Carriage Villas

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Old 08-25-2009, 03:26 PM
hockyb hockyb is offline
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Default Carriage Villas

I am thinking of purchasing in The Villages. I would like to know the pros and cons of block construction in The Villages, opposed to wood-frame construction.
Old 08-25-2009, 04:26 PM
swrinfla swrinfla is offline
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Certainly a "depends on who you ask" question!

But, I built a block Designer, even though it cost me something short of $3,000 more, because I just felt that meant my house would be sturdier, therefore safer. Maybe the fact that I'd lived for close to 60 years in brick homes influenced my thinking.

I cannot relate any comparisons with "stick" homes with siding, even though several of my neighbors live in them. But, I am personally convinced that 1) block will be quieter, 2) block will be safer in high winds, and 3) block/stucco should need a little less maintenance.

Be aware that everybody's roof is wooden rafters, plywood, tar paper and shingles. Therefore, if a storm is srong enough to damage your roof, it'll probably do so without regard to your walls!

Under any circumstances, the most important decision, in my mind, is: do you like the neighborhood, the house/villa itself? If so, Buy. If not, look further! You can't hardly go wrong in TV!

Old 08-25-2009, 05:28 PM
clyd709 clyd709 is offline
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This is only my personal opinion. I lived in a Block Villa for almost 8 years in the Villages. In the year 2004 we had 4 Hurricanes and I felt very safe in a Block Structure. I now live in the State of Georgia and have a Brick Home. They stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter and you do not have to wory about Termites. Good Luck with whatever you decide to buy and you will love it in the Villages it is a great place to live.
Old 08-25-2009, 05:55 PM
vtcyclist vtcyclist is offline
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Default Block vs Woodframe

Yes, I agree. Concrete Block, although a bit more expensive does better in hot climates, I feel, than woodframe. I feel it is a little better for resale, as well.

Good luck and welcome to TV - you really can't go that wrong with whatever you decide. The builders here do know what they are doing. And, if they screw up and get too many complaints, they are out.
Old 08-26-2009, 07:00 AM
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Everyone so far is right on target. Cost more to build/buy BUT well worth it on cost of heat/cool and also lower insurance rates.

Army Guy
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Old 09-20-2009, 02:42 PM
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We live in a courtyard villa and wish we had gotten block, because sometime when our neighbors have a party, you can hear them. Their liuni is on the side, next to our bedroom. Plus they would keep the house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter as others have mentioned.
Old 09-20-2009, 06:09 PM
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We have a block and stucco courtyard villa and I also think that the block/stucco 6' dividing fence behind and beside our house also protects from high winds. It also creates a buffer from noise.
Also we like the fact that we have very little maintenance and our lanscaping requires very little upkeep as well.
Old 09-25-2009, 03:36 PM
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I think block and stucco is actually hotter in summer, the stone holds heat where the wood frame doesn't. (same goes for landscaping, the stone holds heat more than wood mulch/bark)

Also, as our sales rep said, the stone is subject to cracking and leaking, so keep it in repair.

I think resale is higher, fofsetting the higher initial cost.
It's also much quieter. Safer in a hurricane though there haven't been any, and it's not safe in a tornado , as noted above, cuz your roof will be gone anyway.

Also, far less termite issues in a block home.

Nothing really wrong with frame, there are plenty of 'em and I own one.
But block is great too. Take your pick.
Old 09-26-2009, 04:25 PM
RVRoadie RVRoadie is offline
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I think that you buy based on the look you like, block or vinyl. All other considerations are pretty subjective and would be difficult to prove one way or the other.
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