Torchlit Parades?

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Old 08-13-2017, 06:03 PM
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Exclamation Torchlit Parades?

We are seeing a new phase in the violent confrontations between political extremists.

Legitimate "Freedom of Speech" rallies are being infiltrated by groups of people who not only accept violence, but also seek it. As the press has reported in Charlottesville, the demonstrators were seen getting off of buses wearing helmets and body armor, and carrying weapons. They sought battle.

When the issues involve Black grievances, the legitimate groups find their ranks swelled by members of the anti-police group Black Lives Matter, an outgrowth of the violence of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.

On the issue of preservation of Confederate artifacts, concerned guardians of history find themselves joined by uninvited White Supremacists, Nazis, and many in Ku Klux Klan regalia.

Over a long career in law enforcement, federal and local, I have been involved in surveillance, investigating, confronting, and interviewing these people. It has been my experience that many of these White people base their grievances on perceived inequities of affirmative action programs, but there have been notable cases where I have seen the fiery gleam of a madman in the eyes of the person being interviewed. You can see this same thing in photos of Charles Manson.

What I found most disturbing, and even frightening, was the images of the torchlit parade in Charlottesville last night that was hauntingly reminiscent of the marches of Hitler's Nazis in 1930s Germany.

We have seen KKK members parading around on the fringes of demonstrations in their ludicrous regalia for decades, waving the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia (erroneously called the Confederate Flag, or the Stars and Bars.) We have seen neo-Nazis striving to get some press attention while wearing reproductions of Hitler's Brown Shirt uniforms and waving flags with swastikas.

But, a mass torchlight parade, in the style of 1930s Nazis, as we saw last night is something new, and must not be tolerated. I am horrified at how this movement seems to be catching on, and is attracting young people.

Carl in Tampa

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Old 08-13-2017, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We are seeing a new phase in the violent confrontations between political extremists.

Legitimate "Freedom of Speech" rallies are being infiltrated by groups of people who not only accept violence, but also seek it. As the press has reported in Charlottesville, the demonstrators were seen getting off of buses wearing helmets and body armor, and carrying weapons. They sought battle.

When the issues involve Black grievances, the legitimate groups find their ranks swelled by members of the anti-police group Black Lives Matter, an outgrowth of the violence of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.

On the issue of preservation of Confederate artifacts, concerned guardians of history find themselves joined by uninvited White Supremacists, Nazis, and many in Ku Klux Klan regalia.

Over a long career in law enforcement, federal and local, I have been involved in surveillance, investigating, confronting, and interviewing these people. It has been my experience that many of these White people base their grievances on perceived inequities of affirmative action programs, but there have been notable cases where I have seen the fiery gleam of a madman in the eyes of the person being interviewed. You can see this same thing in photos of Charles Manson.

What I found most disturbing, and even frightening, was the images of the torchlit parade in Charlottesville last night that was hauntingly reminiscent of the marches of Hitler's Nazis in 1930s Germany.

We have seen KKK members parading around on the fringes of demonstrations in their ludicrous regalia for decades, waving the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia (erroneously called the Confederate Flag, or the Stars and Bars.) We have seen neo-Nazis striving to get some press attention while wearing reproductions of Hitler's Brown Shirt uniforms and waving flags with swastikas.

But, a mass torchlight parade, in the style of 1930s Nazis, as we saw last night is something new, and must not be tolerated. I am horrified at how this movement seems to be catching on, and is attracting young people.

Carl in Tampa

My limited experience is in Tampa and environs speaking to and trying to understand folks in the street. Most had grievances, legit or not.

This group that so many in this forum make excuses for are simply filled with hate. Their only grievance is that everyone does not have their skin color.

This is from their website today speaking of the woman who was killed...

"Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness. A 32-year-old woman without children is a burden on society and has no value.

Due to female privilege, and the fact that they do virtually nothing their entire lives, women live an average of 5 years longer than men. The average female lifespan is 81 years. That means for 49 more years, this fat slob would have been leeching off of men’s work."

Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut – Daily Stormer

Carl, you can lump all groups together should that make you feel better, you can say that torch light is an issue. These people had Nazi flags, chanted "we won, get over it", have proclaimed the President of the United States of America the "God emperor of the United States", killed a woman on purpose, celebrated that death, and if you do visit that website where the quote was, you will find other rage about the Police officers killed.

The young person driving told his mother he was going to a Trump rally. While checking the Daily Stormer website, I noticed that many if the most popular denigrating words used for anyone who opposes Trump are used quite often.

During the campaign, i and others "worried" about the rhetoric at thevTrump campaigns, and you mentioned 1930 rallies, did not the sight of our President leading young boys from the Boy Scouts chanting love for him, and hate for Clinton bring all that back.

I am shocked at the posters on here rationalizing this and making excuses. I am tired and saddened that our President is given a free pass.

A President is elected to lead, not lie and lead the hate. I am tired of those who need to find some words, saying the media is not reporting with supreme accuracy. If you speak of commentators opinions, what do you expect when commenting on a White House that has made no effort to unite, AND IN TOTAL FACT, made significant efforts to divide.

You use words well. You criticize others for understanding your little message. You speak of "guardians of history" who had their say when state lawmakers decided to place this statue in a museum. I honestly don't know what to believe about what you are saying. I detest these rallies in general from any cause. I do listen as to why the rally to determine the issue. These people, who you "seem" to equate to other groups are not the same. They are clear in their message. It is hate, no "affirmative action, no "police brutality". ....nothing but hate, and I am disappointed at you and other posters dancing around....NO LECTURE from you please....MY interpretation is "dancing around" and finding some justification for this (history, past rallies over the years, etc.) to find a way to simply call it what it is.

I, actually, and hopefully am correct as nightfall arrives, at restraint shown by those who oppose storm troopers in brown shirts with ZERO grievance, armed to the teeth, chanting hate.

We will see if the political rhetoric from our elected President changes. I suspect it will not. This is a man who spent THREE HOURS attacking news commentators just a few weeks ago because he was criticized. This weekend has been a revelation, not unexpected, but while most of the hard right folks on here find any reason to continue to support hate from our WH, I have given up. If he is accomplishing what you want.....troops in Venzuela was a shocker, and lectures...I know what is going in in Venzuela and need no lectures. I simply believe words have consequences...especially from the President through the world, and one of the results of preaching hate and chants is what we saw this weekend, and they promise they are just starting.

There was NO confrontation between political extremists this weekend, and torchlight marches will stop when the rhetoric filled with accusations, never founded stops.
Old 08-13-2017, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My limited experience is in Tampa and environs speaking to and trying to understand folks in the street. Most had grievances, legit or not.

This group that so many in this forum make excuses for are simply filled with hate. Their only grievance is that everyone does not have their skin color.

This is from their website today speaking of the woman who was killed...

"Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness. A 32-year-old woman without children is a burden on society and has no value.

Due to female privilege, and the fact that they do virtually nothing their entire lives, women live an average of 5 years longer than men. The average female lifespan is 81 years. That means for 49 more years, this fat slob would have been leeching off of men’s work."

Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut – Daily Stormer

Carl, you can lump all groups together should that make you feel better, you can say that torch light is an issue. These people had Nazi flags, chanted "we won, get over it", have proclaimed the President of the United States of America the "God emperor of the United States", killed a woman on purpose, celebrated that death, and if you do visit that website where the quote was, you will find other rage about the Police officers killed.

The young person driving told his mother he was going to a Trump rally. While checking the Daily Stormer website, I noticed that many if the most popular denigrating words used for anyone who opposes Trump are used quite often.

During the campaign, i and others "worried" about the rhetoric at thevTrump campaigns, and you mentioned 1930 rallies, did not the sight of our President leading young boys from the Boy Scouts chanting love for him, and hate for Clinton bring all that back.

I am shocked at the posters on here rationalizing this and making excuses. I am tired and saddened that our President is given a free pass.

A President is elected to lead, not lie and lead the hate. I am tired of those who need to find some words, saying the media is not reporting with supreme accuracy. If you speak of commentators opinions, what do you expect when commenting on a White House that has made no effort to unite, AND IN TOTAL FACT, made significant efforts to divide.

You use words well. You criticize others for understanding your little message. You speak of "guardians of history" who had their say when state lawmakers decided to place this statue in a museum. I honestly don't know what to believe about what you are saying. I detest these rallies in general from any cause. I do listen as to why the rally to determine the issue. These people, who you "seem" to equate to other groups are not the same. They are clear in their message. It is hate, no "affirmative action, no "police brutality". ....nothing but hate, and I am disappointed at you and other posters dancing around....NO LECTURE from you please....MY interpretation is "dancing around" and finding some justification for this (history, past rallies over the years, etc.) to find a way to simply call it what it is.

I, actually, and hopefully am correct as nightfall arrives, at restraint shown by those who oppose storm troopers in brown shirts with ZERO grievance, armed to the teeth, chanting hate.

We will see if the political rhetoric from our elected President changes. I suspect it will not. This is a man who spent THREE HOURS attacking news commentators just a few weeks ago because he was criticized. This weekend has been a revelation, not unexpected, but while most of the hard right folks on here find any reason to continue to support hate from our WH, I have given up. If he is accomplishing what you want.....troops in Venzuela was a shocker, and lectures...I know what is going in in Venzuela and need no lectures. I simply believe words have consequences...especially from the President through the world, and one of the results of preaching hate and chants is what we saw this weekend, and they promise they are just starting.

There was NO confrontation between political extremists this weekend, and torchlight marches will stop when the rhetoric filled with accusations, never founded stops.
Well stated...and you've nailed him perfectly!

As I've often stated, and of not all that big of a deal. People are allowed to think whatever they want...regardless of how sick it might be.

Where racism and bigotry become intolerable, is when people who hold those views...have ANY type of authority or power over others.

He says he used to be a Secret Service employee, so any decent and reasonable person has to wonder how many times he applied his now outed and documented racist/bigoted views...against those who he had authority over?

It is THAT ugly, abominable underbelly of this country, that is now coming forth more and more...since the election of Trump.

It's totally wishful thinking, but I think it would be wonderful to have a nationwide investigation into all of the people just like Carl who are now coming out of the closet and review their careers and how they dealt with racial a committee that had integrity and ethics.

The scary part of course, is wondering how many more like CIT...are still working and have power/authority over others?

So that I don't have to repeat myself, and since it applies to this thread also, here's a link to an earlier post of mine...

Originally Posted by ColdNoMore
Backed into what corner? Hell, I'm having a blast watching those who were mostly secret racists/bigots before Trump came along...finally coming out of the closet.

It makes it a whole lot easier identifying them.

I make observations on FACTS...and base my viewpoints on them.

I have never said,nor even implied, that ALL conservatives are racist (with Trump cultists however, the % gets a whole lot higher).

Just like Trump and all of his Cultists, you and your ilk take umbrage and call something 'fake news,' simply because someone had the audacity to actually take the time to point out...what was actually said and/or written and there is a record of it.

Carl made his position very clear, when he tried denigrating BLM and cherry-picking a few of the people calling for cops to be killed (which by ANY standards, is abhorrent), yet just like Trump and the rest of you...he totally ignores/discounts the issues that led to the need for a Black Lives Matter type movement in the first place.

Instead, you try and change the argument by saying 'all lives matter.'

Of course all lives matter...that's NOT what is at issue.

Because it's certainly not young, white males that are being killed or discriminated against..with very little justice.

Instead, you racists and bigots want to focus on the name of the movement...and the few outrageous scumbags calling for retribution killings.

Oh wait, that's right, blacks aren't being killed for little/no reason, whites on the right are constantly calling for changes because of it and cops aren't getting away with it in a lot of silly of me to forget that.

So please, trying to draw a false equivalency of BLM to white supremicists/neo-nazi's/alt-right is about as ignorant as walking into an Italian restaurant and screeching..."French food matters."

But, if you're a racist or bigot...that doesn't matter to you.
Old 08-13-2017, 08:35 PM
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by Guest
Well stated...and you've nailed him perfectly!

As I've often stated, and of not all that big of a deal. People are allowed to think whatever they want...regardless of how sick it might be.

Where racism and bigotry become intolerable, is when people who hold those views...have ANY type of authority or power over others.

He says he used to be a Secret Service employee, so any decent and reasonable person has to wonder how many times he applied his now outed and documented racist/bigoted views...against those who he had authority over?

It is THAT ugly, abominable underbelly of this country, that is now coming forth more and more...since the election of Trump.

It's totally wishful thinking, but I think it would be wonderful to have a nationwide investigation into all of the people just like Carl who are now coming out of the closet and review their careers and how they dealt with racial a committee that had integrity and ethics.

The scary part of course, is wondering how many more like CIT...are still working and have power/authority over others?

So that I don't have to repeat myself, and since it applies to this thread also, here's a link to an earlier post of mine...


Carl in Tampa

Old 08-14-2017, 04:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We are seeing a new phase in the violent confrontations between political extremists.

Legitimate "Freedom of Speech" rallies are being infiltrated by groups of people who not only accept violence, but also seek it. As the press has reported in Charlottesville, the demonstrators were seen getting off of buses wearing helmets and body armor, and carrying weapons. They sought battle.

When the issues involve Black grievances, the legitimate groups find their ranks swelled by members of the anti-police group Black Lives Matter, an outgrowth of the violence of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.

On the issue of preservation of Confederate artifacts, concerned guardians of history find themselves joined by uninvited White Supremacists, Nazis, and many in Ku Klux Klan regalia.

Over a long career in law enforcement, federal and local, I have been involved in surveillance, investigating, confronting, and interviewing these people. It has been my experience that many of these White people base their grievances on perceived inequities of affirmative action programs, but there have been notable cases where I have seen the fiery gleam of a madman in the eyes of the person being interviewed. You can see this same thing in photos of Charles Manson.

What I found most disturbing, and even frightening, was the images of the torchlit parade in Charlottesville last night that was hauntingly reminiscent of the marches of Hitler's Nazis in 1930s Germany.

We have seen KKK members parading around on the fringes of demonstrations in their ludicrous regalia for decades, waving the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia (erroneously called the Confederate Flag, or the Stars and Bars.) We have seen neo-Nazis striving to get some press attention while wearing reproductions of Hitler's Brown Shirt uniforms and waving flags with swastikas.

But, a mass torchlight parade, in the style of 1930s Nazis, as we saw last night is something new, and must not be tolerated. I am horrified at how this movement seems to be catching on, and is attracting young people.

Carl in Tampa

Your analysis is so well stated that I have highlighted it once again. We agree and we may be coming to the same conclusion but from different approaches.

Its difficult to change corporate cultural . However not all change is good. From the 1960's on the left sought to change American culture with its social justice warrior campaigns. The nation for the sake of the nation acquiesced.

However the old saw "give them an inch and they will take a mile" has application here. Because we have moved from a civil right paradigm to one of entitlement. Worse yet a demand to not only do right today but also yesterday. And so the campaign continued by the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton's moving to the Black Caucus, which claims it will withdraw, all claiming racism still exists. So unless you destroy "all that is Confederate "the latest but not last demand,you are all still racist.

Moving froward Trump the blonde gets elected. so there is proof again that the country is racist...forgetting of course a black president was elected twice before .

A Colin Kaepernick and a Moshawn Marshall show their disdain for America. Black Leaders decry the police are racist. Black Lives Matter becomes a forced to beckon with. A white guy named James Damore speaks the truth about affirmative action programs and the CEO of Google fires him. My employer did government work and therefore had to implement an affirmative action plan. the program was totally political and total quantifiable,,it was only about filling in the numbers and not the quality of any employee

White hate groups that were forced back underground resurface because now there is credibility in their complaints and claims

Their claims the clear and intentional attacks made on Christians. The clear and intentional attacks made on white heterosexual males. colleges and universities no longer teach the classic etc because greatness was produce by white men. white men thought to be racist and misogynist . SO cultural diversity supersedes all elseto remove this white stink. Men of greatness whose names appear above a university building are removed because well they were deemed racist..yet they were men of their time and one should judge them as of their time and their net good

Trump represents everything the radical left hates. The political left, establishment right, liberal media and Hollywood were made to look foolish when Trump was elected. So all of the aforementioned have developed Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Notice all the illegality ,brutality and cause and reasons for this protest are not seriously debated because its Trump's fault. Trump did not to this or that...........

I see a very large, and borrowing the liberals favorite word "disingenuous", hole in logic here.

This is essentially a fight between nationalist with traditional values vis vis internationalist touting the new normal/ This is a fight about power and control and Charlotteville is just the latest eruption

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-14-2017, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We are seeing a new phase in the violent confrontations between political extremists.

Legitimate "Freedom of Speech" rallies are being infiltrated by groups of people who not only accept violence, but also seek it. As the press has reported in Charlottesville, the demonstrators were seen getting off of buses wearing helmets and body armor, and carrying weapons. They sought battle.

When the issues involve Black grievances, the legitimate groups find their ranks swelled by members of the anti-police group Black Lives Matter, an outgrowth of the violence of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.

On the issue of preservation of Confederate artifacts, concerned guardians of history find themselves joined by uninvited White Supremacists, Nazis, and many in Ku Klux Klan regalia.

Over a long career in law enforcement, federal and local, I have been involved in surveillance, investigating, confronting, and interviewing these people. It has been my experience that many of these White people base their grievances on perceived inequities of affirmative action programs, but there have been notable cases where I have seen the fiery gleam of a madman in the eyes of the person being interviewed. You can see this same thing in photos of Charles Manson.

What I found most disturbing, and even frightening, was the images of the torchlit parade in Charlottesville last night that was hauntingly reminiscent of the marches of Hitler's Nazis in 1930s Germany.

We have seen KKK members parading around on the fringes of demonstrations in their ludicrous regalia for decades, waving the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia (erroneously called the Confederate Flag, or the Stars and Bars.) We have seen neo-Nazis striving to get some press attention while wearing reproductions of Hitler's Brown Shirt uniforms and waving flags with swastikas.

But, a mass torchlight parade, in the style of 1930s Nazis, as we saw last night is something new, and must not be tolerated. I am horrified at how this movement seems to be catching on, and is attracting young people.

Carl in Tampa

Yes...the blacks and Hispanics go there EXPECTING to CAUSE violence...the demonstrators go there knowing the violent blacks/Hispanics will be there causing they PREPARE. That's what white people do...they PLAN and they PREPARE. That's why WE have "Western Civilization" and they didn't have the wheel or written language.

"Legitimate" groups with legitimate grievances? WHAT grievances? Minorities are coddled like children. They are GIVEN more than others. HOW could they want more? Because they're NOT our equals and they CAN'T "compete" equally on a LEVEL field?

Do you also have experience with minorities? With THEIR behavior? IF you'd realize that THEY are 9X MORE dangerous and violent than white people. How many mass killings were there in Chicago this weekend? How about in ALL the black/Hispanic neighborhoods? How many were killed by this white guy? A few? How many died the same day in the black/Hispanic inner city neighborhoods?

"perceived inequities"? They ARE inequalities. When a white male is passed over for a minority who is less's NOT's ACTUAL inequality. White men are the ONLY group OFFICIALLY discriminated against.

What about the interview with minorities? No gleam of hate in their eyes? I bet there just pass it by because it's SO COMMON.

But when the blacks/Hispanics have a torchlight reminds you of a bunch of Sunday Schoolers being peaceful? Why are you blind to one and judgmental to the other?

WHY must it not be tolerated? They're simply asking to be treated FAIRLY...NOT discriminated against because of the color of their skin. WE are discriminated against. Institutional discrimination. ONLY white people are by law discriminated against in America.

I hope the movement grows...the movement MUST grow to save the America, it's culture, and white people. We WERE 90% in the 1950s, we're 50% now, and projected to be 20-25% in 30 years. It's time to REVERSE this trend...time to make America WHITE again...time to make America SUCCESSFUL again.

Originally Posted by Guest
Your analysis is so well stated that I have highlighted it once again. We agree and we may be coming to the same conclusion but from different approaches.

Its difficult to change corporate cultural . However not all change is good. From the 1960's on the left sought to change American culture with its social justice warrior campaigns. The nation for the sake of the nation acquiesced.

However the old saw "give them an inch and they will take a mile" has application here. Because we have moved from a civil right paradigm to one of entitlement. Worse yet a demand to not only do right today but also yesterday. And so the campaign continued by the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton's moving to the Black Caucus, which claims it will withdraw, all claiming racism still exists. So unless you destroy "all that is Confederate "the latest but not last demand,you are all still racist.

Moving froward Trump the blonde gets elected. so there is proof again that the country is racist...forgetting of course a black president was elected twice before .

A Colin Kaepernick and a Moshawn Marshall show their disdain for America. Black Leaders decry the police are racist. Black Lives Matter becomes a forced to beckon with. A white guy named James Damore speaks the truth about affirmative action programs and the CEO of Google fires him. My employer did government work and therefore had to implement an affirmative action plan. the program was totally political and total quantifiable,,it was only about filling in the numbers and not the quality of any employee

White hate groups that were forced back underground resurface because now there is credibility in their complaints and claims

Their claims the clear and intentional attacks made on Christians. The clear and intentional attacks made on white heterosexual males. colleges and universities no longer teach the classic etc because greatness was produce by white men. white men thought to be racist and misogynist . SO cultural diversity supersedes all elseto remove this white stink. Men of greatness whose names appear above a university building are removed because well they were deemed racist..yet they were men of their time and one should judge them as of their time and their net good

Trump represents everything the radical left hates. The political left, establishment right, liberal media and Hollywood were made to look foolish when Trump was elected. So all of the aforementioned have developed Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Notice all the illegality ,brutality and cause and reasons for this protest are not seriously debated because its Trump's fault. Trump did not to this or that...........

I see a very large, and borrowing the liberals favorite word "disingenuous", hole in logic here.

This is essentially a fight between nationalist with traditional values vis vis internationalist touting the new normal/ This is a fight about power and control and Charlotteville is just the latest eruption

Personal Best Regards:
The Ds wanted they kissed the asses of the minorities to get those votes.

The minorities CANNOT they DEMAND special treatment...they've gotten the detriment of everything/everyone else.

We KNOW they're not equal...but we feel sorry for them. So we do everything we can to "make" them "equal".

Look at the damage a black president society and the country. He DOUBLED the debt left by 40 presidents before him. He added $10 trillion in debt...$30,000 for EVERY man woman and child...$90,000 for each actual worker in the country. Race relations haven't been worse since the Civil War.

THIS is what the protesters were protesting...
"A white guy named James Damore speaks the truth about affirmative action programs and the CEO of Google fires him. My employer did government work and therefore had to implement an affirmative action plan. the program was totally political and total quantifiable,,it was only about filling in the numbers and not the quality of any employee"

There's ALWAYS been credibility in their's been censored, covered up, the groups have been made out to be crazies...when they've been trying to SAVE you, your culture, and your country from the black/brown invasion.

The losers are breeding "us" out. They're breeding out the white 1st world productive whites and REPLACING them with stupid, non-productive idiots.

It's NOT seriously debated because IF we DID "seriously debate it"...we'd come to the inevitable conclusion that blacks ARE a different species incapable of doing the things white people can do...and Hispanics are breeding us out of our own country by dumping 50 million illegal "anchor babies".

Liberals use NO logic. They use emotion.

Hopefully, it WILL come to a head and this "equality" garbage will end. It MUST end for the survival of the nation and our culture.
Old 08-14-2017, 07:24 AM
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Interesting to dig into this problem which has been fueled in part by Donald John Trump and his campaign as well as his taking up of the birther movement for quite some time before abandoning it when it became too much of a political dead weight.
Old 08-14-2017, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Mike Pence condemns white nationalist violence in Charlottesville

Interesting to dig into this problem which has been fueled in part by Donald John Trump and his campaign as well as his taking up of the birther movement for quite some time before abandoning it when it became too much of a political dead weight.
From your link...

"We have no tolerance for hate and violence, white supremacists or neo-Nazis or the KKK."

Hmm...ALL white groups...nothing about BLM, La Raza, or ANY "minority" group. Even though they ARE violent.

This march wasn't violent...a crazy guy was violent. The group wasn't violent...a crazy guy was violent.

These protesters were looking out for YOU, for your country, your culture, your grandchildrens future!

WHERE does more blacks/browns EVER make things better? In the NBA? The NFL? That's it...nowhere else gets better when you bring in more blacks/browns. No neighborhood, no school, no city, and NO country.

We are at 50:50 RIGHT NOW...half white, half minority...America will NOT survive a minority majority...NO COUNTRY HAS EVER survived the natives being bred out. Look what happened to the Native Americans...that is white peoples future too!

They are already excluding white people...leaving them out...demanding we stay away from them.

Hispanics have the majority of babies and have been for the last 7 years...they WILL be the absolute majority within 30 years.

Wake up you f@cking idiots. You are losing your country and these protesters are trying to get that through your thick, nonworking heads.
Old 08-14-2017, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your analysis is so well stated that I have highlighted it once again. We agree and we may be coming to the same conclusion but from different approaches.

Its difficult to change corporate cultural . However not all change is good. From the 1960's on the left sought to change American culture with its social justice warrior campaigns. The nation for the sake of the nation acquiesced.

However the old saw "give them an inch and they will take a mile" has application here. Because we have moved from a civil right paradigm to one of entitlement. Worse yet a demand to not only do right today but also yesterday. And so the campaign continued by the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton's moving to the Black Caucus, which claims it will withdraw, all claiming racism still exists. So unless you destroy "all that is Confederate "the latest but not last demand,you are all still racist.

Moving froward Trump the blonde gets elected. so there is proof again that the country is racist...forgetting of course a black president was elected twice before .

A Colin Kaepernick and a Moshawn Marshall show their disdain for America. Black Leaders decry the police are racist. Black Lives Matter becomes a forced to beckon with. A white guy named James Damore speaks the truth about affirmative action programs and the CEO of Google fires him. My employer did government work and therefore had to implement an affirmative action plan. the program was totally political and total quantifiable,,it was only about filling in the numbers and not the quality of any employee

White hate groups that were forced back underground resurface because now there is credibility in their complaints and claims

Their claims the clear and intentional attacks made on Christians. The clear and intentional attacks made on white heterosexual males. colleges and universities no longer teach the classic etc because greatness was produce by white men. white men thought to be racist and misogynist . SO cultural diversity supersedes all elseto remove this white stink. Men of greatness whose names appear above a university building are removed because well they were deemed racist..yet they were men of their time and one should judge them as of their time and their net good

Trump represents everything the radical left hates. The political left, establishment right, liberal media and Hollywood were made to look foolish when Trump was elected. So all of the aforementioned have developed Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Notice all the illegality ,brutality and cause and reasons for this protest are not seriously debated because its Trump's fault. Trump did not to this or that...........

I see a very large, and borrowing the liberals favorite word "disingenuous", hole in logic here.

This is essentially a fight between nationalist with traditional values vis vis internationalist touting the new normal/ This is a fight about power and control and Charlotteville is just the latest eruption

Personal Best Regards:
Finally an appropriate, concise label (TDS).
Old 08-14-2017, 10:30 AM
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I tend to believe this..
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Old 08-14-2017, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I tend to believe this..
Having lived in Charlottesville I believe it as well.
Old 08-14-2017, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I tend to believe this..
Originally Posted by Guest
Having lived in Charlottesville I believe it as well.
The FIRST problem...was electing a BLACK as mayor. What did you expect?
Old 08-14-2017, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl in Tampa View Post
We are seeing a new phase in the violent confrontations between political extremists.

Legitimate "Freedom of Speech" rallies are being infiltrated by groups of people who not only accept violence, but also seek it. As the press has reported in Charlottesville, the demonstrators were seen getting off of buses wearing helmets and body armor, and carrying weapons. They sought battle.

When the issues involve Black grievances, the legitimate groups find their ranks swelled by members of the anti-police group Black Lives Matter, an outgrowth of the violence of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.

On the issue of preservation of Confederate artifacts, concerned guardians of history find themselves joined by uninvited White Supremacists, Nazis, and many in Ku Klux Klan regalia.

Over a long career in law enforcement, federal and local, I have been involved in surveillance, investigating, confronting, and interviewing these people. It has been my experience that many of these White people base their grievances on perceived inequities of affirmative action programs, but there have been notable cases where I have seen the fiery gleam of a madman in the eyes of the person being interviewed. You can see this same thing in photos of Charles Manson.

What I found most disturbing, and even frightening, was the images of the torchlit parade in Charlottesville last night that was hauntingly reminiscent of the marches of Hitler's Nazis in 1930s Germany.

We have seen KKK members parading around on the fringes of demonstrations in their ludicrous regalia for decades, waving the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia (erroneously called the Confederate Flag, or the Stars and Bars.) We have seen neo-Nazis striving to get some press attention while wearing reproductions of Hitler's Brown Shirt uniforms and waving flags with swastikas.

But, a mass torchlight parade, in the style of 1930s Nazis, as we saw last night is something new, and must not be tolerated. I am horrified at how this movement seems to be catching on, and is attracting young people.

Carl in Tampa

Throwing in Black Lives Matter and affirmative action reasoning is a distraction from the fact that the white supremacists are solely racists. Period. There is no justification.

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Old 08-14-2017, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Throwing in Black Lives Matter and affirmative action reasoning is a distraction from the fact that the white supremacists are solely racists. Period. There is no justification.

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Wait a minute...a certain race NEEDS affirmative action...they NEED have ANY representation because they CAN'T qualify...and you think WE ARE RACISTS for pointing that fact out and wanting it ended?

The justification is we (white males) are the ONLY demographic to be the official victims of institutional discrimination.

There is no justification in quotas who reward 15th place with a trophy over 3rd-14th place. Affirmative action/quotas literally takes the 15th place finisher and PLACES them on the 3rd place winners platform.
Old 08-14-2017, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Throwing in Black Lives Matter and affirmative action reasoning is a distraction from the fact that the white supremacists are solely racists. Period.

There is no justification.
You nailed it once again Chi.

The most disgusting part of course, is that this perverted reasoning and false equivalencies are unbelievably being asserted by someone claiming to have once been paid by taxpayers...and had law enforcement authority.

And yet, according to the alt-right and Trump Cultists...this country doesn't have a problem with law enforcement treating minorities differently.

Simply unbelievable.

people, nazis, hitlers, wearing, regalia

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