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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Is the President going to get away with...
acting so very "bi partisan" in the last weeks ?
This WH and congress for one year were about the most partisan political administration we have seen in years, AND NOW...the President is speaking bipartisan talk (Probably suggested by those wonderful advisors..Axlerod and know those TRUE and solid bi partisan folks who serve as the main advisors to our President) ! Interesting read today in National Review on this subject... "Suddenly, bipartisanship is all the rage at the Obama White House. The president has announced that he will hold a bipartisan gathering on February 25 at Blair House, across the street from the White House, in an effort to get the health-care legislative effort out of the political ditch it is now in. Plans are also under way to stand up a bipartisan Debt Commission by executive order. The commission’s mandate would be to report back to the president and Congress on how to get the nation’s fiscal house in order — with a rather convenient reporting deadline of just after the November midterm elections. In the daily back-and-forth of political news coverage, it is easy to lose sight of what a stunning turnabout this renewed interest in bipartisanship represents for Barack Obama. For more than a year, his administration attempted to govern based on an entirely different approach. The Democrats in the White House and on Capitol Hill welcomed any Republican willing to jump aboard their legislative plans. But, as the president and his top advisers repeatedly said, they were going to move ahead with “their agenda” — with or without willing Republican participation." I recall this President as a candidate saying things...and in fact made a point of talking bipartisanship in his first ever news conference as President ! By the way, what ever happened to Presidential news conferences ? |
Is the President
It is very difficult to be bi-partisan when the opposition is the party of no. I find it very hard to believe that not one republican can vote for any of the programs set forth by Obama.NOT ONE. These clowns vote against programs then go back home and take the money and take credit for getting the money. They are determined to see Obama fail even if it means hurting this country. Again to my point:NOT ONE republican has voted for any of the legislation. Obama even went to see them 1 vs. 140 and made them look like what they are,spoiled brats. NOT ONE.
Thank God we have at least one party that says no. Not only should it be no, it should be HELL NO.
If the policy is crap you don't support it... PERIOD. The American people have said no and so have the Republicans. King Obama and his economic recking crew only have one definition of bipartisanship. Our way or the highway and that extends to the Republicans and the American people themselves. Don't believe me? Check back in November. |
American people?
On Thursday Republican obstructionist,Mitch McConnell successfully blocked a proposal to extend by ONE WEEK unemployement benefits that are due to expire Feb.28th. In the first week alone 1.2 million AMERICAN PEOPLE will be affected. Why would he do this? Pure political gain. Please don't give me that republicans are for the American people.
There is a bipartisan bill already submitted by a Republican and Democrat that would take all that into account and more for the American people by the 28th.
Harry Reid in his typical my way or the highway thuggery rejected it out of hand just like the people in his own state are rejecting him right now. You can spin it anyway you like but we'll see how the people feel about all this in November. |
USAToday?Gallop Poll 2/3rds of Americans say the President has made a sincere effort to work with republicans in Congress.
Republican whip Eric Cantor...the republican approach to the Obama agenda is "just say no". They will not support the president but more importantly"no,they will not present an alternative of their own". Republican senator Judd Gregg,"Republicans have no responsibility to offer plans of their own,but to instead criticize the Presidents". 5 Senate republicans co-sponsered an Obama proposal for a bi-partisan commision to balance the budget then voted lockstep with their peers to oppose it. NOT ONE VOTE,ever. Wow. |
Good, that should give the Democrats an easy win in November then.
hahaha I sprayed my cereal all over my screen with that one. Funny
Do you know what congressional leaders and the WH have done with any oppostion party proposals ? Have you been actually watching the maneuvers of congress and the WH ? |
yes,yes,yes....I have been watching my government(both parties)play foolish partisan games with my and your future. I do try to be independant in my politics but when I see people place the blame totally on one party or person I feel I must respond. Calling him King Obama is ignorant,it does nothing to solve thew problems. I will also respond to posts that are just not true. Opposition is fine but I wish it would be more constructive than obstructive. I did not make up those quotes in my earlier posts. There was a time when the majority party was allowed to govern. This does not seem to be the case anymore and I wonder why.
Having said that, this particular thread is about THIS CURRENT ADMINISTRATION AND CONGRESS, and is based on a campaign that promised much loftier ideas that what has been forthcoming. You have a congress totally and completely controlled by one party and they also have the WH. Did you think the so called "stimulus" bill was bi partisan in any way at all ? Did you think the backroom closed door deals made with the health bills were in anyway bi partisan ? You express concern about the future....add them up !!! You allude to "allow to govern"....I must ask you to please explain the meaning of what you mean ???? Are you suggesting that everyone should just stand aside and allow the Democratic party do whatever they want anytime they want with absoulutly no opposition ? |
Bucco,I'll give you one example. Senator Shelby of Alabama announced he would block 70 administration nominees. In the past senators have blocked individuals for a period of time but one senator blocking 70 is unheard of.He is using what is called the HOLDING TOOL. It is legal to do he's just the first to take it to this extreme. I will not go into the reasons for his actions,let me just say like all 100 of them he loves to pork barrell.
During the Bush presidency,3 of his nominations waited more than 3 months. For Obama that number is 46 and 9 more have waited twice that long. The scary part is that some of the blocked nominees are in our national security agencies. To me this is what I mean by allowing the majority to govern. When appointments are being held up for no reason other than to hold them up thats not the minority position. And I haven't even got to the fillibuster stuff yet. As for calling the repubs clowns if the shoe fits wear it. I just don't see calling Obama a king and then saying he is accomplishing nothing.Don't Kings have unlimited power? Shouldn't he be able to do anything he wants?Shouldn't he be able to get rid of Shelby and all opposition? |