Sarah Palin and motherhood

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Old 09-06-2008, 04:38 AM
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Default Re: Sarah Palin and motherhood

Susan, :bow: 1rnfl 1rnfl 1rnfl evil6 wav
Old 09-06-2008, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: Sarah Palin and motherhood

Originally Posted by Susan&Tom
The Villages Florida
Do I smell men?

Great post. :bigthumbsup:
Old 09-22-2008, 02:48 PM
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I am not sure where I was when this was posted...but just read this thread....OMG Susan...TOO FUNNY!!! sssnnnfffff.....yes you do smell MEN! LOL

I will say (with the knowledge that I may get a GRRROOAANN) that I am the
2nd oldest of 8 and when I was a young mother went back to work full time (40+) hours...drove an hour each way every T, TH and Sat to school to get her Masters (in special education), had a very supportive husband that worked 2 jobs (one for NY State) and had a disabled youngest child. I look back at my teen years in three ways....

1...that my parents SURVIVED and that we all did as well. Saintly or Insane...still not sure...and neither are they...

2...that I would never DO what they did...I think they missed too much of our lives...and at times we greatly resented them for it...and Dad's cooking abilities were not the best...

3...That they did their very best as matter what our (as children) mistakes they made the choice to have 8 children (the last 3 being oops's as they say and love us all in their own way...and we all turned out "OK" in the end...well ok...some of them are still working on that part....

SO...with that all said...GOD BLESS PALIN for trying to move up in her career, as a woman...and a mother...(but that still doesn't qualify her IMO specifically to be VP or P one day....)

BUT...I do KNOW that someone....a parent...needs to be around for those kids! I don't care if it is one or the other....mother or father or in some cases the other Mom or other Dad....just one of them needs to be there for the kids...not babysitters, nannies....a child at any age needs a parent to make sure they don't get hurt running with scissors as they say!

I am not saying that a parent can prevent every mistake either...but it is very easy for BIG mistakes to happen when neither parent is around...and doesn't know what is going on....
Old 09-22-2008, 04:12 PM
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Default Best Mom

I would not put my family through it. You only get one childhood and being a young pregnant teenager is enough stress without Mom putting you in the spotlight.
Old 10-06-2008, 10:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Cassie and BestMom, I agree with you both.
Old 05-14-2009, 08:32 AM
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LPalin cut Alaska's $ for special needs children by $235 million until she had one of her own. Then became spokeswoman for cause. Typical!
Old 05-14-2009, 09:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Typical of what - fiscal responsibility? An earlier post said that Austin, Texas has a larger population than all of Alaska. If that's the case, how big was the budget for special needs children in the first place and maybe too much was earmarked for their needs. How much is left in the fund? I think your dislike for Sarah Palin is showing in your uniformed post.
Old 11-26-2009, 08:08 AM
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If Palin runs, Democrats will win again. She is in fact the most detrimental figure to arise in the Party for many years.
Yes she has talent and great ideas, but she has a very poor way of delivering our message. That not only iritates Democrats, it also helps many on the fence that are undecided on issues, to slide off on the Democratic side. Now I would not be suprised to find out that both Palin and Glenn Beck are stounch Liberals as the way they approach many of the issues so important to Republians causes so much harm to the Republican party. If people like Palin, Beck, Limbaugh etc. would approach the issues with a more kind face and stop with the harsh critical remarks toward anyone that might dissagree or perhaps just be undecided, they would gain votes and support instead of running those folks off. Remember, most folks will not support a loud mouth or a bully even if they are right just simply due to their personality.
Old 09-30-2010, 07:16 PM
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She is already a grandmother, her older daughter has a child.
Old 10-29-2010, 10:32 AM
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I think she really pushes her kids in the limelight, where they have absolutely no business being.
Dragging her baby under one arm from one political meeting to another is not being a good mother, it does the baby no possible good, and it makes her look quite unprofessional.
She needs to keep them at home, out of the political ring and out of the public's eye. Children do not belong there..... her oldest daughter was dragged through the muck by the press, but Palin did not learn a lesson from that.
If she wants to be a politician, she needs to act like one, in all areas!
Old 10-29-2010, 12:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default She is definitely not business as usual and she is not

the political establishment. How she handles her kids is her business, while we all have our opinions of right or wrong.

I will admit her political "front" is not consistent with the establishment. In that I find her and all the newbie politicians a breath of fresh air.

I think the concept of looking professional took a turn for the other direction when businesses started casual Fridays and now today you go a long way to find a shirt, tie and jacket. Except in those arenas where the individual needs to show "rank" or is insecure.

Pretty hard to be professionally incorrect in the casual environment of the day.
It is mostly in the eye of the beholder and their opinion on it.

Old 10-29-2010, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by mermaid72 View Post
I think she really pushes her kids in the limelight, where they have absolutely no business being.
Dragging her baby under one arm from one political meeting to another is not being a good mother, it does the baby no possible good, and it makes her look quite unprofessional.
She needs to keep them at home, out of the political ring and out of the public's eye. Children do not belong there..... her oldest daughter was dragged through the muck by the press, but Palin did not learn a lesson from that.
If she wants to be a politician, she needs to act like one, in all areas!
mermaid -
you do not sound like someone who adapts to change easily; nor someone who wishes to keep up with the times. ever since world war 2 women have been entering a number of arenas that have been traditional male bastions. not that i was around, but rosie the riveter comes to mind from my history books and tales around the dinner table.

just think back...if men had not been called to war and conscripted to fight would women have been forced to enter the work force? would women then have had to wage their own crusade to seek equal pay for equal work? i can remember my friends being drafted into the viet nam war and returning from it to not so nice receptions. at the same time i remember hearing that women should get out of the workforce so that a vet can have her job.

having sarah palin out in front in the political arena should remind everyone of the roles that women are required to play in today's society...and bringing [not dragging or pushing] her children with her shows the versatility that women must exercise and can exercise because they are women.

final thoughts to ponder...women resolve thru the use of a support network and negotiation/men resolve by taking it to athletic competition where someone must win or lose...perhaps if we had more women in elected offices as well as just plain active in politics we would have fewer wars and fewer children would be buried by their parents.

stepping down from my soap box now...
Old 10-30-2010, 10:27 AM
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I think you missed what I was trying to say, but then I don't think that I stated my point too well because I was trying very hard not to let my political views color the original question! LOL

The fact that she is a woman in the political ring is not the issue with me, I am a very strong proponent for women's rights, I've had to be, as most women our age have had to be. I raised a child all by myself: physically, mentally, & financially ---- my former husband ran off to South America to "find himself"!! ( He is still searching!) I have supported myself and my child by a professional career in educational publishing for almost 30 years before retiring. I am also a Liberal, politically & socially--surprise!!

The main thing with my objection is that I do not feel that Ms. Palin acts, speaks, or behaves in the manner that I feel is appropriate for a political candidate of our country.
One of those behaviors is "dragging" her youngest baby into the arena. The other candidates, be they male or female, do not do this. Nor should they, a quick cameo appearance would certainly be enough.
Now, it seems, that the eldest daughter, who seems to have a penchant for publicity, is on a TV show where she dances rather "saucily". LOL! Sorry if I might seem old-fashioned about this, but again, I do not feel that this is appropriate for the daughter of a possible candidate for a high office of our country.

I could go on and on, but this might lead into political thoughts, & I am trying to stay on subject.

I personally want to look up at a candidate who might run our country, not look down on someone who I feel is not qualified -- educationally, morally, or intellectually. This applies to women as well as men. I apply the same standards to both sexes, this to me, is total equality.

Thanks for not getting nasty, or flaming me, we all have our views and it is nice to be able to express them!
Old 10-30-2010, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by mermaid72 View Post
I think you missed what I was trying to say, but then I don't think that I stated my point too well because I was trying very hard not to let my political views color the original question! LOL

The fact that she is a woman in the political ring is not the issue with me, I am a very strong proponent for women's rights, I've had to be, as most women our age have had to be. I raised a child all by myself: physically, mentally, & financially ---- my former husband ran off to South America to "find himself"!! ( He is still searching!) I have supported myself and my child by a professional career in educational publishing for almost 30 years before retiring. I am also a Liberal, politically & socially--surprise!!

The main thing with my objection is that I do not feel that Ms. Palin acts, speaks, or behaves in the manner that I feel is appropriate for a political candidate of our country.
One of those behaviors is "dragging" her youngest baby into the arena. The other candidates, be they male or female, do not do this. Nor should they, a quick cameo appearance would certainly be enough.
Now, it seems, that the eldest daughter, who seems to have a penchant for publicity, is on a TV show where she dances rather "saucily". LOL! Sorry if I might seem old-fashioned about this, but again, I do not feel that this is appropriate for the daughter of a possible candidate for a high office of our country.

I could go on and on, but this might lead into political thoughts, & I am trying to stay on subject.

I personally want to look up at a candidate who might run our country, not look down on someone who I feel is not qualified -- educationally, morally, or intellectually. This applies to women as well as men. I apply the same standards to both sexes, this to me, is total equality.

Thanks for not getting nasty, or flaming me, we all have our views and it is nice to be able to express them!
Thanks for clarifying. For a minute there, I thought you wanted her to "man up".
Old 10-30-2010, 11:02 AM
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I don't understand why so many self-professed liberal women say they don't respect Sarah Palin. I never understood why the NOW didn't defend Palin against so many attacks involving her gender and her children.

It doesn't make sense to me that a woman who was elected governor of a state and then received a national nomination to be vice president of this country isn't put on a pedestal for everything woman libbers say they fought to be recognized to represent and say they stand for.

Even if you don't agree with her politics, it just doesn't make sense to me to not respect what she has achieved. Even if you take the additional real world and real life hurdles out of the pictures she has faced in her life like a Downs Syndrome baby and a teenager who got pregnant out of wedlock. Adding those reallife situations just makes me admire her all the more.

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