Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Trust me, Joe was on his best behavior. I'm sure he was told to go easy on her, otherwise, he would be a "big meany" like the press.
He was a gentleman and she came off as a twit (who talks like that these days?) |
have decided to let her play out as she is. If that doesn't measure up to some hypothetical bar some think has to be be it.
I could conclude y'all prefer anybody who can be made up, wound up, programmed, rehearsed to perfection, speech prepared "actor" vs anybody real....based on some of the comments. If she is a twit then all those representatives that can't reach her level are what? And how did they get the job? They were wound up, programmed, rehearsed to perfection, speech prepared "actors". Who have proven anybody can get elected. And even if incompetent, keep the job....while continuing to do nothing. If she is a twit the others must be morons. Have you ever gone on line to seek out some of these duds. I hesitate to say it....OK I waited....I think y'all are so partisan it doesn't really matter. As much as I have little time for the bent media, even they give her credit for doing a good job. Now who could they be trying to impress?? Not the media bretheren for sure. My favorite Nancy Pelosi doesn't matter what the subject/issue is... if it is from the other party...I AM AGAINST IT!!! By the way how did she get her job? See above. Two heartbeats away from being President ![]() BTK |
BTK - Pelosi got her job by starting out after college interning for a Senator. She worked her way up through the Democratic Party and was elected to the House in 1987. She has been re-elected 10 times. She has served on the Appropriations and Intgelligence Committees. She was elected House Minority Whip and then Speaker of the House. She has traveled around the world. She speaks more than one language. She has tons of experience for any office she would be elected to.
Why didn't I just stay out of political?
Why am I back in political? BTK, I understand what you are saying about the coaches and actors and such. I know. But I think what's going on with me is that I must, on some level, be hoping that there is more than just one dimension to Sarah Palin. I think I have at least managed to make clear that it is that right of right mentality that I cannot abide. I had long ago made up my mind that if McCain ended up with Huckabee, I could not vote for him. At that time, I had never heard of Sarah Palin. But when trying to see it from a strictly objective viewpoint, I really do think that her advisers owe it to her to at least try a little of the Eliza Doolittle routine. Her supporters should recognize that. Maybe there are other facets that could be polished a little so that they could shine. But I guess maybe that's all there is. I am in white hot terror of that being the case. I am in such a mess over this. I am terrified of the Democrats, too. I know a sweet talker when I hear one. And I didn't come all this way to simply be turned into a taxpaying machine, more than ever. My thinking is cursed because I can raise to an art form playing out both sides of pretty much anything. And that can indeed be quite a curse. Would that I could spew partisan politics. Why can't we just have somebody in the middle. I really thought that might be John McCain. I thought that for awhile. With the right VP. I was such an idiot to even think such a thing. And I just looked back at what I have written in this thread. And I now see what is going on with me. It is all so glaringly obvious. I did not get invited to the party. And I keep going back to my mailbox. Looking for that invitation. Hoping to find it there. Maybe it was just lost in the mail for awhile. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe I need to get over it. It's time. They never intended to invite me to the party. Nobody did. I am afraid I will just have to stay home. Would that I could spew partisan politics. Boomer |
what you have confirmed is she is a thoughrobred(sp?) politician.
There is a progression there without a doubt. The problem I have is she is also an openly professed partisan....she is against what ever the opposition is for!!!!!! I am a victim of my background.....corporate America. And I am proud to say one of the minority at that. In what way? I had a reputation for being the "hired gun". I fixed companies that were in distress. The usual root cause? People who had great credentials, like Pelosi. When I went in to save a business, among the first thing I did was a quick evaluation of those in charge/in power. Those who worked their way up....unfortunately too many were not doing what was right for the business. They usually were populist in character. Well spoken. In the industry for years. However they were not making the hard calls that were required to stop the ship from sinking. They were the sort who were rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic when it was going down!!! My first task was always to ID the likes of the tall talking, non contributors. They were in the job TOO LONG. They knew too many resaons why something different could be done. The solution? Remove them. Put some one in who is aggressive. Someone new who DOES NOT KNOW WHY things need to stay as they are. For me CHANGE was an absolute requirement. Experience would show, encumbents with tenure, good people basically.....BUT INCAPABLE OF MAKING CHANGES. That is exactly what is wrong with our governing bodies. They have been there too long. They have tenure. They are not about to rock the proverbial boat. They know how things work and why. They are NOT capable of doing what needs to be done. They can't. They have too many owe me one in play. I would take a Palin, rough as a cob, to come in and shake things up. Not McCain. Not Obama (he is a in bred politician too.....too much baggage!!!!!!). Let's face it. We do not have the best people for the job running for the highest offices in the land. We do not have the best people in the Senate or Congress.....too much inbreeding! They will never get the job done. The main reason I like Palin....right wrong or any otherwise....she is not an in bred Washingtonian. Is she the one to get it done....unfortunately no. She is only a VP candidate....a second best job with not much responsibility or capability to make change. So a long winded response....I have no use for any candidate...eother party that is in bred...that is incapable of doing what needs to be done. and I do not subscribe to backing a person because they are my party. I would bet on a breath of fresh air who is not a part of the existing system. Someone who will no doubt make mistakes trying to DO SOMETHING VS the ongong do nothing crowd. Partisan politics WILL NOT GET THE JOB DONE. Every well running business I left for the stock holders usually had very few or NONE OF THE ENCUMBENTS in place. Washington needs an enema!!!!!!!! The likes of Pelosi...Obama....McCain are not the candidates to get it done. I am ranting I know....but it is what irks me no end......defend the matter what. There is no way that will succeed or change anything. I am not for Palin as much as I am against the establishment. al....!!!!!!! I also do not believe in voting for the best of the worst....whoever that may be. I'll take the new broom every time.....however...ther are none running for office. Yes, I would bet on Palin to make changes the others can't. She won't be able to....because the establishment and partisan America won't let it happen. In corporate America it took paradigm shifts to make things change/happen. It just will not happen in Washington, DC.....NO MATTER WHO WINS!!!! BTK BTK |
BTK, Was GWB an inbred Washingtonian? He was supposed to be a breath of fresh air.
Osh, when comfortable with people, I speak very much like Sarah Palin. I wouldn't consider speaking in such a relaxed way if I was running for Vice President of the United States of America. Many people on this site know me personally. I doubt any would call me an elitist. This isn't about dialects, darlin'. |
Boomer.....first of all, MY comment on elitism brief as they were, were not simply about Gov Palin. In that regard,my problem is that we could make fun of Sen McCain's age, crippled arm, rich wife....Sen Obama's large ears, etc......Sen Biden and his numerous errors when speaking. We could talk about each of them and their politics, but this particular board has had more threads about Gov Palin's family (all of them) whether she shoud stay home (that arguement propped by personal child rearing stories)...her exposing her children to sun in The Villages, and various other perceived traits...including her accent (which by the way is normal for where she lives, and I suppose that eliminates any native Alaskans for office) grammar (errors they all make,except when using that teleprompter
![]() You can mock her, BUT she has been a successul mayor....Governor of a state for two years and frankly the candidate for President cannot say that. I already told you in a previous thread how I feel politically so wont even repeat that...we share a lot of the same fears. I, for one, will not dismiss anyone because of her sex, size of family, grammar, accent, or any other perceived weakness. That goes for her or any other candidate. I am also anti establisment....while all know I will vote for Sen McCain BECAUSE of his opponent and NOT because he is who I want to be President...I am so very upset at him on the bail out vote filled with pork. Sorry for rambling and not making sense but I needed to at least post on this ! |
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Could you please explain to me why nobody gets that? I keep trying to explain it, too. They defend it. They shout names. (I have made two of my friends and two of my relatives pretty mad at me -- so far. Maybe that is why I keep ranting on here. Maybe I can get it all out of my system so that I can behave better in person. I really do like to get invited places.) But something is so very wrong with this picture. The handlers must want her to act that way. And that very thought, in and of itself, is terrifying from so many different angles. You and I both know that the woman who enters an important meeting is quite a bit different from the woman who is just hanging out in a casual setting. Yet, both are the same woman. And there is nothing deceptive about being able to do that. It is partly about nuance and the ability to project the understanding and command of an important situation. And we all need every advantage we can get when things get tough. No matter how subtle those advantages may be. And as President of the US, well, the stakes can't get a whole lot higher than that. It would be tragic to see the President of the US dismissed as being in over her head just because of the image she puts forth. So like her or not, she is being done a great disservice by her own people. Oh, well. I have heard that if I can stop beating my head against the wall, it will feel so good. Boomer The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain. . .and I am becoming totally insane. . . |
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Best advice I ever got in business was to be myself and never be phoney or try to be phoney ! For what it is worth ![]() |
More people watched the VP debate than watched the last Presidential debate. Anderson Cooper said that twice as many people watched the Vice Presidential debate than watched the finale of American Idol, which commands a huge audience. And they weren't watching the VP debate to see what Biden had to say.
OK, OK, call off the attack dogs. My only point is this .. Whatever negatives you have to say about Sarah Palin, her accent, her mothering abilities, her blunders with Katie Couric, her lack of knowledge on foreign affairs and the economic situation ..... you can't deny that she is a colorful character and she shoots from the hip! People can't wait to see what she does next, how she looks, whether she makes any blunders, etc. She has invigorated the election process. She has charisma and people are drawn to her. Palin may not be the next vice president, but I'll betcha she'll be on the Washington scene for a long time to come. |
I wonder how "you betcha", "hockey mom" , "Joe Six-pack" and the rest of the her folksy vocabulary translates into foreign languages. We look like the laughing stock already after Bush, I can only imagine how the rest of the world views us now. From what I've been reading, it's pretty bad.
And PLEASE don't say it doesn't matter. Believe me. It matters BIG TIME! |
I have to agree with Boomer, I found the winks and off the cuff remarks to be condecending especially coupled with the fact that she simply did not address many of the questions she was given. I actually had high hopes that she would show something of substance but was very dissapointed.
I read this and felt like it summed up a lot of what I saw. |
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In October 1967, McCain’s plane was shot down and he was captured by the North Vietnamese. Carol McCain became active in the POW-MIA movement. A former model, she dedicated herself to her children and kept the family together, friends said, while awaiting his return. “She had the perseverance to carry on,” said Melinda Fitzwater, a cousin of McCain’s who later worked with Carol McCain at the White House. “She had a little baby and small kids. She was a great, unique person.”
On Christmas Eve 1969, while she was driving alone in Philadelphia, Carol McCain’s car skidded and struck a utility pole. Thrown into the snow, she broke both legs, an arm and her pelvis. She was operated on a dozen times, and in the treatment she lost about 5 inches in height. After John McCain was released in March 1973 and returned to the U.S., he told friends that Carol was not the woman he had married. While on a trip as a Navy liaison with the Senate, McCain spied Hensley at the Honolulu reception. In a television interview with Jay Leno on the “Tonight Show,” Cindy McCain joked about how the Navy captain had pursued her. “He kind of chased me around … the hors d’oeuvre table,” (This is the disabled veteran, ha,ha) she said. “I was trying to get something to eat and I thought, ‘This guy’s kind of weird.’ I was kind of trying to get away from him.” John McCain was 42; she was 24. Carol McCain was distraught at being blindsided by her husband’s intention to end their marriage, said her friends in the Reagan circle.“They [the Reagans] weren’t happy with him,” Carol McCain “was this little, frail person… . She was brokenhearted.” “Nancy Reagan was crazy about her,” Reynolds said. “But everybody was crazy about Carol McCain… . And the Meeses were very generous and helpful and comforting to her.” About all she has ever said is this to McCain biographer Robert Timberg: “John was turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again.” “My divorce from Carol, whom the Reagans loved, caused a change in our relationship. Nancy … was particularly upset with me and treated me on the few occasions we encountered each other after I came to Congress with a cool correctness that made her displeasure clear. “I had, of course, deserved the change in our relationship.” McCain's views on women haven't changed much. A least he didn't bring in a waitress from Hooters as a VP candidate. Now that would be colorful! Come to think of it, most of the Hooter girls are more intelligent as well! |
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But I am saying that she is the most interesting and charismatic candidate to surface in a long, long time. And I am definitely saying that I see her as a being in the political scene for some time to come. If she doesn't become VP, we haven't seen the last of Sarah Palin! |