Why I will NOT be vaccinated ( and maybe you shouldn't too)

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Old 02-17-2021, 09:26 AM
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Default Why I will NOT be vaccinated ( and maybe you shouldn't too)

Myself, my family, my neighbors, and millions of others have already had COVID and are actively (or sometimes called naturally) immune. A person who is now immune cannot get or give the disease. The COVID virus is NOT one of those diseases in which an immune person can be a carrier. Therefore we do not need to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Even if I did not previously have had COVID I would still refuse a vaccine for the reasons that follow.

Many people will argue that active or natural immunity is different from vaccinated immunity. Here is what the CDC says; “Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.”

The WHO (World Health Organization) had this to say. “Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease . Even people without symptoms develop an immune response.”

Who else should consider abstaining from the vaccination? “People with underlying health conditions that weaken their immune systems (such as cancer or HIV) or who have severe allergies to some vaccine components may not be able to get vaccinated.” - WHO

“Vaccines can cause anaphylaxis and other dangerous life-threatening side effects.” - NIH (National Institute of Health)

Example: “The United States stopped giving mandatory smallpox vaccinations 30 years ago. Some people die from it; and others have serious reactions, some permanent. Scientists say it's the most dangerous vaccine known to man.” - CBS News, 60 Minutes

These new COVID vaccines containing genetic instructions were rushed into use with extremely short trial periods. According to the IFPMA, the development of novel vaccines is a long endeavor. “It takes usually between 10 to 15 years to develop a novel vaccine, as well as establishing its quality, safety and efficacy.” states the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.

The NIH, CDC, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD) combined to find the vaccine and dubbed the project OWS which stands for “Operation Warp Speed”. - Source/NIH’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

So bear in mind when you are being told that this vaccine is safe that this is the same government whose EPA said the air quality at the 9/11 site was safe for the cleanup workers, the DoD who had no qualms conducting LSD experiments on unsuspecting soldiers and said there was no cancer link to Agent Orange, and for-profit drug companies who market drugs in third world countries even though the same drugs have been banned in the U.S. and Europe due to harmful side effects. From 08/30/2017 to 02/03/2021 327 drugs previously approved by the FDA as safe & effective were recalled. This information was obtained from the FDA’s official website.

My final concern is that the COVID vaccines utilize genetic engineering. Messenger RNA vaccines (mRNA) vaccines have strands of genetic material called mRNA - source/CDC

I am NOT an “anti-vaxxer” nor a conspiracy theorist. I have had the DPT, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, HBV, and the zoster vaccine. I am susceptible and was routinely exposed to these diseases at my workplace. These vaccines have a proven record and were not rushed into production.

For those who have NOT already had a positive COVID test, I would carefully weigh the pros & cons of a new, relatively untested vaccine developed at “warp speed” (their words not mine) that uses genetic engineering against a virus that is just a nuisance for most people. Before you jump on me for stating it is “just a nuisance for most people” here is another direct quote from the WHO; “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.” COVID is not on a plane with Ebola, the Plague, Cholera, Malaria, or Yellow Fever. Not even close!

Unfortunately I have found that logical arguments backed by proven science (not “may happen” or “might not be”) fall on deaf ears. It is similar to having an argument over religion. The true believers have blind faith and no person will ever sway their belief no matter how sound the opposing view.

My previously published views on COVID have stirred such animosity that people have gone so far as to wish me “homeless” and that my children “die of cancer”. I have also been called a “quack”, a “know-it-all”, “part of the problem”, a “disgrace”, “brainwashed by Tr_ _p” (of course) and the list goes on and on.

I refuse to be bullied into silence when I see so many people who have been paralyzed with irrational fear and making decisions about their health based on largely one-sided views without fully examining all sides of the issue. Human beings are capable of independent thought and reason. We are not sheep or lemmings.

I am a retired RN, EMT-Paramedic with an ASN degree graduating summa cum laude, a member of 2 national honor societies, with past American Heart Association certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. I also am a certified coroner after receiving my training at the Pennsylvania State Police Academy and served as the Chief Deputy Coroner for a county in Pennsylvania. I worked during the onset of AIDS/HIV, H1N1, MRSA & Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) and never have I seen such a level of misinformation and a bombardment of articles that focus on rare atypical cases and the hypothetical.

I only include this professional background information to distinguish myself from authors with absolutely no background in healthcare whatsoever and who state unproven theories often with no scientific support. I do not claim to be an expert, just experienced. As the actor Walter Brennan was often quoted from an old television show, The Guns of Will Sonnett; “No brag, just fact".

- David H. Dallas, RN-ASN, EMT-P, retired
Old 02-17-2021, 09:37 AM
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WOW - well the entire medical community and the CDC disagree.

If I have already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes. Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that re-infection with COVID-19 is possible, vaccine should be offered to you regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 infection. CDC is providing recommendations to federal, state, and local governments about who should be vaccinated first.

At this time, experts do not know how long someone is protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. The immunity someone gains from having an infection, called natural immunity, varies from person to person. Some early evidence suggests natural immunity may not last very long.

We won’t know how long immunity produced by vaccination lasts until we have more data on how well the vaccines work.

Both natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity are important aspects of COVID-19 that experts are trying to learn more about, and CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.

Will a COVID-19 vaccination protect me from getting sick with COVID-19?

Yes. COVID-19 vaccination works by teaching your immune system how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19, and this protects you from getting sick with COVID-19.

Being protected from getting sick is important because even though many people with COVID-19 have only a mild illness, others may get a severe illness, have long-term health effects, or even die. There is no way to know how COVID-19 will affect you, even if you don’t have an increased risk of developing severe complications. Learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work.

Will a COVID-19 vaccine alter my DNA?

No. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

Messenger RNA vaccines—also called mRNA vaccines—are the first COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States. mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response. The mRNA from a COVID-19 vaccine never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA is kept. This means the mRNA cannot affect or interact with our DNA in any way. Instead, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease. Learn more about how COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work. ​

At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection. That immune response and making antibodies is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.

source: Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC
Old 02-17-2021, 10:28 AM
bilcon bilcon is offline
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Default Covid Vaccine

Originally Posted by dhdallas View Post
Myself, my family, my neighbors, and millions of others have already had COVID and are actively (or sometimes called naturally) immune. A person who is now immune cannot get or give the disease. The COVID virus is NOT one of those diseases in which an immune person can be a carrier. Therefore we do not need to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Even if I did not previously have had COVID I would still refuse a vaccine for the reasons that follow.

Many people will argue that active or natural immunity is different from vaccinated immunity. Here is what the CDC says; “Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.”

The WHO (World Health Organization) had this to say. “Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease . Even people without symptoms develop an immune response.”

Who else should consider abstaining from the vaccination? “People with underlying health conditions that weaken their immune systems (such as cancer or HIV) or who have severe allergies to some vaccine components may not be able to get vaccinated.” - WHO

“Vaccines can cause anaphylaxis and other dangerous life-threatening side effects.” - NIH (National Institute of Health)

Example: “The United States stopped giving mandatory smallpox vaccinations 30 years ago. Some people die from it; and others have serious reactions, some permanent. Scientists say it's the most dangerous vaccine known to man.” - CBS News, 60 Minutes

These new COVID vaccines containing genetic instructions were rushed into use with extremely short trial periods. According to the IFPMA, the development of novel vaccines is a long endeavor. “It takes usually between 10 to 15 years to develop a novel vaccine, as well as establishing its quality, safety and efficacy.” states the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.

The NIH, CDC, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD) combined to find the vaccine and dubbed the project OWS which stands for “Operation Warp Speed”. - Source/NIH’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

So bear in mind when you are being told that this vaccine is safe that this is the same government whose EPA said the air quality at the 9/11 site was safe for the cleanup workers, the DoD who had no qualms conducting LSD experiments on unsuspecting soldiers and said there was no cancer link to Agent Orange, and for-profit drug companies who market drugs in third world countries even though the same drugs have been banned in the U.S. and Europe due to harmful side effects. From 08/30/2017 to 02/03/2021 327 drugs previously approved by the FDA as safe & effective were recalled. This information was obtained from the FDA’s official website.

My final concern is that the COVID vaccines utilize genetic engineering. Messenger RNA vaccines (mRNA) vaccines have strands of genetic material called mRNA - source/CDC

I am NOT an “anti-vaxxer” nor a conspiracy theorist. I have had the DPT, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, HBV, and the zoster vaccine. I am susceptible and was routinely exposed to these diseases at my workplace. These vaccines have a proven record and were not rushed into production.

For those who have NOT already had a positive COVID test, I would carefully weigh the pros & cons of a new, relatively untested vaccine developed at “warp speed” (their words not mine) that uses genetic engineering against a virus that is just a nuisance for most people. Before you jump on me for stating it is “just a nuisance for most people” here is another direct quote from the WHO; “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.” COVID is not on a plane with Ebola, the Plague, Cholera, Malaria, or Yellow Fever. Not even close!

Unfortunately I have found that logical arguments backed by proven science (not “may happen” or “might not be”) fall on deaf ears. It is similar to having an argument over religion. The true believers have blind faith and no person will ever sway their belief no matter how sound the opposing view.

My previously published views on COVID have stirred such animosity that people have gone so far as to wish me “homeless” and that my children “die of cancer”. I have also been called a “quack”, a “know-it-all”, “part of the problem”, a “disgrace”, “brainwashed by Tr_ _p” (of course) and the list goes on and on.

I refuse to be bullied into silence when I see so many people who have been paralyzed with irrational fear and making decisions about their health based on largely one-sided views without fully examining all sides of the issue. Human beings are capable of independent thought and reason. We are not sheep or lemmings.

I am a retired RN, EMT-Paramedic with an ASN degree graduating summa cum laude, a member of 2 national honor societies, with past American Heart Association certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. I also am a certified coroner after receiving my training at the Pennsylvania State Police Academy and served as the Chief Deputy Coroner for a county in Pennsylvania. I worked during the onset of AIDS/HIV, H1N1, MRSA & Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) and never have I seen such a level of misinformation and a bombardment of articles that focus on rare atypical cases and the hypothetical.

I only include this professional background information to distinguish myself from authors with absolutely no background in healthcare whatsoever and who state unproven theories often with no scientific support. I do not claim to be an expert, just experienced. As the actor Walter Brennan was often quoted from an old television show, The Guns of Will Sonnett; “No brag, just fact".

- David H. Dallas, RN-ASN, EMT-P, retired
I read your report and found it very interesting. My wife and I are both in our 80's and I have heart problems. While up in NY for Christmas I had my second test (first negative) and when I arrived back in Florida, I found the test results said I tested positive. I had no symptoms except for a cough, which I always get when I go north in the winter. I had no headache, no fever, no shortness of breath. For the next week or two I just felt tired and had no energy. My wife got Covid from me, and she had a fever for 1 day and also felt tired for a week or two. We are both fine now and have had no lingering symptoms. We are very Leary of getting the vaccine. Thank you for your report.
Old 02-17-2021, 10:32 AM
Justus Justus is offline
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Originally Posted by dhdallas View Post
Myself, my family, my neighbors, and millions of others have already had COVID and are actively (or sometimes called naturally) immune. A person who is now immune cannot get or give the disease. The COVID virus is NOT one of those diseases in which an immune person can be a carrier. Therefore we do not need to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Even if I did not previously have had COVID I would still refuse a vaccine for the reasons that follow.

Many people will argue that active or natural immunity is different from vaccinated immunity. Here is what the CDC says; “Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.”

The WHO (World Health Organization) had this to say. “Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease . Even people without symptoms develop an immune response.”

Who else should consider abstaining from the vaccination? “People with underlying health conditions that weaken their immune systems (such as cancer or HIV) or who have severe allergies to some vaccine components may not be able to get vaccinated.” - WHO

“Vaccines can cause anaphylaxis and other dangerous life-threatening side effects.” - NIH (National Institute of Health)

Example: “The United States stopped giving mandatory smallpox vaccinations 30 years ago. Some people die from it; and others have serious reactions, some permanent. Scientists say it's the most dangerous vaccine known to man.” - CBS News, 60 Minutes

These new COVID vaccines containing genetic instructions were rushed into use with extremely short trial periods. According to the IFPMA, the development of novel vaccines is a long endeavor. “It takes usually between 10 to 15 years to develop a novel vaccine, as well as establishing its quality, safety and efficacy.” states the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.

The NIH, CDC, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD) combined to find the vaccine and dubbed the project OWS which stands for “Operation Warp Speed”. - Source/NIH’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

So bear in mind when you are being told that this vaccine is safe that this is the same government whose EPA said the air quality at the 9/11 site was safe for the cleanup workers, the DoD who had no qualms conducting LSD experiments on unsuspecting soldiers and said there was no cancer link to Agent Orange, and for-profit drug companies who market drugs in third world countries even though the same drugs have been banned in the U.S. and Europe due to harmful side effects. From 08/30/2017 to 02/03/2021 327 drugs previously approved by the FDA as safe & effective were recalled. This information was obtained from the FDA’s official website.

My final concern is that the COVID vaccines utilize genetic engineering. Messenger RNA vaccines (mRNA) vaccines have strands of genetic material called mRNA - source/CDC

I am NOT an “anti-vaxxer” nor a conspiracy theorist. I have had the DPT, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, HBV, and the zoster vaccine. I am susceptible and was routinely exposed to these diseases at my workplace. These vaccines have a proven record and were not rushed into production.

For those who have NOT already had a positive COVID test, I would carefully weigh the pros & cons of a new, relatively untested vaccine developed at “warp speed” (their words not mine) that uses genetic engineering against a virus that is just a nuisance for most people. Before you jump on me for stating it is “just a nuisance for most people” here is another direct quote from the WHO; “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.” COVID is not on a plane with Ebola, the Plague, Cholera, Malaria, or Yellow Fever. Not even close!

Unfortunately I have found that logical arguments backed by proven science (not “may happen” or “might not be”) fall on deaf ears. It is similar to having an argument over religion. The true believers have blind faith and no person will ever sway their belief no matter how sound the opposing view.

My previously published views on COVID have stirred such animosity that people have gone so far as to wish me “homeless” and that my children “die of cancer”. I have also been called a “quack”, a “know-it-all”, “part of the problem”, a “disgrace”, “brainwashed by Tr_ _p” (of course) and the list goes on and on.

I refuse to be bullied into silence when I see so many people who have been paralyzed with irrational fear and making decisions about their health based on largely one-sided views without fully examining all sides of the issue. Human beings are capable of independent thought and reason. We are not sheep or lemmings.

I am a retired RN, EMT-Paramedic with an ASN degree graduating summa cum laude, a member of 2 national honor societies, with past American Heart Association certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. I also am a certified coroner after receiving my training at the Pennsylvania State Police Academy and served as the Chief Deputy Coroner for a county in Pennsylvania. I worked during the onset of AIDS/HIV, H1N1, MRSA & Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) and never have I seen such a level of misinformation and a bombardment of articles that focus on rare atypical cases and the hypothetical.

I only include this professional background information to distinguish myself from authors with absolutely no background in healthcare whatsoever and who state unproven theories often with no scientific support. I do not claim to be an expert, just experienced. As the actor Walter Brennan was often quoted from an old television show, The Guns of Will Sonnett; “No brag, just fact".

- David H. Dallas, RN-ASN, EMT-P, retired
I, as well as my husband, a PHD in physiology and biophysics, happen to agree with you, and your previous posts, 100%. Thousands of physicians across the globe do, as well. You are experiencing the result of a dissenting voice among a groupthinkers. The only ammunition they have is ad hominem attacks, as the authors of the Great Barrington Project and their colleagues have. Thank you for your courage in speaking your mind.
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Old 02-17-2021, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Justus View Post
I, as well as my husband, a PHD in physiology and biophysics, happen to agree with you, and your previous posts, 100%. Thousands of physicians across the globe do, as well. You are experiencing the result of a dissenting voice among a groupthinkers. The only ammunition they have is ad hominem attacks, as the authors of the Great Barrington Project and their colleagues have. Thank you for your courage in speaking your mind.
And I, as a high school graduate, say WHAT?
Old 02-17-2021, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by dhdallas View Post
Myself, my family, my neighbors, and millions of others have already had COVID and are actively (or sometimes called naturally) immune. A person who is now immune cannot get or give the disease. The COVID virus is NOT one of those diseases in which an immune person can be a carrier. Therefore we do not need to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Even if I did not previously have had COVID I would still refuse a vaccine for the reasons that follow.

Many people will argue that active or natural immunity is different from vaccinated immunity. Here is what the CDC says; “Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.”

The WHO (World Health Organization) had this to say. “Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease . Even people without symptoms develop an immune response.”

Who else should consider abstaining from the vaccination? “People with underlying health conditions that weaken their immune systems (such as cancer or HIV) or who have severe allergies to some vaccine components may not be able to get vaccinated.” - WHO

“Vaccines can cause anaphylaxis and other dangerous life-threatening side effects.” - NIH (National Institute of Health)

Example: “The United States stopped giving mandatory smallpox vaccinations 30 years ago. Some people die from it; and others have serious reactions, some permanent. Scientists say it's the most dangerous vaccine known to man.” - CBS News, 60 Minutes

These new COVID vaccines containing genetic instructions were rushed into use with extremely short trial periods. According to the IFPMA, the development of novel vaccines is a long endeavor. “It takes usually between 10 to 15 years to develop a novel vaccine, as well as establishing its quality, safety and efficacy.” states the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.

The NIH, CDC, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD) combined to find the vaccine and dubbed the project OWS which stands for “Operation Warp Speed”. - Source/NIH’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

So bear in mind when you are being told that this vaccine is safe that this is the same government whose EPA said the air quality at the 9/11 site was safe for the cleanup workers, the DoD who had no qualms conducting LSD experiments on unsuspecting soldiers and said there was no cancer link to Agent Orange, and for-profit drug companies who market drugs in third world countries even though the same drugs have been banned in the U.S. and Europe due to harmful side effects. From 08/30/2017 to 02/03/2021 327 drugs previously approved by the FDA as safe & effective were recalled. This information was obtained from the FDA’s official website.

My final concern is that the COVID vaccines utilize genetic engineering. Messenger RNA vaccines (mRNA) vaccines have strands of genetic material called mRNA - source/CDC

I am NOT an “anti-vaxxer” nor a conspiracy theorist. I have had the DPT, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, HBV, and the zoster vaccine. I am susceptible and was routinely exposed to these diseases at my workplace. These vaccines have a proven record and were not rushed into production.

For those who have NOT already had a positive COVID test, I would carefully weigh the pros & cons of a new, relatively untested vaccine developed at “warp speed” (their words not mine) that uses genetic engineering against a virus that is just a nuisance for most people. Before you jump on me for stating it is “just a nuisance for most people” here is another direct quote from the WHO; “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.” COVID is not on a plane with Ebola, the Plague, Cholera, Malaria, or Yellow Fever. Not even close!

Unfortunately I have found that logical arguments backed by proven science (not “may happen” or “might not be”) fall on deaf ears. It is similar to having an argument over religion. The true believers have blind faith and no person will ever sway their belief no matter how sound the opposing view.

My previously published views on COVID have stirred such animosity that people have gone so far as to wish me “homeless” and that my children “die of cancer”. I have also been called a “quack”, a “know-it-all”, “part of the problem”, a “disgrace”, “brainwashed by Tr_ _p” (of course) and the list goes on and on.

I refuse to be bullied into silence when I see so many people who have been paralyzed with irrational fear and making decisions about their health based on largely one-sided views without fully examining all sides of the issue. Human beings are capable of independent thought and reason. We are not sheep or lemmings.

I am a retired RN, EMT-Paramedic with an ASN degree graduating summa cum laude, a member of 2 national honor societies, with past American Heart Association certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. I also am a certified coroner after receiving my training at the Pennsylvania State Police Academy and served as the Chief Deputy Coroner for a county in Pennsylvania. I worked during the onset of AIDS/HIV, H1N1, MRSA & Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) and never have I seen such a level of misinformation and a bombardment of articles that focus on rare atypical cases and the hypothetical.

I only include this professional background information to distinguish myself from authors with absolutely no background in healthcare whatsoever and who state unproven theories often with no scientific support. I do not claim to be an expert, just experienced. As the actor Walter Brennan was often quoted from an old television show, The Guns of Will Sonnett; “No brag, just fact".

- David H. Dallas, RN-ASN, EMT-P, retired
I have NO background in healthcare. I am skeptical about some of your assumed facts. In the first sentence you say; "Myself, my family, my neighbors, and millions of others have already had COVID and are actively (or sometimes called naturally) immune. "

Your neighbors??? We live in an enclosed village of 54 homes that communicate well and only one couple has had Covid-19 in the year since we became aware of it. There is a lot of communication among friends on Facebook about Covid etc. here in The Villages and I am not aware of a LOT of people anywhere here having Covid, enough to say that we could count on a general group being immune.

I could and can debate and refute several of your other statements...and agree with the fact that some people react to things like a vaccine that had an element that they are extremely allergic to, such as eggs. Most mothers know about anaphylactic shock, and allergic reactions that cause some of us to carry an Epi-pen. ( a shot of epinephrine that people use as a first reaction to a severe allergy. I have not heard of any deaths from the vaccine at all in the last four weeks with over a million people vaccinated in Florida.

I will not try further to change your mind. I think you are afraid.
It is better to laugh than to cry.

Last edited by graciegirl; 02-17-2021 at 11:23 AM.
Old 02-17-2021, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Justus View Post
I, as well as my husband, a PHD in physiology and biophysics, happen to agree with you, and your previous posts, 100%. Thousands of physicians across the globe do, as well. You are experiencing the result of a dissenting voice among a groupthinkers. The only ammunition they have is ad hominem attacks, as the authors of the Great Barrington Project and their colleagues have. Thank you for your courage in speaking your mind.
Here is one of your previous posts on the subject;


Fauci is one voice. The voices of thousands upon thousands of doctors and medical researchers across the world vehemently disagree with him. They have been silenced and discredited by the media and others who share a common agenda. Never in the history of pandemics has there been such a usurpation of personal freedoms. Never in the history of the world has a child been born to a world of faceless automatons. Never have so many had to die of any cause, absent of the comfort of loved ones.
Old Yeller

Can you link me to Five doctors? I require they are employed or associated with one of the top ten teaching hospitals so honored by Time Magazine every year.

Can you link me to five researchers? I require that they are part of a learning association that is linked to one of the five top Hospitals in the U.S. like Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic etc?

Sometimes when a horrible disease threatens the lives of people across the entire planet we have to change the way we do things.

Some people are not open to being told what to do under any circumstances.
It is better to laugh than to cry.

Last edited by graciegirl; 02-17-2021 at 11:24 AM.
Old 02-17-2021, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by dhdallas View Post

- David H. Dallas, RN-ASN, EMT-P, retired

Nice job plucking statements from sources that allegedly prove your point. Where has it been scientifically proven that overcoming Covid-19 (OR EVEN GETTING THE VACCINE) gives you lifetime immunity or even immunity for a year? That fact you WERE a REGISTERED NURSE and an EMT does not give you the right to tell OTHER PEOPLE not to get vaccinated. Your bonifides don't classify you as a scientist, immunologist or even a doctor. I'm glad you don't "CLAIM" to be an expert but your statement tries to make you look like one and could affect the lives of others. You are entitled to sn opinion but please state it JUST YOUR OPINION.
Old 02-17-2021, 11:18 AM
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I for one will disagree with you. As a person with incurable cancer I put my life in my doctors hands everyday. When he called and told me that he and his staff had approved to have stem cell transplant patients to get the vaccine I said ok. The decision was taken out of my hands. Add in that it is said that having Covid does not guarantee one of not getting it again seems to be opposite of your thoughts. In addition, masks are required in many places and until 80% of the population is vaccinated masks will be required so not sure why you feel you don’t need to be part of the solution.

As for your background, I have much experience myself as I am married to a wonderful nurse and know many others including my sister. The great nurses roll up their sleeves and do the work needed. The others keep getting educated to avoid the hard work and preach their opinions on everyone trying to scare people or cause issues such as “the sky is falling” to quote a wonderful story.
Old 02-17-2021, 11:21 AM
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Default You're Kool Aid is waiting

Originally Posted by EdFNJ View Post
Nice job plucking statements from sources that allegedly prove your point. Where has it been scientifically proven that overcoming Covid-19 (OR EVEN GETTING THE VACCINE) gives you lifetime immunity or even immunity for a year? That fact you WERE a REGISTERED NURSE and an EMT does not give you the right to tell OTHER PEOPLE not to get vaccinated. Your bonifides don't classify you as a scientist, immunologist or even a doctor. I'm glad you don't "CLAIM" to be an expert but your statement tries to make you look like one and could affect the lives of others. You are entitled to sn opinion but please state it JUST YOUR OPINION.
Nowhere in his report does he say "Don't get this vaccination" or did I miss that. To me. IN MY OPINION, you believe everything the media tells you without doing the research that this person and another medically qualified person have stated on TOTV. Like I tell all my students "opinions can never be wrong" (think about that). It's merely your opinion. Your Kool Aid is getting warm
Old 02-17-2021, 11:23 AM
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As of this morning I truly believe this is still a free country, that I fought for. Those who choose to get the vaccine, it is your choice. Unless your immediate family, friends, news, print, or net, made that decision for you.

The OP didn’t mention the drug used in the 50s to keep pregnant women from miscarriage. DES was widely used, with little study, or actual proof, if it actually worked.

While the drug didn’t seem to have an adverse to patient. The children born, were diagnosed with multiple types of cancer. Of course it took up to 18 years for cancer to show up and be diagnosed.

Agent Orange, took close to 40 years, before there was a connection.

To those who deemed the OP AFRAID, I find any human who researches, considers the pro and cons, and make their own personal choices, should not be bullied into changing their thoughts. Their body, their life.

Many healthcare workers that I have been involved with over the last 50 years, are taking a step back, and not being vaccinated at this time. Some will say healthcare workers should be forced to be vaccinated. But those in childbearing years, pregnant, or immune compromised, who have worked through this, and are still standing without the vaccine, I applaud them for making their own choices. I won’t want them to find out 30-40 years later, possible complications, like DES, or Agent Orange. Most on this site would never live long enough if there were issues.

Imposing your beliefs, or thoughts, or actions, onto someone, is removing their freedom of living in this country. Even if you think you are right, and they are wrong.
Old 02-17-2021, 11:26 AM
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All the research I have read, says those who have had Covid-19, their natural immunity starts to deplete after 3-6 months.
I have never seen a report that states it is a life time immunity.
So for better or worse, and I hope better, my wife and I have willingly taken the Vaccine.
Pretty sure vaccination will be an ongoing thing when they finally find how long the actual vaccine gives immunity for, plus upgrades, as more variants are found.

Last edited by Two Bills; 02-17-2021 at 11:35 AM.
Old 02-17-2021, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by thelegges View Post
As of this morning I truly believe this is still a free country, that I fought for. Those who choose to get the vaccine, it is your choice. Unless your immediate family, friends, news, print, or net, made that decision for you.

The OP didn’t mention the drug used in the 50s to keep pregnant women from miscarriage. DES was widely used, with little study, or actual proof, if it actually worked.

While the drug didn’t seem to have an adverse to patient. The children born, were diagnosed with multiple types of cancer. Of course it took up to 18 years for cancer to show up and be diagnosed.

Agent Orange, took close to 40 years, before there was a connection.

To those who deemed the OP AFRAID, I find any human who researches, considers the pro and cons, and make their own personal choices, should not be bullied into changing their thoughts. Their body, their life.

Many healthcare workers that I have been involved with over the last 50 years, are taking a step back, and not being vaccinated at this time. Some will say healthcare workers should be forced to be vaccinated. But those in childbearing years, pregnant, or immune compromised, who have worked through this, and are still standing without the vaccine, I applaud them for making their own choices. I won’t want them to find out 30-40 years later, possible complications, like DES, or Agent Orange. Most on this site would never live long enough if there were issues.

Imposing your beliefs, or thoughts, or actions, onto someone, is removing their freedom of living in this country. Even if you think you are right, and they are wrong.
Saying people are afraid is not bullying at all. It is identifying an emotion. It is very possible that if we waited long enough for some to be satisfied that there will be no residual effects, no birth defects etc, that this damn virus will continue mutating until just the grass and trees and a few horses and cardinals are left on this planet.

I don't really want control of this person Justus. I want to debate and discuss her views. I am delighted that almost 90% of American's polled intend to be vaccinated against this virus.

The vaccine could start making us drop like flies in a year or two and not doing anything has already made us start dropping like flies.
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Old 02-17-2021, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Here is one of your previous posts on the subject;


Fauci is one voice. The voices of thousands upon thousands of doctors and medical researchers across the world vehemently disagree with him. They have been silenced and discredited by the media and others who share a common agenda. Never in the history of pandemics has there been such a usurpation of personal freedoms. Never in the history of the world has a child been born to a world of faceless automatons. Never have so many had to die of any cause, absent of the comfort of loved ones.
Old Yeller

Can you link me to Five doctors? I require they are employed or associated with one of the top ten teaching hospitals so honored by Time Magazine every year.

Can you link me to five researchers? I require that they are part of a learning association that is linked to one of the five top Hospitals in the U.S. like Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic etc?

Sometimes when a horrible disease threatens the lives of people across the entire planet we have to change the way we do things.

Some people are not open to being told what to do under any circumstances.
You might find what you're looking for by researching The Great Barrington Project, performed and published in MA. Also, Dr. Lee Merritt, an eminent physician, is among other physicians who have publicly disagreed. They're out there, but you don't find them in the mainstream media.
Love the USA!
Old 02-17-2021, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Here is one of your previous posts on the subject;


Fauci is one voice. The voices of thousands upon thousands of doctors and medical researchers across the world vehemently disagree with him. They have been silenced and discredited by the media and others who share a common agenda. Never in the history of pandemics has there been such a usurpation of personal freedoms. Never in the history of the world has a child been born to a world of faceless automatons. Never have so many had to die of any cause, absent of the comfort of loved ones.
Old Yeller

Can you link me to Five doctors? I require they are employed or associated with one of the top ten teaching hospitals so honored by Time Magazine every year.

Can you link me to five researchers? I require that they are part of a learning association that is linked to one of the five top Hospitals in the U.S. like Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic etc?

Sometimes when a horrible disease threatens the lives of people across the entire planet we have to change the way we do things.

Some people are not open to being told what to do under any circumstances.
As a poster who mostly disagrees with you on most things, I do agree that these posts WITHOUT credits or any semblance of "backup", except for their presumed lofty status are very questionable.

Asking for what you did is correct, and I am betting you either hear nothing or one of the "internet sites" copy and pasted here.

First, it is a personal decision whether to get the shot or not.....secondly, in our country we are now polarizing almost everything..

I will wait for their response, which as I said will either be "crickets" or a youtube video or the like.
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