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Old 03-13-2016, 10:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Dear Guests:

Nothing is free even the air we breathe (think the EPA) because in one way another another the government is in your pockets.

Sanders told Brit Baier that health care is ever person's right. He asked why and Bernie said because they are human beings. The audience clapped and to my disappointment Brit stopped.

I yelled back at my television telling Brit to ask Bernie then with these rights what are human beings responsibilities? Does Bernie recognize that those seeking such rights will only abuse them?

The lie behind the passage of ACA was that people went uninsured but those without insurance are a larger number now and those who purchased insurance are paying larger premium and incurring higher deductibles and co-pays

In the beginning the states created the federal government they were careful to maintain a fine balance knowing the tyranny of central government but along the way politicians promised free stuff for votes and viola

A Kenyan in the White House was a disaster and a Canadian in the White House will be another because irrespective of the definition of a natural born citizen as a qualification neither of these men can relate to true American patriotism. So they are no better than the socialist or the un-indicted crook running.

It is indeed a mystery as to why this nation can no longer produce a person worthy to lead this nation The simple answer is corruption and cronyism

I had no intention of voting in this election but voting is a privilege and I would not violate that sacred gift. So I voted in the primary and the truth be told I voted the same as my wife for one simple reason I did not want to negate her sensible selection.

Can rationality retake this nation sadly I do not believe so because the electorate is too self centered, selfish and pampered. Our founders must be turning in their graves

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-13-2016, 11:19 PM
Posts: n/a

I guess it does not bother you one bit that people in this country have it worse medically than most other countries. I just don't see why the richest country in the world can not provide world class medical coverage for its citizens.
Old 03-14-2016, 12:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I guess it does not bother you one bit that people in this country have it worse medically than most other countries. I just don't see why the richest country in the world can not provide world class medical coverage for its citizens.
How much more would you be willing to pay in taxes to provide "world class coverage " to all Americans? And, does that include those who are here illegally?

Oh, and most socialized countries provide "world class coverage" only until they reach the point where the cost of medical intervention is superseded by the cost benefit of further treatment.
Old 03-14-2016, 07:33 AM
Posts: n/a

You can't teach a liberal anything. If they would get off their protected rears and travel to those socialized medicine countries, they would learn a few things about how "great" their health care really is. They would also find out that even in Germany, where your income is taxed at about 55% (in total) you still require private insurance IF you want quality treatment. I have been to and lived in many countries and I have yet to see anything that compare to our great country. But, liberals will repeat talking points from the ignorant. Just like they don't believe that Hillary broke the law, even when you have former/retired State Dept employees that know better.
Old 03-14-2016, 07:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
A Kenyan in the White House
Really? You're a birther? He's not an American? I'll be reading your posts a little differently. He went looking for his father in Kenya.
Didn't you read his books?
Old 03-14-2016, 07:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guests:

Nothing is free even the air we breathe (think the EPA) because in one way another another the government is in your pockets.

Sanders told Brit Baier that health care is ever person's right. He asked why and Bernie said because they are human beings. The audience clapped and to my disappointment Brit stopped.

I yelled back at my television telling Brit to ask Bernie then with these rights what are human beings responsibilities? Does Bernie recognize that those seeking such rights will only abuse them?

The lie behind the passage of ACA was that people went uninsured but those without insurance are a larger number now and those who purchased insurance are paying larger premium and incurring higher deductibles and co-pays

In the beginning the states created the federal government they were careful to maintain a fine balance knowing the tyranny of central government but along the way politicians promised free stuff for votes and viola

A Kenyan in the White House was a disaster and a Canadian in the White House will be another because irrespective of the definition of a natural born citizen as a qualification neither of these men can relate to true American patriotism. So they are no better than the socialist or the un-indicted crook running.

It is indeed a mystery as to why this nation can no longer produce a person worthy to lead this nation The simple answer is corruption and cronyism

I had no intention of voting in this election but voting is a privilege and I would not violate that sacred gift. So I voted in the primary and the truth be told I voted the same as my wife for one simple reason I did not want to negate her sensible selection.

Can rationality retake this nation sadly I do not believe so because the electorate is too self centered, selfish and pampered. Our founders must be turning in their graves

Personal Best Regards:
your posting here has just showed everyone on this forum that you are not thinking correctly anymore. In other words, you have proved to the world that you are not relevant!

Your posts from now on will be looked at as though they are just rants and will not be taken seriously.

Best regards, my butt.
Old 03-14-2016, 07:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guests:

Nothing is free even the air we breathe (think the EPA) because in one way another another the government is in your pockets.

Sanders told Brit Baier that health care is ever person's right. He asked why and Bernie said because they are human beings. The audience clapped and to my disappointment Brit stopped.

I yelled back at my television telling Brit to ask Bernie then with these rights what are human beings responsibilities? Does Bernie recognize that those seeking such rights will only abuse them?

The lie behind the passage of ACA was that people went uninsured but those without insurance are a larger number now and those who purchased insurance are paying larger premium and incurring higher deductibles and co-pays

In the beginning the states created the federal government they were careful to maintain a fine balance knowing the tyranny of central government but along the way politicians promised free stuff for votes and viola

A Kenyan in the White House was a disaster and a Canadian in the White House will be another because irrespective of the definition of a natural born citizen as a qualification neither of these men can relate to true American patriotism. So they are no better than the socialist or the un-indicted crook running.

It is indeed a mystery as to why this nation can no longer produce a person worthy to lead this nation The simple answer is corruption and cronyism

I had no intention of voting in this election but voting is a privilege and I would not violate that sacred gift. So I voted in the primary and the truth be told I voted the same as my wife for one simple reason I did not want to negate her sensible selection.

Can rationality retake this nation sadly I do not believe so because the electorate is too self centered, selfish and pampered. Our founders must be turning in their graves

Personal Best Regards:
I would like to make a constructive comment in the hopes you may learn from it. When you suggest President Obama is a Kenyan, any reader with a high school education or greater will dismiss you as a total fool. Even if you make intelligent comments (which you didn't) in the remainder of your post people will not see you as credible. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Old 03-14-2016, 08:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
your posting here has just showed everyone on this forum that you are not thinking correctly anymore. In other words, you have proved to the world that you are not relevant!

Your posts from now on will be looked at as though they are just rants and will not be taken seriously.

Best regards, my butt.
Your simplistic incoherent ramblings were NEVER relevant!
Old 03-14-2016, 08:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guests:

Nothing is free even the air we breathe (think the EPA) because in one way another another the government is in your pockets.

Sanders told Brit Baier that health care is ever person's right. He asked why and Bernie said because they are human beings. The audience clapped and to my disappointment Brit stopped.

I yelled back at my television telling Brit to ask Bernie then with these rights what are human beings responsibilities? Does Bernie recognize that those seeking such rights will only abuse them?

The lie behind the passage of ACA was that people went uninsured but those without insurance are a larger number now and those who purchased insurance are paying larger premium and incurring higher deductibles and co-pays

In the beginning the states created the federal government they were careful to maintain a fine balance knowing the tyranny of central government but along the way politicians promised free stuff for votes and viola

A Kenyan in the White House was a disaster and a Canadian in the White House will be another because irrespective of the definition of a natural born citizen as a qualification neither of these men can relate to true American patriotism. So they are no better than the socialist or the un-indicted crook running.

It is indeed a mystery as to why this nation can no longer produce a person worthy to lead this nation The simple answer is corruption and cronyism

I had no intention of voting in this election but voting is a privilege and I would not violate that sacred gift. So I voted in the primary and the truth be told I voted the same as my wife for one simple reason I did not want to negate her sensible selection.

Can rationality retake this nation sadly I do not believe so because the electorate is too self centered, selfish and pampered. Our founders must be turning in their graves

Personal Best Regards:
This statement can not be backup up with hard facts. Obamacare stats hard to nail down - POLITICO

If your statement could be proved to be true, it would be all you would be hear from the Republicans presidential hopefuls. They hardly mention it.
If you google, number of insured before and after Obamacare, there is next to nothing there after 2014. Here is one that throws out some numbers. Before and After Obamacare: Has it Worked? - Bloomberg

The Republican controlled states in the South, Mid-West, and very sparsely populated fly over states, didn't accept Medicaid for their uninsured. They have the most uninsured in the entire country. They care more about political power than they do for the people that live in their states.
Old 03-14-2016, 08:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
your posting here has just showed everyone on this forum that you are not thinking correctly anymore. In other words, you have proved to the world that you are not relevant!

Your posts from now on will be looked at as though they are just rants and will not be taken seriously.

Best regards, my butt.
There is no doubt PBR'S posts have been more and more disconnected. And unfortunately it has demeaned his pontificating to blather at times.
Old 03-14-2016, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

I think his posts are of value. It's an opinion I want to hear. I may not agree but I won't forget that I am all looking for the truth from different sources and it's OK not to be perfect. You can't dismiss everything because of one post.

Look at Ben Carson. He's a brain surgeon, Johns Hopkins, everyone knows this. He's brilliant. But he found himself arguing with people about whether or not he really tried to stab his cousin in the stomach. That was unbelievable. Who would argue about that?

So some don't quite trust the Carson's judgement or logic. That doesn't mean he isn't a brilliant surgeon. Let's not be so quick to throw out the baby and the bath water. Keep writing my friend.
Old 03-14-2016, 09:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have become unusually cynical with most politicians but in particular with the present occupant of the WH and the leading candidate (to date) who is trying to replace him. The only thing that I believe when either one of them speaks is that they have opened their mouths and in all likelihood told another lie.

I have learned never to believe all that one says as something can be taken out of context. Being here instead of there makes it impossible to discern the complete truth.

While I have never seen a perfect candidate the only one remaining that I believe really has our country's interest at heart is Cruz.

Ah yes, cruz the champion lier and it is proven. But, you would not believe it even if the facts were presented to you on a silver platter.
Old 03-14-2016, 09:39 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Can these "guest" posts be edited by the OP?
Yours definitely would be.
Old 03-14-2016, 09:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Ah yes, cruz the champion lier and it is proven. But, you would not believe it even if the facts were presented to you on a silver platter.
If anyone feels like reading:
Old 03-14-2016, 09:48 AM
Posts: n/a

I've gotten free stuff all my life. I got a super public education through high school. I got an undergraduate degree supported in large part by the taxpayers of the state of New York. I got an advanced degree for nearly nothing because I did well on a test, again from a state school supported by the taxpayers. I received advanced training at a facility almost entirely built and maintained by taxpayers. I got health care, life insurance, disability insurance at no cost to me for several years. I had fire and police protection, clean water and clean air, safe highways and a military second to none. All nearly free to me.
Now there came a time when it was my turn to pay. And the government gave me a discount for being married, for having kids, for owning a home, for being charitable, for....
Elsewhere there were Americans with not enough food, with poor schools, who did not own homes. And if anything I did or I paid or anything I will continue to do or continue to pay can make their time a bit easier I don't object. My path has been easy in many ways. I was lucky to be born with a lot of advantages others didn't have. I recognize it is not a level playing field right from the opening whistle. That's why I vote against my economic self interest and for a nation where goodness is more important than greed.

ice, cream, simply, anger, vote, establishment, sound, promises, care, free, supporters, don’t, doesn’t, that’s, stuff, girl, boy, reaction, class, surface, part, solutions, antidote, trump, inspection

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