I am surprised

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Old 07-23-2010, 06:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default I don't believe the so called "happenings" were directed

but reported as having happened, therefore one of the conclusions COULD be as stated.

A big HOWEVER, to my knowledge, there wasn't and there isn't any directive like there is in some Muslim groups to "kill as many Americans as possible".

After the fact statistics can be used to justify almost any position. It is the intent that should be the driver of basis.

Old 07-23-2010, 08:27 AM
Posts: n/a

I agree with you billethkid except for the statement of the directive of some muslim groups to "kill as many Americans as possible".

The objective of some muslim groups, like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and others in these shiite sects, is to kill the non-muslim infidel regimes and apostates - not just Americans - in order to usher in the great battle of armageddon and the rule of allah.
Old 07-23-2010, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I believe both things I stated really happened. I also believe that in the short history of the United States that we are the most prolific killers in the world. I am not here to defend all the killings, just to demand our right to say we have killed more humans in the last several hundred years than anyone else. Go Christians. Were number one.
I take back saying your opinions are twisted because they are sick and very much so.

Read the Coran and the Bible and you will see where the problem lies which you seriously fail to see.

I am again wondering about you. Maybe you don't believe the crap you put out Maybe you are just a disturber.
Old 07-23-2010, 11:45 AM
Posts: n/a

If that is your attempt at humor, you have failed miserably. And on behalf of all my ancestors who have bravely died defending this great country.

Well, I served in the US Army for 22 years and spent my time in combat, I just did not die doing my part. Before you come down on the Muslims for killing Americans, remember our history. Christian nations are no less violent than any other religion. Christianity has a guy named Jesus Christ that popped up 2000 years ago and gave a Sermon O the Mount in hopes to start a better loving faith, but we took that ball and stayed in first place on the kill board. My point is we are no better and maybe worse than Radical Islam when it comes to killing. Lets get out of other peoples killing fields before we expect them to get out of ours. I would love to live with PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO MAN, but we need to look within as well as over the fence. If I was called on by my country, I would be in the middle east killing our enemy immediately.

Old 07-23-2010, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I don't appreciate the degradation of Christians this way. We are responsible for just as many killings as Muslims and we should get the credit for it. We may never be matched for our killing of women and children at Hiroshima Japan. Don't sit there and take away our wonderful killing accomplishments. Lots of Christians were involved in the annihilation of 6 Million Jews in Europe. 6 million, lets see the Muslims beat that. Know your history before you condemn us Christians for falling short in the Killing game.
Excuse my ignorance but could you tell me which Christians were involved with the killing of 6 million Jews? Just curious. Maybe I missed something.
Old 07-23-2010, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
Excuse my ignorance but could you tell me which Christians were involved with the killing of 6 million Jews? Just curious. Maybe I missed something.
Old 07-23-2010, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
The Holocaust that happened in Europe around the time of the Second World War. Germany was made up of the following religions during the war:

Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 3.7%, unaffiliated or other 28.3%
You still haven't told me which Christians did these things. Maybe it was the 28.3% unaffiliated or the "other"?

I have never met a Christian that would ever wantly kill another human being, except in war where it is kill or be killed against an armed enemy.
Old 07-23-2010, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
If that is your attempt at humor, you have failed miserably. And on behalf of all my ancestors who have bravely died defending this great country.

Well, I served in the US Army for 22 years and spent my time in combat, I just did not die doing my part. Before you come down on the Muslims for killing Americans, remember our history. Christian nations are no less violent than any other religion. Christianity has a guy named Jesus Christ that popped up 2000 years ago and gave a Sermon O the Mount in hopes to start a better loving faith, but we took that ball and stayed in first place on the kill board. My point is we are no better and maybe worse than Radical Islam when it comes to killing. Lets get out of other peoples killing fields before we expect them to get out of ours. I would love to live with PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO MAN, but we need to look within as well as over the fence. If I was called on by my country, I would be in the middle east killing our enemy immediately.

Could you please clarify your motives here ?

I dont know whether your intent is to defend the Muslim's who preach killing and then do kill in the most hideous and public ways....OR to criticize this country..you know the one that has been sucked into wars for the most part to save other people from dying.

Just need to know which way you are going with this !!!

I am reallyconfused...I watch the videos of the public beheading of people who are murdered because they are NOT MUSLIM or ARE AMERICAN.
Old 07-23-2010, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Could you please clarify your motives here ?

I don't know whether your intent is to defend the Muslim's who preach killing and then do kill in the most hideous and public ways....OR to criticize this country..you know the one that has been sucked into wars for the most part to save other people from dying.

Just need to know which way you are going with this !!!

I am reallyconfused...I watch the videos of the public beheading of people who are murdered because they are NOT MUSLIM or ARE AMERICAN.
Old 07-23-2010, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I love this country more than my life. I would destroy every enemy of the US without hesitation given the opportunity.

I am just saying that when it comes to killing Innocent civilians over the past 2000 years, Christians are in first place. Yes, Muslims seem to have more dedication to their cause than we do with their car booms and the like, and for that reason, we are very fortunate they do not have the weapons that we have or there would not be a Christian, Jew etc. left in the world. Muslims are raising money right here in the US for the purpose of helping them to finance our eventual death. Not to mention oil money and countries like IRAN. Because we are wealthy and far advanced in war fair, we have been able to kill in mass numbers over the past several hundred years helping to keep us safe. Yes the Muslims are on a path to kill us all and they will succeed if we do not get our head out of, well you get the idea. It sickens me to say and believe that but it is a fact. Americans have lost a lot of our tribal mentality that keeps us protected from the more homicidal members of the cave on the other side of the mountain. This is one area where Dick and George knew the real deal. Don't get me wrong, I still think Obama is the Man and he has my full support.
You were making real good sense until you wrote the last sentence.
Old 07-23-2010, 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I love this country more than my life. I would destroy every enemy of the US without hesitation given the opportunity.

I am just saying that when it comes to killing Innocent civilians over the past 2000 years, Christians are in first place. Yes, Muslims seem to have more dedication to their cause than we do with their car booms and the like, and for that reason, we are very fortunate they do not have the weapons that we have or there would not be a Christian, Jew etc. left in the world. Muslims are raising money right here in the US for the purpose of helping them to finance our eventual death. Not to mention oil money and countries like IRAN. Because we are wealthy and far advanced in war fair, we have been able to kill in mass numbers over the past several hundred years helping to keep us safe. Yes the Muslims are on a path to kill us all and they will succeed if we do not get our head out of, well you get the idea. It sickens me to say and believe that but it is a fact. Americans have lost a lot of our tribal mentality that keeps us protected from the more homicidal members of the cave on the other side of the mountain. This is one area where Dick and George knew the real deal. Don't get me wrong, I still think Obama is the Man and he has my full support.
I am sorry...I still dont get your point or why you would bring up such a thing.

And, please....work on your choice of heros...."Obama is the Man",,how you could forgive all the lying he has done...how you could overlook his past (as the press did)..how you could overlook his outward hypocritical actions is well beyond me. He lied to a lot of folks who believed in what he said...I was not one of them but know many.

You should read about his background...oh, and for such a young man he has a number of biographies....you should read them also since he is "the man"....when you do both (check into his real background and read the conficts in his TWO biographies) perhaps you will come to a far different conclusion. He has you conned totall....sweet talking con man. PLEASE PLEASE read about his background, his training and his associates !!!
Old 07-24-2010, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
I am sorry...I still dont get your point or why you would bring up such a thing.

And, please....work on your choice of heros...."Obama is the Man",,how you could forgive all the lying he has done...how you could overlook his past (as the press did)..how you could overlook his outward hypocritical actions is well beyond me. He lied to a lot of folks who believed in what he said...I was not one of them but know many. Politicians lying is the norm and Obama is less a hypocrite that so many others I let that go as status normal..

You should read about his background...oh, and for such a young man he has a number of biographies....you should read them also since he is "the man"....when you do both (check into his real background and read the conficts in his TWO biographies) perhaps you will come to a far different conclusion. He has you conned totall....sweet talking con man. PLEASE PLEASE read about his background, his training and his associates !!!
Again, they all have those issues.

Obama has done so many good things, I can overlook a few discrepancies in his colorful past. No pun intended.
You will see great things in the country with 18 months that will change your vote from GOP to DEM
Old 07-24-2010, 07:33 AM
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Default Again

Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I love this country more than my life. I would destroy every enemy of the US without hesitation given the opportunity.

I am just saying that when it comes to killing Innocent civilians over the past 2000 years, Christians are in first place. Yes, Muslims seem to have more dedication to their cause than we do with their car booms and the like, and for that reason, we are very fortunate they do not have the weapons that we have or there would not be a Christian, Jew etc. left in the world. Muslims are raising money right here in the US for the purpose of helping them to finance our eventual death. Not to mention oil money and countries like IRAN. Because we are wealthy and far advanced in war fair, we have been able to kill in mass numbers over the past several hundred years helping to keep us safe. Yes the Muslims are on a path to kill us all and they will succeed if we do not get our head out of, well you get the idea. It sickens me to say and believe that but it is a fact. Americans have lost a lot of our tribal mentality that keeps us protected from the more homicidal members of the cave on the other side of the mountain. This is one area where Dick and George knew the real deal. Don't get me wrong, I still think Obama is the Man and he has my full support.
When are you going to tell us why you support Obama and what he has done to help you and most Americans?

Do you have a special connection to the future that no one else has? Are you saying Because of your ability to see the future you are so much smarter than the rest of us? Or have you read all the thousands of pages in Obama's new laws and figured out that in 18 months we will all be better off? Do you mean you still are HOPIE AND CHANGIE ?
Old 07-24-2010, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
Again, they all have those issues.

Obama has done so many good things, I can overlook a few discrepancies in his colorful past. No pun intended.
You will see great things in the country with 18 months that will change your vote from GOP to DEM

1. PLEASE PLEASE tell me the great things he has done..PLEASE

2. I NEVER vote party thus your last statement is not applicable. A straight party vote is a wasted vote !

Old 07-24-2010, 07:43 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
Again, they all have those issues.

Obama has done so many good things, I can overlook a few discrepancies in his colorful past. No pun intended.
You will see great things in the country with 18 months that will change your vote from GOP to DEM
Yes, old wise one, tell us of all great deeds and accomplishments you see in your crystal ball that the Anointed One will perform to amaze and amuse us all.

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