Giffords - Who Is Responsible?

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Old 01-09-2011, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by JimJoe View Post
I was responding to an unproven serious allegation. This is not only the right thing to do, it is necessary in a free society.
You really think it is wrong to demand proof when a serious unproven charge is made?
You know you do.
This is a time for grief....a public servant following the 1st amendment of the Constitution that she just read on the floor of the House just days ago was gunned down....

The time for that will come.....
Old 01-09-2011, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
This is a time for grief....a public servant following the 1st amendment of the Constitution that she just read on the floor of the House just days ago was gunned down....

The time for that will come.....
I agree that the time for that will come... so why are you not saying the same thing I am saying.. that there should not be any unproven allegations made against our politicians now?
Remember, the unproven allegation in part is that Sarah Palin is responsible for the murder of that 9 year old girl.
You should be outraged that any person would use this tragedy as an opportunity to take cheap shots and make unprove SERIOUS charges now or later.
I could cite NUMEROUS outrageous statements made by all kinds of persons on the left that are far more incendiary.. but I will not.
The criminal is responsible for his own actions, and we cannot use this tragedy as an excuse to make political gains.
Old 01-09-2011, 01:01 PM
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Default no proof

There is no proof that this shooting had anything to do with Palin or Kelly. However,that does not excuse the stupidity and total lack of judgement that putting bullseyes on people and the just really dumb M16 stuff does.Whether we like it or not it sets a tone. Even if this nut wasn't affected,others will be.Politics is not war and references to battles,guns,bullseyes,targets,M16's do nothing but arouse the evil in some people. Unfortunately,in todays America there seems to be more people who only need the littlest push to act out their violent thoughts.
Old 01-09-2011, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by JimJoe View Post
I agree that the time for that will come... so why are you not saying the same thing I am saying.. that there should not be any unproven allegations made against our politicians now?
Remember, the unproven allegation in part is that Sarah Palin is responsible for the murder of that 9 year old girl.
You should be outraged that any person would use this tragedy as an opportunity to take cheap shots and make unprove SERIOUS charges now or later.
I could cite NUMEROUS outrageous statements made by all kinds of persons on the left that are far more incendiary.. but I will not.
The criminal is responsible for his own actions, and we cannot use this tragedy as an excuse to make political gains.

I really feel very strongly that now is not the time..... but I will agree that outrageous statements are made on both sides.
Old 01-09-2011, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by waynet View Post
There is no proof that this shooting had anything to do with Palin or Kelly. However,that does not excuse the stupidity and total lack of judgement that putting bullseyes on people and the just really dumb M16 stuff does.Whether we like it or not it sets a tone. Even if this nut wasn't affected,others will be.Politics is not war and references to battles,guns,bullseyes,targets,M16's do nothing but arouse the evil in some people. Unfortunately,in todays America there seems to be more people who only need the littlest push to act out their violent thoughts.
Now is not the time......a 9 year old girl, born on 9/11, died in this attack.

This should be a time of grief.
Old 01-09-2011, 02:09 PM
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Default Here we go again..

Originally Posted by waynet View Post
There is no proof that this shooting had anything to do with Palin or Kelly. However,that does not excuse the stupidity and total lack of judgement that putting bullseyes on people and the just really dumb M16 stuff does.Whether we like it or not it sets a tone. Even if this nut wasn't affected,others will be.Politics is not war and references to battles,guns,bullseyes,targets,M16's do nothing but arouse the evil in some people. Unfortunately,in todays America there seems to be more people who only need the littlest push to act out their violent thoughts.
What proof do you have that any politician including Sarah Palin putt a BULLSEYE ON PEOPLE?
You just made that up too.
Demo districts were targeted by the tea party to be voted out of office. I am not aware of any BULLSEYE being put on a PERSON.
PROVE it or apologize.
Old 01-09-2011, 03:43 PM
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Cologal keeps trying to get people to use this period immediately following this senseless tragedy to remember the innocent victims. I understand and sympathize with her in her quest for this, but, humbly, I have to conclude that she is wrong.

It seems that it is instead a time for the radical left to use this tragedy in an attempt to move the political football of their beliefs further downfield. As one of their own, Emanuel Rahm, pointed out and advised his supporters;

"Never waste a good crisis"

It seems the lesson was not lost on Democrat supporters.
Old 01-09-2011, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
Cologal keeps trying to get people to use this period immediately following this senseless tragedy to remember the innocent victims. I understand and sympathize with her in her quest for this, but, humbly, I have to conclude that she is wrong.

It seems that it is instead a time for the radical left to use this tragedy in an attempt to move the political football of their beliefs further downfield. As one of their own, Emanuel Rahm, pointed out and advised his supporters;

"Never waste a good crisis"

It seems the lesson was not lost on Democrat supporters.
Old 01-09-2011, 04:37 PM
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Ok, there've been a lot of responses so I'm gathering up my thoughts on some...

Taltarzac: You said the 2010 political limate contributed to this. I submit that the media sensation over the climate had more to do with it. In studying past election cycles, there have been events that make today's stuff look pale by comparison. What we have now that we didn't ahve then are a slew of 24/7 news channels looking for anything to sensationalize to get more viewers. Kind of like the old newspaper axiom: "If it bleeds, it leads".

Tbugs: "well-regulated militia" didn't have anything to do with the National guard back in the 1700s. The "militia" was every able-bodied person who could fight. "well-regulated" meant well-trained in that you knew how to load and operate a weapon and COULD hit the broad side of a barn with it.

As I stated in the other topic. This guy was a moonbat. He is now a mass murderer and should be treated as such.

I'm sorry - he is ALLEGEDLY a mass murderer, until the trial that, from all appearances, should convict him.
Old 01-09-2011, 04:39 PM
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Default Firearms at political rallys never made sense!

Originally Posted by Taltarzac View Post
[url]The 2010 political climate does seem to have contributed to this 22 year old's frame of mind and its sounds like he had the intent to take lives and planned this out. Sounds like premeditated murder to me.
I am very saddened by yesterday. Our First Ammendment freedom to congregate peacefully is now in danger. Who's going to object to the next gathering?

The first time I saw some moron carrying a gun to a Republican rally (on TV of course), I knew it wouldn't be long before one of the guns would be used it a hateful way. Didn't anyone think that if people were allowed to attend political rallys "armed" that someday, some nutjob wasn't going to go off? Just the slightest common sense should have told people that the "mob mentality" we witnessed in 2008 which continued right through to 2010 was going to appeal to the least stable in our society.

Just because you have the right to carry something doesn't mean that there isn't a "right time" and a "right place". The right to carry a gun is to be prepared for an armed militia, not to shoot your neighbors or politicians to you happen to disagree with. We don't need to sell assault rifles or multi-clip Glock 9's. We need stricter controls and longer waiting periods on who can buy handguns. This idiot in Arizona had a police record.

You want to hunt? Great! Go shoot Bambi... but eat her meat. She's not a trophy. Don't carry pistols like this is Wyatt Earp country and you live in the OK Corral. You really think you need carry a gun at a Bush rally? If so, you deserve to shoot each other, because you are just two steps away from being the paranoid schizophrenic that killed 6 people yesterday.

In my most humble opinion.
Old 01-09-2011, 05:07 PM
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I think it is time to put our cards on the table.
A mentally ill man bought a gun legally and passed an FBI check. He murdered 6 people, and seriously injured 14 more.
How could this have been prevented?
He was mentally ill and many people apparently knew about it. He should have been hospitalized, simple as that. Apparently many people were aware of his condition and did nothing about it. That is the mistake that was made. We have mandatory reporting laws on child abuse. Maybe we should have the same reporting for mentally ill people, instead of privacy laws, so that the schools, the military, and other officials would have been required to report him to authorities so they could have had him evaluated and hospitalized.
Old 01-09-2011, 05:56 PM
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Default for jimJoe crosshair map

Here is the crooshair map with names
Old 01-09-2011, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by waynet View Post

Here is the crooshair map with names
Look who else put a "bullseye" on Congresswoman Giffords. A leftist blogger who was enraged with Giffords for not voting for Nancy Pelosi for minority Speaker. We have a whole new conspiracy theory here now; don't you think? The shooter was a leftist himself, reports suggest, and this might make more sense if you're looking for a rational reason for an irrational act.

I'm not Wayne, but I know you are. So how about this?
Old 01-09-2011, 07:18 PM
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we can talk theory all we want but Palins crosshairs and Jesse Kellys M16 nonsense is just not defensible. They were both stupid ideas. Stupid ideas are not limited to these two, however they do apply to this particular incident. They were both wrong. The crosshair chart is no longer on her page,I wonder why. Could it be she realized that a mistake was made.
Old 01-09-2011, 07:22 PM
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Default You said BULLSEYES ON PEOPLE, not crosshairs on districts

Originally Posted by waynet View Post

Here is the crooshair map with names
Here is what you said:
There is no proof that this shooting had anything to do with Palin or Kelly. However,that does not excuse the stupidity and total lack of judgement that putting bullseyes on people and the just really dumb M16 stuff does.Whether we like it or not it sets a tone. Even if this nut wasn't affected,others will be.Politics is not war and references to battles,guns,bullseyes,targets,M16's do nothing but arouse the evil in some people. Unfortunately,in todays America there seems to be more people who only need the littlest push to act out their violent thoughts.

That map does not have BULLSEYES on PEOPLE. You said BULLEYES on PEOPLE.

I agree with you that it has cross hairs on CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS, not BULLEYES on PEOPLE.

PALINs people said they hired a professional to make the ad and he came up with the idea. The cross hairs are from a surveyor site which is what you use to identify the area of property you are interested in.. Google image it.
And you forgot to mention at the bottom of the ad that it says 3 have retired and 17 to go. It says lets take back the 20. It says nothing about killing people. Come on.. do you really believe she meant kill 20 people?

there is no proof he ever even saw this ad. How can you even suggest she is responsible without proving that. His friends describe him as left wing. His favorite books including Mien kampht and the communist manifesto are clearly not sarah palin stuff.
Come on.. you know she had nothing to do with this shooting

It diverts attention from the real problem that a mentally ill man who had problems in school and maybe getting in the military because of his illness was not identified and hospitalized before he committed these terrible crimes.
Blaming Sarah Palin will do nothing to prevent crimes like this in the future and I think you know it.

The crosshairs are no longer on her page because she knew people would complain for leaving them up and btw.. the election is over.

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