Why Won't Governor Palin Speak?

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Old 09-29-2008, 10:29 PM
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I think they have been working with Mr. Obama a long time, he was not at all impressive off script earlier and is coming along nicely. Sarah may do just as well with as much time. But, Bright, if you read my earlier posts on different threads, I did indicate the debate Thursday night will tell me a lot. She may not be the candidate I want at all but also as I stated in an earlier post, the hatefulness and ugliness directed toward her is amazing. I would like to watch the debate with as open mind as possible because Joe could be my candidate. I also indicated earlier, my husband and I can't afford to live in retirement and fund Mr. Obama's endless projects. I don't think many people living in retirement can but soon it will be over and the real mess will be upon us.
Old 09-29-2008, 10:34 PM
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Many of us won't be able to live in retirement if the bailout plan isn't approved by the Republicans. What were they thinking?....OH! I FORGOT...it's election year!
Old 09-29-2008, 10:36 PM
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But you're missing the fact that the Dems could have passed it, and you're right... an election year. But it is fun debating with you, Bright.

My problem is I'm old school, I don't think like the Hollywood group. We lived through and supported the welfare system in Wisconsin before it was improved so we're leary of handouts without handups.
Old 09-29-2008, 10:45 PM
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Arrow Agreed!

Originally Posted by Don H View Post
I think Tina Fey should debate Joe.
I agree! Tina Fey is much brighter and would be much more interesting. Also, being a writer, she's probably more well versed on today's issues. The scary part is that in the last skit, almost all of it was verbatim from Palin!

I thought it was interesting that Palin admitted to watching Tina Fey with the volume off. ??? and again ??? Cared about how she looked I guess and not about what she said. How weird is that?
Old 09-30-2008, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
I agree! Tina Fey is much brighter and would be much more interesting. Also, being a writer, she's probably more well versed on today's issues. The scary part is that in the last skit, almost all of it was verbatim from Palin!

I thought it was interesting that Palin admitted to watching Tina Fey with the volume off. ??? and again ??? Cared about how she looked I guess and not about what she said. How weird is that?
BINGO we have a winner. You hit the nail on the head alot of people said she sounded alot better at the RNC. well hello, if i was there reading that prompter i could of sounded as good if not better. Oh wait didnt the prompter stop working, oh bust, i forgot a camera had a behind the Palin view and it was working. Some one forgot to put a working upgraded version of the prompter behind KC. ROMNEY & FEY for President.
Old 09-30-2008, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
I thought it was interesting that Palin admitted to watching Tina Fey with the volume off. ??? and again ??? Cared about how she looked I guess and not about what she said. How weird is that?
WHAT?? Are you kidding me? I had not read this....now I will have to google...this is very, very odd....who does this?
Old 09-30-2008, 07:19 AM
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Many of us won't be able to live in retirement if the bailout plan isn't approved by the Republicans. What were they thinking?....OH! I FORGOT...it's election year!

I believe 94 Democrats also voted no for the bailout. Last time I checked the Democrats have the majority so they don't need the Republicans to pass the bill. Why won't they pass it on their own? 1. Because it's a bad deal and they know it. 2. As always they can blame the GOP and get away with it.
Old 09-30-2008, 07:31 AM
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Now do we really want to base our unbiased, intelligent opinions for our candidate choice on how a candidate views SNL? I'm more than amused at how important the irreverent SNL show has become a major factor in electing our next president.

If we are to elect wisely, watch the debate Thursday evening. Joe Biden should NOT get a pass because he is an old Washington insider, listen to the man and Palin. Realize that John McCain and Barrack Obama are the same heartbeat away from death, one! Being younger does not guarantee longevity. God forbid anything happen to either one of them but I have seen enough to know that anything can happen to one or the other at any moment in time.
Old 09-30-2008, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Peachie View Post
Now do we really want to base our unbiased, intelligent opinions for our candidate choice on how a candidate views SNL? I'm more than amused at how important the irreverent SNL show has become a major factor in electing our next president.

If we are to elect wisely, watch the debate Thursday evening. Joe Biden should NOT get a pass because he is an old Washington insider, listen to the man and Palin. Realize that John McCain and Barrack Obama are the same heartbeat away from death, one! Being younger does not guarantee longevity. God forbid anything happen to either one of them but I have seen enough to know that anything can happen to one or the other at any moment in time.
Peachie....I am not very enthusiastic about the selection of Gov Palin, but I am totally amazed at the concentration on her with NO discussion of the stupid things said by Sen Biden, who should very well know better.

I do not pass on emails I receive but the below is interesting and I am not comparing Gov Palin to anyone...just passing on a thought...

"Who Am I?
I am under 45 years old,
I love the outdoors,
I hunt,
I am a Republican reformer,
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,
I have many children,

I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office.

Have you ever heard of me before now?

I am Teddy Roosevelt."
Old 09-30-2008, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by historybuff50 View Post
And who would those arch conservatives be, I'm curious?
Prominent conservative columnist Kathleen Parker; David Frum, former Bush speechwriter; Charles Krauthammer conservative writer for the Washington Post; and Ross Douthat - conservative senior editor of The Atlantic; just to name a few.
Old 09-30-2008, 08:56 AM
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Thumbs down Thanks but No Thanks!

Originally Posted by Peachie View Post
Now do we really want to base our unbiased, intelligent opinions for our candidate choice on how a candidate views SNL? I'm more than amused at how important the irreverent SNL show has become a major factor in electing our next president.

If we are to elect wisely, watch the debate Thursday evening. Joe Biden should NOT get a pass because he is an old Washington insider, listen to the man and Palin. Realize that John McCain and Barrack Obama are the same heartbeat away from death, one! Being younger does not guarantee longevity. God forbid anything happen to either one of them but I have seen enough to know that anything can happen to one or the other at any moment in time.
Sorry, would still have someone that was the Head of the Foreign Relations Committee than the Mayor of Wasilla. Call me crazy, but this is not about gutting a moose.

I want Biden to take the gloves off big time. That's what I had to do when I had to deal with the "Good Old Boys Club in business." She should not be coddled. But, he'll probably get slammed for that.
Old 09-30-2008, 09:00 AM
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Default Bad Deal, But must be done.

Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
I believe 94 Democrats also voted no for the bailout. Last time I checked the Democrats have the majority so they don't need the Republicans to pass the bill. Why won't they pass it on their own? 1. Because it's a bad deal and they know it. 2. As always they can blame the GOP and get away with it.
There's a lot to blame the GOP for and it's way more than the vote. Those Dems are to blame also. But 2/3 of the Dems voted for and and 2/3 of Repubs voted against it. That's where the scale tips.
Old 09-30-2008, 09:07 AM
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Chels, if you're going that route... she may be gutting a moose but it's better than be on the table for another "nip/tuck" during a crisis. Geezzzz.... her hobbies are now the criteria. If Mr. Obama is soooo wise and intelligent, how did he get Biden on the ticket... the practically winless president candidate? Because Mr. Obama knew Hillary Clinton had a helluva lot more going for her and he would be upstaged so he went mediocre.
Old 09-30-2008, 09:16 AM
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Arrow Agree to disagree.

Originally Posted by Peachie View Post
Chels, if you're going that route... she may be gutting a moose but it's better than be on the table for another "nip/tuck" during a crisis. Geezzzz.... her hobbies are now the criteria. If Mr. Obama is soooo wise and intelligent, how did he get Biden on the ticket... the practically winless president candidate? Because Mr. Obama knew Hillary Clinton had a helluva lot more going for her and he would be upstaged so he went mediocre.
What route? The Republicans have been slamming Obama on everything from a flag pin to people around when he was 8 years old. Why is Palen off limits?

McCain looked a father defending his daughter yesterday on Katie Couric. It's ridiculous and an insult to the American people.

I like Joe Biden and my stance is clear. Hillary would have been wonderful on the ticket, but I think any person or woman that would switch tickets just because Palin is a woman, is as shallow as she is. I don't think for one minute that Obama didn't choose her because he was afraid of being upstaged. Politics is much more intricate than that. I love Hillary and she'll be back. But she lost the primary. This is not her time. Yet.
Old 09-30-2008, 09:24 AM
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The route is the personal attacks on who she is as a person. Must we all be indentical in nature or we are flawed? What does her interest in hunting have to do with this election, is my point. I respect your vote, it the argument I question but that too is your right if that is the tact taken. I'll listen to the debate and then wait for the elections, I'm outta the political posts. I'm looking forward to meeting you at Crisper's in the next few months, Chels.

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