't like what we are discussing, or tell them not to listen"

I'm curious how you would handle this situation.
With all due respect.....using your analogy.....if there were a sign on the door to the kitchen that said POLITICAL DISCUSSION IN PROGRESS and some of those complaining guests came to you and harped, might you tell them to stay out of that room ? That is closer than your analogy as NOBODY was required to come into or read any political post and you could not "HEAR" it unless you opened that door and came directly into the kitchen !

Secondly, those who complained...did they come out of that room and use the same kind of language to you that they were complaining about ?

Tony,. I dont know who complained and why and can only make an educated guess, but I understand that you have a responsibility and I respect and understand that......perhaps I am being too sensitive but it seems like those of us who enjoy discussing politics have been a bit maligned on this thread and others and I suppose I take it personally because I do not believe one word of the accusations.

I only posted this morning because there were some nasty comments aimed a group of people that was unfair and it was treated as a joke and I hope this will be my last foray in here !
Old 08-29-2009, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
With all due respect.....using your analogy.....if there were a sign on the door to the kitchen that said POLITICAL DISCUSSION IN PROGRESS and some of those complaining guests came to you and harped, might you tell them to stay out of that room ? That is closer than your analogy as NOBODY was required to come into or read any political post and you could not "HEAR" it unless you opened that door and came directly into the kitchen !

Secondly, those who complained...did they come out of that room and use the same kind of language to you that they were complaining about ?

Tony,. I dont know who complained and why and can only make an educated guess, but I understand that you have a responsibility and I respect and understand that......perhaps I am being too sensitive but it seems like those of us who enjoy discussing politics have been a bit maligned on this thread and others and I suppose I take it personally because I do not believe one word of the accusations.

I only posted this morning because there were some nasty comments aimed a group of people that was unfair and it was treated as a joke and I hope this will be my last foray in here !
You are so wrong that I can't even describe it. When it's your home, you do what you think is best. If the guests don't like it, they can leave. That's it.
Old 08-29-2009, 09:24 AM
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It's obvious that some folks enjoy debating anything and everything. Political is a good spot for that. IMO, the right spot for it is right where it is now.
Old 08-29-2009, 10:43 AM
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Default You forgot to ask what you would do when the non political

group keeps making accusations and calling names on a personal level.

Until today I have decided to leave the subject alone. Now that the change is in place, it would be nice if everybody else did too!!!

The thread started out as a reminder for those who might have an interest. And funny how it got turned into a catharsis by those complaining about the tone and tenor of the political forum. Now how many faces does that take.

I'm done (again).

Old 08-29-2009, 11:03 AM
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I fall into the category of a wannabe, and I wannabe informed about The Villages.

I came to this forum to ask questions and, even more importantly, read questions and answers from others that I would not have thought to ask. Comments, good and bad, about life in TV are very informative.

And because it does nothing to further that desire to know all I can before I make a commitment to move, your political opinion -- or that of someone who disagrees with you -- are not why I showed up here.

I belong to another, more specialized, message board community with several thousand members. A political statement is about as rare as a solar eclipse there. We all came to inform and be informed about the subject of our mutual interest and personal opinions about politics are simply not a part of what we are about.

Since a vocal group here wants to talk politics, then giving them a separate area to do so is not only appropriate but welcome.

If the critics should cause you to rethink the recent moves you have made, count me as a vote in favor of the change.
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Old 08-29-2009, 11:54 AM
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I agree. I don't think disliking the current occupant of the White House makes you a racist, not do I think disliking the prior one makes you un-American. However the political forum is so polarized that it creates a lot of heat but very little light.

TH - while we frequently disagree, I really like your analogy. So I thank you for being a gracious host and providing options for those who like and dislike the political forum.

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Old 08-29-2009, 12:18 PM
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Default TOTV is merely a microcosm and reflection of what goes on

in politics EVERYWHERE. The TOTV political forum is polarized? Oh, nooooo!
How very different is that polarity than every where else where hearts are beating.

No struggle no progress. Call a spade a spade (card deck that is, as it was always meant to be). Stand and be counted. Back your belief. And what they do not do in Washington, DC...keep an open mind.

I am becoming accustomed to the fact "the kitchen" is now by subscription. Screens out some of the heat intolerant!

Political discussions polarized....what is this world coming to?

Old 08-29-2009, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by cybrgeezer View Post
I fall into the category of a wannabe, and I wannabe informed about The Villages.

I came to this forum to ask questions and, even more importantly, read questions and answers from others that I would not have thought to ask. Comments, good and bad, about life in TV are very informative.

And because it does nothing to further that desire to know all I can before I make a commitment to move, your political opinion -- or that of someone who disagrees with you -- are not why I showed up here.

I belong to another, more specialized, message board community with several thousand members. A political statement is about as rare as a solar eclipse there. We all came to inform and be informed about the subject of our mutual interest and personal opinions about politics are simply not a part of what we are about.

Since a vocal group here wants to talk politics, then giving them a separate area to do so is not only appropriate but welcome.

If the critics should cause you to rethink the recent moves you have made, count me as a vote in favor of the change.
May I point out that on the list of forums within TOTV you may find: Investment Talk, Travel Forum, Talk about Books (Movies), Feminine Forum, Computer Forum, even NON-Villages Discussion and of course, the dark, evil Political Forum. None of these forums will aid you in "knowing all you can before you make a committment to move..." Using your argument access to all of these forums should have the same requirements/restrictions.
Old 08-29-2009, 03:29 PM
Quixote Quixote is offline
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Theres something I still dont understand. I think this website says it has 9000 members but it looks like not many write on it regularly and not all 9000 live in the Villages. And there are 75000 people living in the Villages. How many of the 9000 are members of the new political section?
Old 08-29-2009, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by katezbox View Post

TH - while we frequently disagree,
Gee, I'm at a disadvantage. I didn't know that we frequently disagree. If I had known that we "frequently disagree," I would have tried to be more agreeable. But I don't know what we disagreed about.

In any event, I'm glad we agree on this.

Old 08-29-2009, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Quixote View Post
How many of the 9000 are members of the new political section?
Enough to make it interesting. That's all that matters.
Old 08-29-2009, 03:47 PM
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I respect your posts in Political and wish you would not feel tread upon. Let me try to change your perspective a little. In many forums, value-added boards are accessible by paid subscription only, and they are considered elite, "up stairs."

We clearly don't want to charge for the value-added Political forum, but can you please try for a day or two to consider it "upstairs," by subscription, and pretend I sent you a bill for $48 a year to get into Political. I know of a forum that does charge $48 a year to just post.

Another perspective: Can we agree that Political gets a little boisterous? We built you folks a little soundproof partition upstairs. You can argue all you want upstairs, and nobody downstairs can hear you. If anybody downstairs comes upstairs and complains about the noise, I will suggest where they can go, too.

And billethkid, you really made me laugh when you said,
"I would like to see how brazen some of the critics are when eye ball to eye ball...anonymity begets bravery for some."
Them's some pretty strong words there, pardner, for somebody who goes anonymously by "billethkid."
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