Another COVID-19 myth exposed!

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Old 06-09-2020, 01:50 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by LowOnCash View Post
Ok its just your opinion not to wear a mask - the problem the mask is not for you its for me!

If you happen to be stuck in an elevator and you start sneezing or coughing contaminating the air in this space, what about the other people in the elevator.

What if you have a common flu is it ok with you to spread it to others?

Quit thinking of just yourself, the death count is near accurate!
Nice post and nice pseudo-name!
Old 06-09-2020, 01:54 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Here's a situation:

Someone who works at Walmart has allergies - they sneeze and their nose runs during thick humid days and on high-pollen days. They take meds for it, so it's "controlled" but sometimes it just kinda happens, breakthrough symptoms you could call it.

One day, he says "I'm not wearing a mask anymore." Walmart is okay with this and tells him he doesn't have to wear his mask, because you can't trust what WHO says, and everyone knows that it doesn't protect anyone from anything anyway.

So he keeps his mask off.

Two weeks later, there are 1000 new cases of coronavirus confirmed, of which 10 have become full-blown COVID-19 pneumonia, all within a 20 mile radius of this Walmart.

Turns out - this guy WAS infected with coronavirus, but he was asymptomatic. So he had the virus and was spreading it to everyone in the store - thousands and thousands of people, tens of thousands. And all his fellow employees.

Now those 1000 diagnosed coronavirus patients - they are merely the ones who were diagnosed. There are another 20,000 who are now asymptomatic, infected with the virus, spreading it to everyone they know, unaware that they even need to get tested.

This is what happens when you tell people at work they don't need to wear a mask, while they are not showing any symptoms of the virus.

If you need to be in fairly close proximity to thousands of people every day, in an environment with a controlled air ventilation system, you need to be wearing a mask while you're in there. There really is no way around it.
You go Orange Person. That's AMEN to my ears (eyes)!
Old 06-09-2020, 01:59 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by dtennent View Post
As a scientist for nearly 50 years, I can tell you that the beginning stage of any research effort is often marked by blind alleys, rethinking of previous results in light of new data, and dealing with naysayers. From the outside, it looks messy and chaotic. From the inside, dealing with the disappointing results of today leads to a new experiment which provides progress for tomorrow. Given the number of labs from around the world who are working on a new vaccine and potential treatments, I am hopeful that we will have a solution in 18 months. Even with that there is a very good chance that the first vaccine will not be as effective as we would all like. This won't mean that the scientists are incompetent but rather that science is a difficult and often frustrating subject.

I am just thankful that I never had the talking heads looking over my shoulder during my career.
Wonderful!! Thank you for your logical post. Keep posting. The US of A needs MORE science and logic, not LESS.
Old 06-09-2020, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by pamhobbs View Post
Florida just experienced a 4000 new cases surge in spite of attempted minipulation downward by gov. The smart thing is to be cautious and follow nonpartisan guidelines until we know we are on the right track back to normalcy.
Thanks n7
Cases graph is Rising STEEPLY!
Old 06-09-2020, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
People identified with new cases of Covid-19 have increased by about a thousand cases each of the three prior days, but deaths nationally have fallen under a thousand per day for each of the prior days.

I watch it.
Source-NY Times-----For Fl. not Nationally. I stand by my Post.
Old 06-09-2020, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by roscoguy View Post
And how do you distinguish the "asymptomatic" from the "presymptomatic"?
Excellent point. You don't.
Old 06-09-2020, 02:23 PM
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Since we can’t tell the difference between asymptomatic vs presymptomatic ....
Old 06-09-2020, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Ginpappas View Post
It's amazing how many people don't understand that science is complicated and when we have a new virus there is a steep learning curve as we try to navigate how contagious it may be or how and when it's most dangerous or what the mortality may be. Scientist and medical people are doing their best to keep us alive so instead of listening to someone on TOTV or my uncles third cousin on facebook, I think I'll keep relying on and trusting them while we try to sort it out.
So which "science" are we to trust and believe in?

The science from the CDC that initially said mask wearing was not needed to prevent transmission of the virus and might even be counterproductive?

Or the later science from when the CDC flip-flopped and said mask wearing was actually needed?

Or the science that said "millions" of Americans would die from COVID-19?

Or how about the science that said New York City didn't have nearly enough hospital beds and the USNS Comfort ship absolutely had to be sent to help with the overburden? It left harbor after only three weeks and treating a whopping 179 patients.

And don't forget the science that Los Angeles mayor Garcetti used to open the beaches in his city but only in the "wet sand" areas and not the "dry sand" areas.(Obvious question: how does a beachgoer get to the wet sand areas without crossing the dry sand areas? A boardwalk? Did he order a city crew to wet down a walking path? Or, what if an individual took a bucket with them and dipped water from the surf in order to create their own private wet sand area? Does the science support that option?)

How about the "science" of common sense? Does anyone still possess it??
Old 06-09-2020, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Astron View Post
The stock market seems to disagree with the idea that the economy has been destroyed.
1 - the market is still not all the way back. Unless you are an active trader and just the normal let my investments ride "I'm in it for the long term" as we speak you are still at a loss from the high.
2 - Give it till 4th qtr and you will be longing for today
Old 06-09-2020, 02:37 PM
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There has been a clarification of the W H O statement about asymptomatic transmission. The Q&A is now on the news. Here are two statements from the clarification:

Whether someone is presymptomatic or or simply experiencing very mild symptoms is not of importance to the person on the receiving end of the transmission, said Dr. William Schaffner, a Vanderbilt University professor and longtime adviser to the CDC.
"I thought they were getting very prissy and trying to slice the salami very fine," Schaffner said about WHO's comments on Monday on asymptomatic spread.
"You can be vertical and feel 100% or virtually 100% and going about your daily business and unaware that you're infected and perfectly capable transmitting the virus," Schaffner said. "How do we inhibit transmission of the virus by these people who are doing their full range of normal activities? The answer is social distancing and wearing masks and good hand hygiene and stay away from crowds. That's the formula."

Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO's technical lead for coronavirus response and head of its emerging diseases and zoonoses unit, said during a media briefing in Geneva on Monday that "it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual."
But then on Tuesday, during the live Q&A, she clarified "this is a major unknown."
"We do know that some people who are asymptomatic, or some people who don't have symptoms, can transmit the virus on," she said. "So what we need to better understand is how many of the people in the population don't have symptoms and separately how many of those individuals go on to transmit to others."
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Old 06-09-2020, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by rustyp View Post
1 - the market is still not all the way back. Unless you are an active trader and just the normal let my investments ride "I'm in it for the long term" as we speak you are still at a loss from the high.
2 - Give it till 4th qtr and you will be longing for today

That's what I predict too.

I also predict that once it starts, it will be a torrent...the likes of which we have rarely seen before.
Old 06-09-2020, 02:55 PM
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Default Risk far out weighs the small inconveniences for us

We have one big issue with not taking as much caution as we can. Once you get the virus and you have to go to the hospital there is a high chance that your loved one(s) or you, may not see each other ever again. For us that is too big a negative. There is nothing more important to me in my life than the beautiful woman I married 38 years ago. The thought of not seeing her again after dropping her at the hospital door, to not be with her through the ordeal, makes me do whatever I have to not be infected. Yes I hate the mask, yes I think the messages on all fronts are conflicting and yes I miss a great draft beer at the bar with a good meal with friends.
Old 06-09-2020, 02:56 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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The World Health Organization said Tuesday that the likelihood of asymptomatic coronavirus carriers to transmit disease was still an open question, tempering remarks made the day before indicating it was rare.
The question hinges on whether people are asymptomatic – that is, infected but without ever exhibiting symptoms – and presymptomatic, which applies to people who have been infected and have not yet manifested illness. The latter are contagious, most experts agree.
The trick is knowing which asymptomatic people will actually turn out to be presymptomatic, WHO scientist Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the organization’s technical lead on the coronavirus pandemic, clarified on Tuesday.
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Old 06-09-2020, 03:05 PM
Dianne1449 Dianne1449 is offline
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How do you know if you are asymptomatic or presymptomatic? Could be too late.
Old 06-09-2020, 04:13 PM
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I checked into this further (article in USA TODAY) and found that the spokesperson said the observation came from "a small subset of studies" and "unpublished info" in the far East. She concluded by saying it's "a misunderstanding to state that asymptomatic transmission globally is very rare." So, where does that leave us? I certainly do not know but I'm going to continue to be cautious by continuing social distancing, washing hands, etc. for now anyway.
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people, spread, asymptomatic, masks, rarely

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