Reactions to the Oct. 2, 2008 VP Debates

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Old 10-03-2008, 06:41 AM
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I will give it to Palin in this way, if you dont know the answer or get nervous, always go back to energy and how Joe Six Pack wants things in Wasilla... I was glad to see Biden not pick to much. ALthough he got her on the Climate deal. I have to agree that Palin's coaching payed off by the creek in Az. She just forgot how to answer questions that are directed at her. I thought her remark that people on the east coast dont do things like right as compared to ALaska. That was kind of open ended, but Biden smiled and left it alone.
Old 10-03-2008, 07:10 AM
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Palin made one obvious stumble, when she twice referred to the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan as "Gen. McClellan." (His name is David McKiernan). As you mentioned, she didn't answer the questions at times, which Biden did call her on once.
Old 10-03-2008, 08:51 AM
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Default Did either one present anything new or revealing?

Not one word.
Anybody half up to date on current events could have come up with most of the same did the debate preparation teams for both parties. Two politicians primed, prepared and playing to their respective audiences as planned and coached.

Those making so called educational measures of words like ya VS you and what ever else are either English majors or never lived anywhere in the deep South...or the very far Northern parts of Canada or New England where they all have their local twang....even the most educated and successful!!
In the same line of using speech as a measure of anything, there are many well spoken idiots out there some where....many who couldn't find their with a map.

As long as they (I don't care who) are on the stage in front of a camera...practiced, prepared, coached, etc....y'all are not seein' the real person!!

Winner-loser.......none. They both get a C-. Yawn best describes it.

By the way using all the microscopic measures applied to Palin....there are a lot of folks, both sides of the aisle, that shouldn't be in those positions.
Obviously qualifications is a very overused, misused, misguided, prejudiced, meaningless and unneccessary measurement.

Old 10-03-2008, 08:55 AM
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I very seldom even comment on debates as they are more carnival than enlightning in anyway,but out of curiosity I went to fact check and find that neither one of them told much truth But that is the way of politics today !!!
Old 10-03-2008, 10:17 AM
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If we are going to get into pronunciation nitpicking, how about Obama with his "Tollybahn" amd "Pahkystahn".

I question Biden's lack of character for not owning up to his rabid support for the war prior to and initially after the war but now tries to twist it into making it sound like all he was doing was voting to authorize negotiations. That is a lie and anyone who does any fact checking knows this.
Old 10-03-2008, 12:16 PM
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To call a question-and-answeer-and-rebuttal session with candidates a [I]debate[/I in an academic sense is really stretching a definition.

Both candidates had one job - make the primary candidate look good or better. Anything after that is just a bonus. With that being the job, both did not fail.

The two VP candidates have dramatically different personalities, and there is nothing wrong with that. That's true also of the Presidential candidates as well. People use what best works for them to transmit a message, and the transmission media vary a lot. The question should be whether you understood the content of the message versus whether you approve of someone's accent or vernacular. I try to get value from the content of the message, rather than look at the delivery of the message from an entertainment or showmanship perspective. If you measure a person by how well you approve/like their personality and communications manner versus the content of the message, then you are more concerned with style than substance.

One of the worst public speakers I ever knew was a French engineer/businessman. He would stumble over his notes, mispronounce names brutally and always looked like he was in total fear of the audience. however, behind closed doors he was without doubt the best negotiator I ever met, and rarely came away from the table (no matter how many parties were involved in the negotiation) other than with total success. Most people grossly underestimated him, and he took total advantage of their error.

So, if you are looking for a William Jennings Bryant type who can take the stage and give a mesmerizing performance, get your candidate from Broadway. If you want your candidate to be the one who leaves the negotiating table as the winner, pick the smart poker player with the track record of beating the odds and making everyone wonder How did s/he do that?
Old 10-04-2008, 05:12 AM
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Originally Posted by oshunluva View Post
Good grief, I can't believe there are people attacking this woman's accent. Talk about elitism, this forum wreaks with it. Did I spell everything correctly and did I put my words in the correct order? sickening is all I can say.

Good post.....I used that describe this board on the politics board and the one that was here for the horse park and glad to hear that someone else can see it also.
Old 10-04-2008, 08:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Eliteism, tends to masks reality because.....

those who "think" they are or worse want to be seen/heard as elite usually role play to a large degree to live up to an expectation they have in mind that accomplishes their goal.
Always measuring...they rarely get to read the really good books that don't have a cover measuring up to their minds eye.

They are rarely a good judge of people because they miss the real person due to the measuring filter employed.

Old 10-04-2008, 08:56 AM
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Question Wooo Hoooo!

Dr. Phil! Is that you? Go on . . .
Old 10-04-2008, 09:13 AM
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One does not have to be a sound-bite psychologist to observe the obvious. Snobbery usually has the visibility of a billboard.

Exchanges of ideas and opinions often work best with mutual respect. Snide remarks and insults under the "it's just my brand of humor" may keep Don Rickles employed, but that does very little in increasing knowledge and understanding on subjects of the day which one would think is the purpose of a politcal discussion board.

There are many points of view among the participants of this board - probably as many as the number of participants themselves. We learn about these views from the presentation, discussion, debate, challenge and rebuttal, and our personal view (at least mine are) are often tempered by developing a better understanding of a contrary position. Let's hope we can keep this exchange in a respectful manner, as more is learned in such an environment than through just verbally slicing a person for the "fun of it."
Old 10-04-2008, 09:19 AM
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Default The Marketing of Sarah Palin

Good Morning, Bucco and BTK & Co.,

I don't know if you have ever read anything I write, and I will spare you a leaflet drop -- for now. But in case you do not know me, I think I had better preface this with a couple of things:

1. I am not in hate with John McCain. But I am angry over this VP thing. I have always been a moderate Republican woman. I must confess though that I have been accused of being a closet Democrat from time to time.

2. My gripe with Sarah Palin is that far right, same old, same old stuff that has been a distraction from real issues for years. And those far right issues have blown so much smoke, for so long, redirecting focus from the things that really need to be addressed, that I truly have begun to fear that our great nation may be on the verge of a hamstringing.

3. I am not an elitist. Never have been. Never will be. In fact, I am sitting here right now listening to my favorite country music station while I type this stuff. And I admit to loving that music. (But I digress. Someday maybe we can talk about country music in another thread. I really want to do that.)

But anyway, I just want to say this:

Those of you who are such big fans of Sarah Palin are doing her a great disservice by not recognizing how the girl needs to be workin' it. She keeps going after the votes she already has. There is a big duh factor in that on the part of her advisors.

In fact, I find her vernacular speech and her head cheerleader rah, rah to actually be a condescention on her part. There is something that rings completely condescending -- on her part. Irony, huh.

On this board, there are a lot of women who were on the cusp of the women's movement. We learned to play the game. And we laid the semi-victory in the lap of the generation of women who followed us.

We were the navigators. And one of the things we learned well, if we wanted to "overstep" those boundaries, was to act like the job we wanted to have. That is what Sarah Palin is not doing. And why her advisors do not have sense enough to show her how that is done, I do not know.

So even though I am not a fan of Sarah Palin, I know that many of you are. And I really want to let you know that she is not playing to win. And why nobody knows that, I do not know. Probably she has no women advisors who are of an age to know.

Sarah Palin already has the votes she is going after and going after and going after. What Sarah Palin needs is me.

Old 10-04-2008, 09:36 AM
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Personally, I could care less if the Presidential or VP candidate is male or female, their age, race, religion or other personal trait. I want the better of the teams in office based on their skills and knowledge, including experience.

There has been a lot made about "the first black candidate," having a 'woman" on the ticket, being "too old for the job" and whether race/gender/age should sway votes. i would hope that we've gotten beyond all that as being not applicable to the hiring process. A lot of sweat and effort has gone into protecting people from such bias in the hiring process (and an election is a hiring process), and we can either walk the walk regarding race/gender/age bias or accept the fact that it's just talk which we really don't apply when things are "important."

Equal opportunity means blinders are in place regarding race/gender/age when somoeone applies for a job, even if that job is President or Vice President. If we believe in it, then skills, knowedge and experience rule. If we don't, then it's a prejudice contest, and we need to recognize we are not as bias-free as we like to believe we are.
Old 10-04-2008, 12:00 PM
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Osh, when you aspire to the highest office in the land we do expect you to use proper grammar and diction. That is not elitism. How low do you think the bar should be set?
Yes , I know she is running for VP, but there is a distinct possibility she could be POTUS.

Originally Posted by oshunluva View Post
Good grief, I can't believe there are people attacking this woman's accent. Talk about elitism, this forum wreaks with it. Did I spell everything correctly and did I put my words in the correct order? sickening is all I can say.
Old 10-04-2008, 12:22 PM
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Default Well said Boomer.....

where I differ significantly from many others is, I don't want to see the candidate (any of the 4) "act" the job.

From my corporate days I saw too many "actors"....they usually got hired (not by me or anybody who worked for me).

My me the real person. Let 'em talk off the cuff. Find out what they are about. Discover their accomplishments. Check out the accomplishments with those affected by them. See what their prior constituency has to say about them (notice how for both McCain and Obama nobody ever talks to the people they supposedly did so much for).
Back in corporate America we did not have the media to distract us with fluff/BS/made up presentations/ we alway were able to get the better candidate.

Too bad politics doesn't work that way.

No acting for me....I want the real deal to evaluate.

Old 10-04-2008, 12:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The Marketing of Sarah Palin, Part II

Like I said herein this morning, her image makers are not getting it right. The point I attempted to make was that those who are on the defensive should consider redirecting their anger at Sarah Palin's advisers.

The Republicans treated me in a condescending manner when they thought I could buy in so easily, simply for XX instead of XY in the chromosome department.

And the condescension continues as they allow this woman to sing her one note song and to dance her one step dance.

And just so you know, I would feel the same way if this were a man.

And I guess I just need to embrace the idea that I have been rejected.

But it hurts.

If I ever unearth, somewhere in my files, a most hilarious picture, I may post it on here. In the year 2000, I received a photograph in the mail from W. It was the picture of him dancing with Laura at the inaugural ball. So one day while playing around with a primitive version of some photo program, I superimposed my head on Laura's body. And even though my neck looked a little weird because I could not get the angle exactly right, the picture was lots of fun. And it caused people who saw it to do a double take. Oh, how we danced at the ball in the year 2000. But now I am a woman scorned. And I have felt that way for quite awhile.

And now. . .

I know this girl can gut a moose.

And she sure can gut a party.


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