Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

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Old 10-01-2007, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

I will vote for Hillary. TV is very Republican. (with the Sun paper and Fox news) but I listen to the BBC and read many newspapers(NY Post and NY Times). Many people are very upset with President Bush, myself being one. I don't think most people read enough to really know the truth, there is so much spin.
Old 10-01-2007, 11:51 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

So, because George Bush has been a disappointment, we should instead elect an admitted socialist who is probably the single most dangerous politician on the scene today. Anyone doubting this should really look into Hillary's background as far back as her days at Wellesley.

Reading anything written BY or FOR the Clintons doesn't count. While GB may have some issues, one should research the crazy backroom deals made by Bill that amount to a sellout of this country's military and industrial secrets to the Chinese who are more than happy to speed along the day when they will dominate the U.S. (if they don't already financially and industrially). HE should have been tried for treason not messing around with Monica.

Apparently the folks interviewed weren't at the Fred Thompson rally a few weeks ago. Now THERE is a straight talking breath of fresh air!

Old 10-01-2007, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs_ADDENDUM

An Additional thought....

Not excusing Bush, but.... he was dealt a VERY difficult hand. I would challenge anyone the make "The Right Decision".

Anyone doubting the threat to our country and way of life should do some serious research into the radical Islamist threat and what it means to our future generations. Wake up folks before it's too late.

Can you say "Neville Chamberlain"?
Old 10-02-2007, 05:16 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

I removed two posts from this thread. Political discussion is very invigorating, but it stops at personal attacks against other posters.

The two posts did not add to this discussion.

Old 10-02-2007, 06:08 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Hillary is not my first choice, but I could easily vote for her.
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

My mother told me to never discuss religion and politics as they lead to fighting. Reading this thread, I can only say she was right, and I'm glad you folks aren't all in the same room or there'd have been some blood spilled.

I will close the curtain on the voting booth and cast my vote on election day. I won't spend any time trying to convince others I am right! Or that they are wrong! As is easily seen above, opinions seem pretty strong around here..... ;D Now play nice!
Old 10-02-2007, 11:46 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Hillary maybe but can you imagine Bill back in the White House with no one watching him????OMG
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Originally Posted by Lil Dancer
;DIt makes me laugh that people blame Hillary for everything from global warming to Vince Foster's suicide. Its sad, really, that men especially are so put off by a powerful woman. If you happened to read her autobiography, which I'm sure you didn't because your mind is obviously closed, you'd see she has spent her life in service to her country in one form or another. Taking a senate seat in NY or any other state, is just a continuation of her public service persona. I personally don't care if she isn't "originally" from NY, as long as she does a good job, which for us upstate NYer's , she has. As far as her being married to a philanderer, who cares? I didn't vote for him because he's true blue to his wife; I voted for him because I thought he'd be the best person for the job. IMHO he was the best president we've had in a long time. I know the economy was in a lot better shape than it is now. As far as our country's position in the international scheme of things, our reputation has certainly gone downhill with Bush and his antics. It will be an uphill battle for the next president no matter who she or he turns out to be.
Old 10-02-2007, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

"Apparently the folks interviewed weren't at the Fred Thompson rally a few weeks ago"

I was there and very disappointed. A week later went to the Mik Romney Rally. What a difference. Thompson's was very poorly run. He was speaking practically from the door of his bus, instead of going to the Gazebo where people could have seen him. I didn't get a good impression. I thought Romney did a good job with his rally.
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Old 10-02-2007, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

LG and Lil Dancer, Well said!
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Old 10-03-2007, 11:50 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Romney vs. Thompson....

I could support either one. Being from NH I have been a Romney watcher from "afar". He is an accomplished manager and businessman and comes across very well.

I think either one would do well by us.
Old 11-16-2007, 10:12 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

I saw this advertised on television.
Just in time for Christmas
Old 11-16-2007, 10:35 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs


Old 11-17-2007, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

If anyone will be the first woman prez, it will be her.

Sorry, my vote is for my man Joe (Joe Biden from Delaware) He is a real Up Stand guy.
He tells it like it is, but he'll never win. If you notice on the debates, they put the most popular candidates in the middle--Joe is way out on the end.

I don't think Hillary will do well with middle East leaders. They don't respect women.
Who better than Joe when it comes to foreign policy? Think about it!!!
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Old 11-17-2007, 01:02 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Originally Posted by Peggy D
If anyone will be the first woman prez, it will be her.

Sorry, my vote is for my man Joe (Joe Biden from Delaware) He is a real Up Stand guy.
He tells it like it is, but he'll never win. If you notice on the debates, they put the most popular candidates in the middle--Joe is way out on the end.

I don't think Hillary will do well with middle East leaders. They don't respect women.
Who better than Joe when it comes to foreign policy? Think about it!!!
This attitude towards women varies from country to country in the Middle East. Condi Rice seems to have the respect of some of these Middle Eastern leaders?
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