your grand daughters!!

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Old 05-04-2013, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Heartnsoul View Post
and we allow the classes being brought into the schools. Do you know in Lake county now they will have a "gay-straight" club?? What next, the condom club.?? parents should be involved in what is going on. And having a morning after pill is just encouraging them to have sex. 15 is still a baby. Babies should NOT be having babies.
Whoa, I'd say that chances are the gay club and the condom club really don't need the morning after pill.

Do you really think the morning after pill encourages sexual behavior?
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Y'know that part of your brain that tells you "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" I think I'm missing it.
Old 05-04-2013, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Heartnsoul View Post
and we allow the classes being brought into the schools. Do you know in Lake county now they will have a "gay-straight" club?? What next, the condom club.?? parents should be involved in what is going on. And having a morning after pill is just encouraging them to have sex. 15 is still a baby. Babies should NOT be having babies.
"Gay-straight" clubs, are typically founded to try and eliminate and work through the ignorance, hate and prejudice...shown toward gays.

What's wrong with that?

As for 15 year olds being "baby's," this country alone has a history of saying...that they are old enough to marry.

I'm personally glad that's no longer the case (in some states it can still happen when both the parents and court allows it), but it used to be very common.

Which is pretty hypocritical, when you listen to the "things were always better in the good old days"....crowd.

Jes sayin'.


Old 05-04-2013, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Patty55 View Post
Whoa, I'd say that chances are the gay club and the condom club really don't need the morning after pill. THAT was funny!

Old 05-04-2013, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Heartnsoul View Post
Ladies do you realize your 15 yr old granddaughters will be able to buy a "morning after pill" probably in their drugstores (without parental consent) next to the bubble gum and batteries and I can't even buy a box of Claritin (for my allergies) as a senior without showing proof of my age??

What is happening to our "morals" as a society?? Get your children involved and tell them its not OK. they need to voice their opinions. 15 yr old children should NOT be having sex.
That's just your opinion. I'm sure there are other people on the planet who disagree.
Old 05-04-2013, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Heartnsoul View Post
Ladies do you realize your 15 yr old granddaughters will be able to buy a "morning after pill" probably in their drugstores (without parental consent) next to the bubble gum and batteries and I can't even buy a box of Claritin (for my allergies) as a senior without showing proof of my age??

What is happening to our "morals" as a society?? Get your children involved and tell them its not OK. they need to voice their opinions. 15 yr old children should NOT be having sex.
Call me old fashioned but I'm with you Heartnsoul! Why use condoms when you can take a pill? Anyone consider the Aids risk here? 15 year olds do NOT have the mental capacity to make these kinds of decisions!
Old 05-04-2013, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by paulandjean View Post
Which one is it that Lake County schools have ? "A Gay-Straight Club?
Not that I care one way or another, but just for informational purpose:

Just one day after being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Lake County School Board has consented to allow a Gay-Straight Alliance at Carver Middle School, in Leesburg
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Old 05-05-2013, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by xNYer View Post
This emotional reaction to the availability of the morning after pill appears to be unrelated to its actual use. Obviously the pill would only be used after intercourse occurred. The pill will be used to prevent pregnancy. It does not encourage sexual activity, contraception is already widely available. There are many reasons to use protection, pregancy being only one.
I just love this unemotional response. Of course none of us wants to encourage teenage sex, but it happens. It happened 60 years ago and it happens today.
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Old 05-05-2013, 07:48 AM
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Default It's Part Of Their World

As a gal who is part of the "Little House on the Prairie Generation", I have just finished raising two young men. It is not easy. It is a different World.

I worried about Aids and Hepatitis. I had to ensure they were prepared to protect themselves. I frequently told them that sex so early was unacceptable, but I was also brutally aware that they were going to do it anyway. Therefore I preached continuously about protection...and it paid off. I for one am happy condoms are available to our children because pregnancy was the least of my concern, it was a disease that would significantly shorten their life.

I am also happy about The Plan B Pill. The reasons were eloquently stated in other posts.

I had to worry about bullying, because fights are not handled fist-to-cuffs anymore. They are handled with guns and knives.

I had to worry about suicides and car crashes.

I had to worry about supplementing their education so they could get into good colleges.

Drugs? Wow...another thread entirely. Alcohol too.

Schools are getting involved because some parents just don't. The kids today need to learn tolerance, understanding and acceptance of others. IMHO, that is the only way that "their society" will move forward. All this hate stuff is getting old, and it is crippling us. They have challenges that we have never faced and children are growing up a lot faster. They are much more sophisticated and technically savvy and they were raised by a generation that was the first that had to incorporate technical skills in their life. I will say, they are not as respectful, but I think every generation says that though...

If I am ever a Grandma, I am going to be the one that makes yummy baked goods, send them home to their mom and dad with a nice sugar high, and take them to fun places. I am going to support the parents (my kids) with wisdom, if they ask for it, but overall, I think they are in a better position to raise their kids the way they deem best.

The World is rapidly changing, our future generations are going to have to change to survive. For me, I am just going to love them, hope I provided them the right tools necessary to succeed in life and be a good citizen.

Old 05-05-2013, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by KatieDidNot View Post
As a gal who is part of the "Little House on the Prairie Generation", I have just finished raising two young men. It is not easy. It is a different World.

I worried about Aids and Hepatitis. I had to ensure they were prepared to protect themselves. I frequently told them that sex so early was unacceptable, but I was also brutally aware that they were going to do it anyway. Therefore I preached continuously about protection...and it paid off. I for one am happy condoms are available to our children because pregnancy was the least of my concern, it was a disease that would significantly shorten their life.

I am also happy about The Plan B Pill. The reasons were eloquently stated in other posts.

I had to worry about bullying, because fights are not handled fist-to-cuffs anymore. They are handled with guns and knives.

I had to worry about suicides and car crashes.

I had to worry about supplementing their education so they could get into good colleges.

Drugs? Wow...another thread entirely. Alcohol too.

Schools are getting involved because some parents just don't. The kids today need to learn tolerance, understanding and acceptance of others. IMHO, that is the only way that "their society" will move forward. All this hate stuff is getting old, and it is crippling us. They have challenges that we have never faced and children are growing up a lot faster. They are much more sophisticated and technically savvy and they were raised by a generation that was the first that had to incorporate technical skills in their life. I will say, they are not as respectful, but I think every generation says that though...

If I am ever a Grandma, I am going to be the one that makes yummy baked goods, send them home to their mom and dad with a nice sugar high, and take them to fun places. I am going to support the parents (my kids) with wisdom, if they ask for it, but overall, I think they are in a better position to raise their kids the way they deem best.

The World is rapidly changing, our future generations are going to have to change to survive. For me, I am just going to love them, hope I provided them the right tools necessary to succeed in life and be a good citizen.

Your last two paragraphs echo exactly what we all had to it is a changing world. Words of wisdom for sure.

Our daughter didn't adopt her first child until age 30, after trying for years to conceive....married at age 25.

Her second two babies, natural births, followed after we welcomed our "first" who is now 19. So, the stork was just waiting in the wings.........but we love them all our son has two as well.......ditto. We have a range of ages......

I've never been asked for advice and never gave advice as I realized from EARLY ON.......they had totally different "ideas" as far as giving birth (midwifes) (home births) feeding , etc., best to not say anything as far as what we did in the olden days.....the covered wagon days. We are fortunate in that our two adult kids are intelligent and thoughtful and everything seems to be going well with their child a changing world. Whereas, we have cousins who are a few years younger than us who still think their grandkids should be raised like they raised their own in the early 1980's.........not going to happen.

Things changed so quickly from when I had mine in 1968 and shortly afterward......that each of my friends has a totally different do their daughters TODAY. Ditto for what to feed or not feed the little clean to keep them, etc.

The children are all being raised more naturally nowadays......not every hair has to be in place......the fru fru frilly dresses of the 60s are GONE.

But the kids are happy, bright and loving..........this is all that's important in the greater scheme of things. And super bright in high technology, love books, scientific minded..........which will be a plus through school.

I trust they will advise their own children on how to be loving partners when the "time is right" and not too soon........the consequences of rushing into something at a young age, etc........finishing school (college), etc. in order to get a good job, etc.........

But, our that we are just to enjoy them.......NOT to preach to our adult kids or our grandchildren. We are lucky to have a good rapport with the grandchildren and they do confide in us.......we just listen.......we are just "there".....the young people today are more wise than most realize......


""If I am ever a Grandma, I am going to be the one that makes yummy baked goods, send them home to their mom and dad with a nice sugar high, and take them to fun places. I am going to support the parents (my kids) with wisdom, if they ask for it, but overall, I think they are in a better position to raise their kids the way they deem best.

The World is rapidly changing, our future generations are going to have to change to survive. For me, I am just going to love them, hope I provided them the right tools necessary to succeed in life and be a good citizen. ""
Old 05-05-2013, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by KatieDidNot View Post
As a gal who is part of the "Little House on the Prairie Generation", I have just finished raising two young men. It is not easy. It is a different World.

I worried about Aids and Hepatitis. I had to ensure they were prepared to protect themselves. I frequently told them that sex so early was unacceptable, but I was also brutally aware that they were going to do it anyway. Therefore I preached continuously about protection...and it paid off. I for one am happy condoms are available to our children because pregnancy was the least of my concern, it was a disease that would significantly shorten their life.

I am also happy about The Plan B Pill. The reasons were eloquently stated in other posts.

I had to worry about bullying, because fights are not handled fist-to-cuffs anymore. They are handled with guns and knives.

I had to worry about suicides and car crashes.

I had to worry about supplementing their education so they could get into good colleges.

Drugs? Wow...another thread entirely. Alcohol too.

Schools are getting involved because some parents just don't. The kids today need to learn tolerance, understanding and acceptance of others. IMHO, that is the only way that "their society" will move forward. All this hate stuff is getting old, and it is crippling us. They have challenges that we have never faced and children are growing up a lot faster. They are much more sophisticated and technically savvy and they were raised by a generation that was the first that had to incorporate technical skills in their life. I will say, they are not as respectful, but I think every generation says that though...

If I am ever a Grandma, I am going to be the one that makes yummy baked goods, send them home to their mom and dad with a nice sugar high, and take them to fun places. I am going to support the parents (my kids) with wisdom, if they ask for it, but overall, I think they are in a better position to raise their kids the way they deem best.

The World is rapidly changing, our future generations are going to have to change to survive. For me, I am just going to love them, hope I provided them the right tools necessary to succeed in life and be a good citizen.


Old 05-05-2013, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
I just love this unemotional response. Of course none of us wants to encourage teenage sex, but it happens. It happened 60 years ago and it happens today.
Yes, it did happen 60 years ago, but when I think back to our dating period between 1962 to 1965 when we married.........I can't think of one of our friends who got pregnant.....or had to get married in their teens.

I'm sure the biological urges were just was a different era and the young were not bombarded with so much explicit sex in movies, book, television, the internet, etc. No one we knew went to "clubs" in our teens.

We went to the movies or to the beach, etc. or to a lake and then home.

Again, we all married YOUNG. And at the expense of really sounding old, NONE OF US LIVED outside our parents home until our WEDDING DAY.
The t.v. shows of the 70s and thereafter started showing friends living together as roomies.......and the rest is history.

When we were raising teenagers, all of their friends were always welcome into our home........and our great room became the place where they would bring their friends, watch movies on t.v. , play the video games....or swim in our pool in good themselves to the Haagen Daz or Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the kitchen freezer.....etc.

I always felt I'd rather have them AT HOME.......(even if we were sleeping) then out getting hit by a drunken driver..........they always were self disciplined and I must say that my kids had nice friends from good families..........

But, in all fairness to girls and this morning after pill..........let me tell you, my son as a senior in high school.........had to fend off quite a few aggressive girl friends the late 80's there was a "sea change" in what the girls wanted..........vs. what the boys wanted........he always confided in me.............both kids used to say, especially after they were away in college...........that they wanted to wait until they found someone so they could have a good marriage like we did (meaning Dad and I.)

So, I know preaching does not work. Being there for them does work.
Showing by example what a loving steady marriage should be like, works.

We just felt that the schools were intruding on old fashioned parents right to guide their own letting Planned Parenthood into the schools.... Jr. High/Middle School. Our kids were not that sophisticated as they are TODAY in middle school.
Old 05-05-2013, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by paulandjean View Post
Which one is it that Lake County schools have ? "A Gay-Straight Club?
I was asking? You state "Gay-Straight Club" Which one do they have? Seems like two opposites.
Old 05-05-2013, 08:56 AM
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it's the gay-straight club?? are you gay or straight?? you know as it is sooo cool to be gay! why not encourage it to our children? why not confuse them and make them feel if they aren't gay maybe something is wrong with them?? Do you know in Calif teachers (starting with kindergarten) are being ENCOURAGED to teach that homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and even trans-sexuality - is normal behavior?? so next we will have the bi club and on and on?? when does it stop?? when parents get involved and say enough is enough. Not likely to happen. Today's mentality is "if it feels good, do it" We've hit rock bottom as a society. It's very sad but it's true.
Old 05-05-2013, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
Frankly, you can teach your kids til your blue in the face, but they are immersed in a sexual culture that speaks so loudly you may find your voice drowned out. I can't understand how we adults have allowed all facets of media to overwhelm our children with an avalanche of smut. Then we all complain about our promiscuous youth and their lack of standards.

Those of us of the older generation, born in 1945, have seen how television has gone from family type shows where the entire generation of families could watch together in one where it stands today.

Our daughter never let her children watch television.....except for some old channel from the 1950's, etc. 1960's, etc.........and PBS .

Last edited by Moderator; 05-05-2013 at 11:24 AM. Reason: Removed political comment
Old 05-05-2013, 09:11 AM
paulandjean paulandjean is offline
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[QUOTE=senior citizen;671628]Yes, it did happen 60 years ago, but when I think back to our dating period between 1962 to 1965 when we married.........I can't think of one of our friends who got pregnant.....or had to get married in their teens.

I'm sure the biological urges were just was a different era and the young were not bombarded with so much explicit sex in movies, book, television, the internet, etc. No one we knew went to "clubs" in our teens.

We went to the movies or to the beach, etc. or to a lake and then home.

Again, we all married YOUNG. And at the expense of really sounding old, NONE OF US LIVED outside our parents home until our WEDDING DAY.
The t.v. shows of the 70s and thereafter started showing friends living together as roomies.......and the rest is history.

When we were raising teenagers, all of their friends were always welcome into our home........and our great room became the place where they would bring their friends, watch movies on t.v. , play the video games....or swim in our pool in good themselves to the Haagen Daz or Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the kitchen freezer.....etc.

I always felt I'd rather have them AT HOME.......(even if we were sleeping) then out getting hit by a drunken driver..........they always were self disciplined and I must say that my kids had nice friends from good families..........

But, in all fairness to girls and this morning after pill..........let me tell you, my son as a senior in high school.........had to fend off quite a few aggressive girl friends the late 80's there was a "sea change" in what the girls wanted..........vs. what the boys wanted........he always confided in me.............both kids used to say, especially after they were away in college...........that they wanted to wait until they found someone so they could have a good marriage like we did (meaning Dad and I.)

So, I know preaching does not work. Being there for them does work.
Showing by example what a loving steady marriage should be like, works.

We just felt that the schools were intruding on old fashioned parents right to guide their own letting Planned Parenthood into the schools.... Jr. High/Middle School. Our kids were not that sophisticated as they are TODAY in middle school.[ Sounds Good, But you use the term parents, sad fact most kids do not live under those conditions today.
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