Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

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Old 11-17-2007, 01:53 PM
ditzyfitzy ditzyfitzy is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

I like Joe Biden, too--don't know why he isn't more popular. But, he has no chance of winning...
AND, it is about time we have a woman President. Hillary will do the job--and if you read anything about her history--she is AMAZING when it comes to diplomacy.....

I learned something new this week--did you know that women have only been allowed to vote for 88 years?

Old 11-17-2007, 04:56 PM
Peggy D Peggy D is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

The Powers-To-Be don't like Joe because he tells it like it is. There's no "Yes, BUT"
or "No, BUT" with him. It's straight forward. They want a "Yes" man (or woman).

I disagree about respect for Rice. I think she is just tolerated while Bush is still in office.

To be honest, from a friend who knows Joe personally, He really want to be Sec of State.
He would be good there too. He feels the position has more power.

I would vote for Hillary. When Bill was in office they came up with an awesome health care plan. It was shot down because The Powers-To-Be didn't want her to have any say.
She was more or less put in her place and told to be the little "First Lady". If you remember, you didn't hear much from her after that. Being in health care, it was a good plan as far as coverage and the plan also included education for health care workers. Even back then, they recognized a future nursing crisis. Many fields are understaffed--less good care when you don't have the staff.
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Old 11-18-2007, 11:20 PM
duffertom duffertom is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

I voted for Bush #1. I thought Clinton was a nonfactor. Was I ever wrong. I did not vote for Bush #2. Was I ever right. Do not count out the Clintons. This country is going in the wrong direction. We need change. I am an independent voter and I don't know if Hillary is the answer but-Why Not? for four years then kick her out.
Old 11-18-2007, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Originally Posted by duffertom
I voted for Bush #1. I thought Clinton was a nonfactor. Was I ever wrong. I did not vote for Bush #2. Was I ever right. Do not count out the Clintons. This country is going in the wrong direction. We need change. I am an independent voter and I don't know if Hillary is the answer but-Why Not? for four years then kick her out.
How about Barack Obama? Hillary is an extremely shrewd politician. Think we will just get more shrewd politicking on her part. Obama seems to have the right stuff as far as a different kind of leader is concerned. Sure liked his latest book more than hers. He actually seemed to try to address some of the weightier issues.
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